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*~ The Will of the Thill ~*

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* the sigil of the Elervathars *


Between myself, Iatrilemar Elervathar, and my daughter, Iaria Elervathar, we have led our people for centuries. Always striving to create beauty and instill courage in our fellow Mali’aheral. Yet it was also I who penned my name against Elesia Elervathar’s constitution out of neutrality. For even those of established lineage must give way to the will of the people.


It has never been by a tyrant’s hand that the will of silver has been nurtured but it is by that same hand that a blessed city is tainted. Ivarielle Ibarellan has identified herself as Uthir and seeks to bleed the city of its mortality so that Snow Elves may rise. So they may burn it to the ground. To end the teachings of Larihei once and for all.


Ivarielle Ibarellan has allowed the blood of those she calls kin to soak the stones of the square. She has refused to participate in a Malaurian-led debate for Sohaer. She has refused to acknowledge the will of the people and their sovereign right to vote and to publicly forum. She has taken advantage of a teachable moment towards my granddaughter and used it to spark genocide. 


In Haelun’or it has always been the will of those blessed elves that truly lead the way. It is by the will of the public that our traditions of silver continue on. Posting a plagiarized constitution alone does not grant power. Elesia learned this. So too shall Ivarielle. The government of Haelun’or does not own the children of silver. It is quite the opposite. For if the citizens do not recognize the council then the council does not exist. For she belongs to them and for only them does she stand.


For the transgressions of kinslaying, inciting genocide, denying debate, denying the right to vote, denying the right to elect, illegally acquiring the position of Uthir, illegally instating a false constitution, and for aiding enemies in their endless pillaging, Ivarielle and the Ibarellan bloodline are hereby considered tainted. Impure. Unwelcome in the land of silver until a trial of purity may be held. If one does not walk the path of purity never again shall she or her kin be looked upon by the grace of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. 


Now in this most delicate time we look to the traditions of our people, to the three thousand elven seeds spent celebrating our motherland, and to the will of the public. Who do they want to lead? What will bring them progress and health?


There is no rebellion. Only a Sohaer voted in by the public and the mali’ata who find it is their time to leave.




Iatrilemar Elervathar 

Ariana Elervathar 

Iaria Elervathar

Illaeriana Elervathar

Irilen Elervathar

Elesia Elervathar

Dimaethor Elervathar


*Below are lines and spaces for others to sign, should they wish to.*



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"Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya."  mused Kolvar Uradir as he added his signature below the Malauriran

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Curunir Maeyr'onn penned his signature below, nodding conclusively and in agreement with the now public missive.

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"Blessed is the will of Malauriran!" - a bird with the letter of support flew to the Silver City, bearing the signature of Idendril Elassidil.

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"Blessed are the wills of elMalauriran." A Republic, proud 'thill stated his support in regards to the missive.

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"Set your course by the stars, and not by the lights of every passing ship." A young Miravaris mused as he rummaged through his satchel for his silver quill, idly beginning to scribble his own name below the missive. "Elmalauriran are eternal. Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya!"

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“I see, even the ancient ones are growing tired” The An’asul remarked, incinerating all the filth that was left of the false constitution. Signing the document afterwards, the elfess smiling. 

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Signatures rolled in ink then onto the paper is signed with the name of those patriots, having displayed of his many rights and privileges; Earned and bled for. This brings a proud twinkle to the eye of a blessed citizen!




"Ay'Larihei, The most Blessed of us"

Edited by SteppeNomad
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"The most accursed of them all." Sighed Valindra, cleaning off her thanhic blade and giving it a twirl betwixt her lithe digits. "Time to wipe out a second Haelun'orian bloodline."

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ChildTea does not see the missive, being elsewhere - though if he had, he'd comment on the farcical nature of Ivarielle's refusal to accept defeat.

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Maenor would add his signature to the document also, uncertain whether only the Talonnii were supposed to, but in the end decided to just do it, never being one to miss an opportunity of reminding Ivarielle just how unpopular and unwelcome she really was.

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Ikur Sullas adds his most incredible name alongside a delightful smiley-face-flourish. A marked improvement to an already spectacular document.

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"Strange, I have yet to hear any of these names or see these supposed 'thill walking the streets- save for Dimaethor one time." Remarks a high elven male, rubbing his chin in deep thought before running a hand through his white hair. "Strange indeed. Perhaps they hide away and bicker  by sending pieces of paper from where they hide to say what they fear could be argued against..." He'd hum out as he swept the street for Ayliana, deep in his own thoughts. @Kiiwi

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Anara Elervathar adjusts her monocle, her expression brightening with a tender smile as she read through the missive. The young elfess quickly added her signature to the bottom of the document in practiced calligraphy, reciting a simple adherence, "Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya"

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Illaeriana scratches the side of her head, yawning a little as she was woken up rather suddenly from her long nap. "Huh? Oh, yes. Mhm. Very true, maln, very true." 

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