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Issued by the


On this 17th day of Vzmey ag Hyff of 419 ES





We find ourselves in the midst of the greatest war in generations. In times such as these, we must stand united against the aggression of the belligerent “Emperor,” to the south. While I, the Baron of Rostig, have personally not sought to involve the neutral peers of the Dual-Kingdom, it would seem my Waldenian counterparts do not share my fear of division. 


To my dismay, I have been informed of the existence of a most foul document by one of its signatories. It would seem the House of Barclay, so threatened by the children of Ruther, have seen fit to rally the families of this realm to decry my insults against them. While this of course is not equivalent to a political union, it remains divisive. It involves those with no stake in this feud. It further draws the attention of this Kingdom away from the war we fight, away from what is truly of importance. 


Why is it that the Lord Marshal of this realm seems eager to foment hatred between the men he is to lead into battle? Does this not seem unbefitting of your position, Lord Barclay? Abandon this idiocy. This is a feud between our Houses, and our Houses alone. Your posturing is reckless, and dishonorable beyond belief. 


I thought you to be above this, Duke of Reinmar. I pray this is the last of your petty schemes I must dig up. Put down your quill and cease your whispering. You are not a gossiping housemaid, you are the Lord Marshal of Hanseti-Ruska. You have men to lead and blades to sharpen.




His Lordship, Mikhail var Ruthern, Baron of Rostig

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Filip Amador rears his head back with a groan as he read the missive. "probably shouldn't have mentioned that" the man said as he snuck out of his bed, hoping to Godan that he didnt wake his wife. As he snuck out of the room and out to the baronial gardens, where he grumbled angrily to the midnight air. "Was that completely necessary, vyr lordship? It wasnt like he was creating a damn rebellion. Ag he had some good reason, surely." Filip sighed again. Perhaps this last one was too loud, as he soon heard the most fearful sound coming from his bedroom.

"Filip?" called out the sedanian matriarch to her husband.

"fffffF-FUUUCK!" exclaimed the now scared Baron of Mondstadt as he wimply crept back toward his pregnant wife, hoping either of the feuding dukes would send an assassin force to either him... or his wife. Surely this was a happier option than Filip having to show his wife attention.

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"I, the Baron of Rostig, have not sought the support of my countrymen... instead I went hat in hand to Kositz to ask the Emperor's men to fight my battles for me," Adelmar imitates His Lordship.

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6 minutes ago, GoodGuyMatt said:

"How could his Princely Grace allow this!" complains Ernst


Vladimir walks by and serenades Ernst in his grief.



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3 minutes ago, mkLouis said:


Vladimir walks by and serenades Ernst in his grief.




At that, Ernst found great comfort.




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bishop viktor scratches his bald head "so, my kin look to their countrymen for support, after the rutherns, apparently not wishing to have 'neutral' countrymen involved, look instead to get the support of the enemy, those who take great joy from killing our haeseni folk, friends of the anathema?"


"His Princely Grace will lead Haense and several thousand Barclays into battle when the time comes, as he has done so before, substantially more men than that ruthern marshal could rally..."

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“I have only two words for you, **** you!” Chimed a Waldenian Barclay loyalist.

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