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Amendments to the Articles of Urguan - v3.4

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12th of the Grand Harvest, Year 70 S.A






To My Fellow Dwedmar and fine Folk of the Grand Kingdom:


As stated per Article I, Section II - 2, “May the Grand Council have the power to change these Articles of Urguan with either a 66% majority with Royal Approval or a 75% majority without.”


It is with this statement that I, Grand Chancellor Aghal Frostbeard, with the support of the Grand Council hereby make an amendment to the Articles of Urguan.


With agreeance and support of the Grand Council of Urguan and the Grand King, may several amendments be made to Article I, The Grand Council and edits to Articles II, III, V and VIII.




In Regards to Article I, The Grand Council




To be added/edited


  1. May each Greater Clan or Union of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan have a guaranteed representative on the Grand Senate with a guaranteed singular base vote.


  1. May each Greater Clan or Union have either a singular, double or triple vote according to their activity within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan (i.e five members equate to 1 vote, 10 members equate to 2, 15 members equate to 3

  2. This representative, or Senator, must be a Dwarf and must worship the Brathmordakin faith. 

  3. If they are unable to attend they shall be able to send another in their stead. 

  4. That a list of representatives/senators be posted inside the Senate, and updated regularly when necessary. 


  1. May each Greater Clan or Union of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan have said guaranteed representative on the Grand Senate so long as they remain consistently active in Urguan society. 


  1. Greater Clans or Unions shall have a guaranteed representative so long as they remain consistently active in Urguan (i.e five members with more than five hours of activity, checked every stone fortnight)

  2. Greater Clans or Unions shall send proof of their clan’s activity to the Grand Chancellor

  3. If Greater Clans or Unions fail to meet the required activity check every stone fortnight, their status on the council will be suspended, pending complete removal for a sustained period of inactivity.


To be edited


Let the Grand Council be renamed the Grand Senate


Let Grand Councillor/Councillor be renamed to Representative/Senator


Let the Lord Chancellor be renamed Grand Chancellor




In Regards to Articles II, III, V, VIII




To be edited


Let the Grand Council be renamed the Grand Senate


Let Grand Councillor be renamed to Representative/Senator




Narvak oz Urguan.




Grand Chancellor of Urguan,

Aghal Frostbeard

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