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An Open Letter to the Mages Guild

To Expose Hypocrisy of the Fellow Magi


Published: 13th of Tobias's Bounty, 1866





Have you no shame for the harm which you had planned to wrought onto this realm? It is the duty of each and every one of us that takes up the power of the otherworldly to use it to protect this realm. Yet, it has been discovered of your plans to unleash voidal tears onto the realm to experiment on. First, you planned on releasing a rift within the world within the lands of Elvendom, and yet when such was exposed you back down and apologize seeing nothing wrong with your actions. The Archmagus Eliza and three other of your mages have confirmed being privy to such information. 


Have you no shame for the hypocrisy of breaking your own creeds that your centuries old founders had established? You claim to have banned the use of opening voidal tears, yet it is your own actions that have caused this. Your irresponsibility and negligence of using the void so frivolously for your own experimentation is not to be so easily hidden by your missives sent out only due to being confronted. 


Have you no shame for the tarnishing of the land that you planned to bring about? The opening of the voidal tear even on a small scale could bring about blight, endless negative effects on the environment as seen by the creation of the Voidal Hollow. The Voidal Hollow which was brought by a similar circumstance that you were planning, Archmagus Eliza. Your actions are an affront and an embarrassment to magi. You only encourage other guilds to put out similar bans on voidal tear creations since we were the one’s inform the druii community of your plans of misdeeds. 


A reckoning for wayward mages is coming, and this is your only warning.





Valyris Wynasul

High Magus of the Arcanic Court

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Sat upon her throne of ruin, did an Elfess stare upon the missive. Glee and discomfort warred within her pallid form. 


"Seems it is time for Thessalia to vanish once more."

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A certain mage of little renown perked up a brow as he spots the missive upon his desk, cracking a bit of a grin as he sarcastically spoke out "Oh no, who could have seen this coming?" before he then looked out the window "Makes you wonder who else has this knowledge."

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A member of the Mages Guild, a brown elf scans over the missive before chuckling to himself. "Sounds as if utter garbage is being spread throughout the land. I knew we had enemies, but I didn't think they'd go as far as to fabricate rumors" The mali walked away from the missive scoffing "What a childish mess"

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   Est. ante-1300

A Public Letter to the Arcanic Court
(And A Reminder to Check Your Sources)



It is imperative that magical organizations of all realms band together and make sure that alleged misuses of magic are true before releasing information which may cause unnecessary alarm, or harm. Such information, especially when gathered and made public hastily, may often be incomplete or entirely false.

The Mages' Guild is actively seeking ways to close tears, and is actively working to prevent their creation, as several of our public meetings have shown. Additionally, a missive was made public this elven day condemning such practices. Micro-tears do not exist, are not planned for the future, and theoretical experiments - such as creating a single micro-tear in a secure location to practice closing a tear - have not been put into practice. There was an initial plan to create a tiny tear, and then close it, to make sure that the process worked, but this plan was quickly deemed far too risky, for reasons the Arcanic Court has been kind enough to reiterate for us here today.

It is with some confusion that we respond now, as we have been learned that a member of the Arcanic Court was informed the previous elven day that no use of tears was planned, including the proposed micro-tear. This member was identified as Renae Athri'onn, and she stood not five feet away as she was told this information. We can only assume that there must have been a failure of communications within the Arcanic Court itself, for its members to act on and publish information they already should have known to be incorrect.

As we have since the days of Aegis, we intend to promote responsible use and study of the magical arts throughout the continent. The Arcanic Court's intentions are noble, but their methods, internal communications, and failure to contact any member of the Mages' Guild for any sort of clarification or questions - instead relying upon half-truths and rumors - reflects poorly on their wayward organization.

It is understandable that one might jump to conclusions and rush to act, when confronted with the potential for such terrible occurrences as the creation of a new Tear. In such circumstances, it is quite common for fear and reflex to override logic and due diligence. It is not understandable, however, that the Arcanic Court made no effort to properly verify this information, to question anyone involved, or to even ask if any of their own members knew more of the full picture. Such neglect is unbecoming of any group of magi, regardless of how young the organization may be.

To reiterate - The Mages' Guild intends to prevent the creation of tears, punish those responsible for making tears, and close tears wherever and whenever possible. The Guild will work with whatever organizations, magical or mundane, are willing to assist in this goal. This is our firm stance, it is no secret, and if there is ever any doubt about our position on the horrors that Tears can wreak upon the natural world-

It might be best to ask, first. We're all mages. Research should be nothing new.


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13 hours ago, TheMagesGuild said:



   Est. ante-1300

A Public Letter to the Arcanic Court
(And A Reminder to Check Your Sources)



It is imperative that magical organizations of all realms band together and make sure that alleged misuses of magic are true before releasing information which may cause unnecessary alarm, or harm. Such information, especially when gathered and made public hastily, may often be incomplete or entirely false.

The Mages' Guild is actively seeking ways to close tears, and is actively working to prevent their creation, as several of our public meetings have shown. Additionally, a missive was made public this elven day condemning such practices. Micro-tears do not exist, are not planned for the future, and theoretical experiments - such as creating a single micro-tear in a secure location to practice closing a tear - have not been put into practice. There was an initial plan to create a tiny tear, and then close it, to make sure that the process worked, but this plan was quickly deemed far too risky, for reasons the Arcanic Court has been kind enough to reiterate for us here today.

It is with some confusion that we respond now, as we have been learned that a member of the Arcanic Court was informed the previous elven day that no use of tears was planned, including the proposed micro-tear. This member was identified as Renae Athri'onn, and she stood not five feet away as she was told this information. We can only assume that there must have been a failure of communications within the Arcanic Court itself, for its members to act on and publish information they already should have known to be incorrect.

As we have since the days of Aegis, we intend to promote responsible use and study of the magical arts throughout the continent. The Arcanic Court's intentions are noble, but their methods, internal communications, and failure to contact any member of the Mages' Guild for any sort of clarification or questions - instead relying upon half-truths and rumors - reflects poorly on their wayward organization.

It is understandable that one might jump to conclusions and rush to act, when confronted with the potential for such terrible occurrences as the creation of a new Tear. In such circumstances, it is quite common for fear and reflex to override logic and due diligence. It is not understandable, however, that the Arcanic Court made no effort to properly verify this information, to question anyone involved, or to even ask if any of their own members knew more of the full picture. Such neglect is unbecoming of any group of magi, regardless of how young the organization may be.

To reiterate - The Mages' Guild intends to prevent the creation of tears, punish those responsible for making tears, and close tears wherever and whenever possible. The Guild will work with whatever organizations, magical or mundane, are willing to assist in this goal. This is our firm stance, it is no secret, and if there is ever any doubt about our position on the horrors that Tears can wreak upon the natural world-

It might be best to ask, first. We're all mages. Research should be nothing new.



An Open Letter to Mage's Guild

Penned by Thessalia Elverhilin


To say I am shocked with your snide comentary would be an understatement. Knowing that this here Guild planned to bring about such a horrific crime only to turn around and claim that they had no intent to do so. 


You are correct in saying that the Mage's Guild publicly condemned the Voidal Tears. But it was not these meetings that revealed your foul plan. Through silent undertakings your ilk met with those of Elvenesse, agreeing to undertake the task of opening such a tear for 'Scholarly Purposes'. All in attendenace were in agreement, as stated by Ayche, a highly ranked member of your Guild and former seat-holder of the Collegium. You knew the world would refuse to allow this to occur, and conducted the planning in secrecy.


It was only through my personal involvement that your plan was revealed.


To those unaware, my name is Thessalia Elverhilin. Elder sister to Anordal Elverhilin whom was one of two Mages that discovered the way to open tears. I have witnessed first hand the horrors of these actions, and every day I work to ensure Voidal Magi uphold the delicate balance they so often overlook. At the time this plan was revealed I was an Adeptus Minoris of the Mage's Guild and was to teach a class of Seekers the truth of the Void, Tears, and the dangers thereof. Yet when I very loudly voiced my disagreement with the Mage's plan, I was was forced to resign.


Through my involvement with the Guild, I can confirm that their plans were legitimate.


Not only did your Archmage confirm this, but now you attempt to cover it up. You 'condemn' the very practice you sought to preform after you and your ilk were confronted, a poor attempt to make it seem as though we are accusing you falsely.


Shame on you.


Shame on all of you.


Own up to your crimes. Act like the adults you parade yourselves to be. Though this missive will surely bring a target upon my back, I refuse to sit in silence as you spew lies in the pitiful attempt to cover your own behind. 


Blessed day, Mage's Guild of Urguan. Blessed day.



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Wynanya adds several, significantly stronger shots to her row of drinks.

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An unaccompanied 'ame wonders why Magi have such an obsession with forming and joining "guilds."

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