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Issued by the


On this 11th day of Joma ag Umund of 419 ES





The venomous snake strikes once more. It seems the removal of its poison does little to remove its aggression and capacity to induce pain.


Within this Saint’s Day, it has been announced that a betrothal between yourself, Lord Mikhail Ruthern, and the woman who I had been permitted to court; the woman whose mutual affection has been renowned publicly for years now. Many can recall the day where you struck Lady Margrait with great ire and fury, for you, Lord Mikhail, have publicly apologised for. Fewer can recall where your assurance had been afforded that you would stay away from Margrait, to ensure no further violence would come her way. I had come to forgive your sleights.


Alas, it appears these words meant naught, as you have betrayed your words and caused me great anguish. Wisdom has failed me, in allowing myself to trust in your word, which has been forever contorted and tainted for the entirety of your existence upon this plane. You are a snake with no venom, and as such, I do not fear your bite; but your bite still has caused great pain, and suffering. 


I am no snake. My word is as strong as steel. My bite is steel. My bite shall hurt. 


Face me in the hippodrome of Karosgrad within a saint’s hour from now accompanied by your second. The duel shall be for honour, with the provided terms below by Lady Margrait herself; to the first wound. I may not be able to change this future union, as much as my heart yearns for it. But, I am able to preserve a sliver of my dignity.




I. With this announcement reveals your deceit and lies to all, one which is now apparent. Since your Lordship is privy to treachery, it will do no further harm to break another promise you have made. I shall be given permission to wed Dorothea vas Ruthern, sister to you and good friend of Margrait should she not find a worthy match. In the instance she should, then Viktoriya vas Ruthern shall take the place of Dorothea in my desire for union. It is the foremost priority of a noble to procure a suitable heir to continue their family’s noble lineage. I foolishly thought I had secured such a marriage, but it has forcibly been wrenched from my grasp. Thus, I shall forcibly regain it, and with someone whom I know I can trust.


If I shall not marry for love, then I shall marry out of duty. Let the marriage be loveless; but I shall not make it miserable. You have promised Dorothea a happy marriage; I am happy to provide for Dorothea, for my conscience, for you, Mikhail, and for Margrait. Dorothea may not be my Ruskan Rose, but her petals and thorns shall belong to me.


II. For this marriage, all fees shall be paid by you, Mikhail var Ruthern.


III. I shall be able to absolutely privately visit and check up upon your betrothed, Lady Margrait, to ensure she is being treated with the utmost respect, that her dignity is being preserved, and that no physical harm is being dealt, as has been done in the past. 




I. I shall suck the big toe of you publicly, and for no longer than a Saint’s Minute, in the centre of Karosgrad. I shall journey there in nothing more than Prinzen Karl’s swimmers, on my hands and knees, from the gate of Karosgrad. Alongside this walk, blunt objects may be thrown at me.


II. I shall publicly apologise at a date, time, and location determined by you, Mikhail var Ruthern, for any insinuations or insults made during the duration of our acquaintance. In this same time, I shall kneel before you, and kiss your rings to swear my loyalty.


III. I shall take up steel for you, Mikhail var Ruthern, upon your request.


I expect to see you defend your honour in the Arena. I expect to see you cry in defeat upon your loss. I once had the power to love my love. But I have lost that power. And you have taken it. I want it back. I will take it. 



His Lordship, Markus Nikolai Morovar

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Adele Emma Ludovar gasps sharply as she hears of the potential fate of her Ruthern cousins!

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Ludwig von Audrick ponders what this could mean for the future of the Rutherns and Morovars!



Please Lickspittle answer my DMs I've been locked in your basement for 20 days I'm running low on food i've had to eat the rats that I find and it smells so bad please god let me out I miss my family and my home please let me out let me out let me out


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This notice finds it's way to Dorothea's aunt, who scowls upon the parchment.

"What a frightful little weasel, attempting to force my sweet Dorothea into such a union! Utterly skin-crawling, eugh."

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Jakob Barclay von Reinmar trains the Lord Morovar for his upcoming duel. 

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Viktoriya vas Ruthern proceded to scream into her pillow at Vidaus as she re-read the terms far after said duel had ended. Airing her grievances to the empty bedchamber "This es the most dishonerable terms to a duel Ea have ever read!" She declaired, sighing as she laid to face the ceiling. "Ea will niet let this man ruin vyr life, Thea, vy deserve better and better vy shall have." 

Edited by Itz_Cookie
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Sofiya vas Ruthern shook her head "A most dishonourable way to find a match. Ea thought with ve Karenina Law we were above this."

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