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[✓] [Event Creature Lore] - [Blightwrought]

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Beware the swamps and the dark dank deep...

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The blightwrought is a horrid creature, albeit a rare one, that appears vaguely human, though which has been transformed into something far more terrifying and morbid. With a jaw that can open impossibly wide and a long and tough tongue that can easily stretch out enough to wrap around the neck of any unfortunate enough to encounter such an appalling thing and choke them out, the blightwrought is a chilling and formidable opponent that reeks of rot and decay. It has no eyes, though has an excellent sense of hearing and is able to pinpoint the location of a descendant swiftly if they are not taking care to remain quiet and keep their breathing steady. Its teeth are rotten and decayed, though still sharp enough to puncture skin and gambeson. A bite would seldom be fatal, though this creature is fraught with disease and plague, its saliva containing traces of a poison that would blind, induce vomiting, and disorient a person who gets it in their bloodstream for no longer than an hour. One should note that these creatures can often be smelled before they are seen. They reek of death, of decay, and move silently through the mud and muck of swamplands, listening carefully and waiting patiently until prey is close enough for an attack. Once they know they have been seen, however, they emit a clicking noise, mumbling and stuttering out incoherent words.


These creatures are long and lanky, towering over most of their opponents at heights no higher than 9'6, sometimes missing entire limbs, though their strength should never be underestimated as they possess enough of it to fell an olog in a single strike if it is not alerted to the presence of the blightwrought. Its fingers are spindly and elongated, the claws on the ends of them reaching up to six inches in length, though its strength lies not in its normal limbs and instead comes from the lengthy tentacles that are found erupting from its back, with sharp and long spikes on the end of them, covered entirely in small thorns and with properties similar to ferrum. A blightwrought generally has anywhere from three to eight of these tentacles, which can pierce through lighter sections of plated armour, though will, for the most part, only dent thicker sections. Possessing an incredible amount of stamina and able to use their tentacles to traverse their environments with ease, extreme care must be taken when fighting a blightwrought, lest one find themselves rotting in the mud alongside it as it waits for another victim.


As powerful as these creatures are, they are susceptible to attacks aimed at their empty eye sockets, as well as ones near the base of their tentacles, where the ferrum-like properties of the tentacles end, and where they can be cut off if one has not been skewered by them already. It is not a daft creature, however, and knows this. It will almost always be covering its eyes with its hand(s) unless opening its mouth to scream. A single well-placed arrow could likely fell the creature if its hands were not in the way, though if the archer who shot it missed, they would become the immediate target of the creature as it traces the sound of the arrow flying past to its origin point.


Blightwroughts can primarily be found in swampy regions, and it is unheard of to find one outside of these regions. They relish the humid and damp environment and the advantage they have when hunting down prey inside of it.


Blightwroughts are omnivorous, territorial, mostly solitary creatures capable of going without food for months on end, which explains their lankiness. They lie in the thick mud of swamps, waiting for prey to come to them, and rarely shy away from a fight once provoked. They prey on anything and everything, though have a fondness for the flesh of musin brave or foolish enough to venture into the swamplands. Their 'home' is the mud, the muck, the depths. They can traverse through it with some difficulty, feeling the vibrations of those above them through the ground and tunneling to their position before creeping upwards and through the sludge to claim their prey. Finding one on purpose is exceedingly difficult, though if one has a keen sense of smell, they will likely be able to tell if a blightwrought is nearby.



Blightwroughts can emit a shrill, piercing screech that will daze and disorient those within range of it (48 blocks) momentarily (2 emotes) if they are not wearing hearing protection. They do not do this often, however, save for when they feel they are in mortal danger. This piercing screech often attracts the attention of other blightwroughts who might be in the area.

Upon screaming, a blightwrought will enter a sort of 'frenzy' state, able to traverse long distances even faster than it could before for a period of five emotes, though after this it will have exhausted itself and will often burrow back into the mud to recuperate for three emotes, moving under the ground and emerging in a different spot, ready to continue its attacks.


Its saliva contains traces of a poison that would blind, induce vomiting, and disorient a person who gets it in their bloodstream for no longer than 1 narrative hour.


Blightwroughts can use their tentacles to propel themselves off of the ground and into the air, and once there, may use them to strike out at where it believes an enemy to be before falling back to the ground.

Blightwroughts are resistant to flame due to almost always being below water or submerged in muck, though not immune.


The skin of a blightwrought is tough and similar to leather and is resistant to arrows and other small projectiles.


The tongue of a blightwrought, if wrapped around the neck of someone, would choke them out over a medium length of time (3 emotes).

The bones of a blightwrought are strong and exceptionally lightweight, equal to ferrum in its damage resistant qualities.


The claws on their hands are sharp enough to cut through chain and ferrum or steel if enough force is behind the swing, and can sever the limbs of those not wearing, at the very least, light layers of gambeson.


A blightwrought can cough up a thick black goo from their rotted stomachs to spit out and onto a person which will burn their eyes and smell terrible, though will have no effect on exposed skin. It will make a person vomit if they consume it.



- Only playable by an ST or ET

- Cannot be tamed

- Its saliva cannot be extracted or repurposed

- Its stomach goop cannot be extracted or repurposed

- Its stomach goop will blind a person for 2 emotes from when they wipe it off

- Its poison lasts for 1 narrative hour

- Can speak incoherent, single words at a time, though cannot understand them or any language used by anyone else

- The teeth and thorns on the tentacles will often be diseased and it is up to the ST/ET running the event to decide what a person contracts
- No using diseased teeth or thorns to give people diseases
- Their bones are as strong as ferrum, only differing in that they are lighter than it

- Blightwroughts will not travel outside of swampy environments, ever

- The claws of a blightwrought are extremely sharp, though will be destroyed if struck with enough force more than three times. If made into a weapon, the weapon would not cut another weapon in half or shatter it unless swung with the strength of an orc on horseback, though would still be able to cut through flesh and bone with relative ease and chip into other weapons

OOC: I've never wrote lore before! I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing or not, but I wanted to try my hand at it. The creature is probably a serial powergamer, but 🤷‍♂️ I wanted to make something terrifying for people's personas to fight and give them a good story to tell if they managed to defeat it.
(Based on the Dreadful Peat Mummy from the Betweenlands)



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Pretty good for someone who has never wrote lore before, it would be good character development to encounter such a creature. +1

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Nothing quite strikes a chord like seeing a lore submission for a Betweenlands mob. I love that mod to all hell, and I love the idea of something like this being in LOTC even more!

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon. Please note that if this is playable lore, such as a magic or CA, you will need to write a guide for this piece. You will be contacted regarding the guide (or implementation if it isn’t needed) shortly.

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