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Poems of War and Whimsy


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By Anna Ulyssa


((Art by Edwin Austin Abbey))


These poems are published on behalf of The Imperial Princess Anna Ulyssa of the Holy Orenian Empire, now an Acolyte of the Canon Church, who contemporarily suffers from mild hysteria due to the loss of her parents. These are writings of several years of reflection upon the state of humanity and man’s will, beginning from age 14 and ending at age 21. 



Musings of a Beard, 1859


The dead God hath forsworn Horen,

Tempt by the widower mistress: power,

kiss her honey hair.

Kill their young, let not men recover,

their unity shall mean our perish. Thus,

let us bathe in the blood of sterility,

and slumber in dreams of genocide.

Urguan, thy glory shall prevail.



Crumbling Humanity, 1859


Red Pontiff ‘pon his glory schism, allegiance corrupts canonism.

The canine scent of Vargentgotz: slaughter kin, forsake thyne cross.

The Black King’s Moot, when men lick tongue on heathen boot.

Woe to ye who praise the sun, your folly is the meekest son.

Goats dine from Petrine broth, and bleet when Oren bids no troth.



Wigged Brothers, 1860



Here lies peacefulness

dovetailing with apathy

To create frailty.



Devise of Kinslayers, 1860


In the night

will blade in crimson bite

the deadened flesh of prince and wife.

Venomed bread

will fell the King to bed,

be righteous men beseeched to tread

O’er the corpse

of hacked and sewn up dwarves

that the day will see a crown in court

Of the Real

heir-Prince that’s been concealed

and lords shall crumble ‘till they kneel.


On the page

will stand victor of age,

a fleshling prince upon old stage.



Southbridge, 1861


Bled their tongue

with the taste of carrion


to abstain from death’s permanence.

Ble’ssed the jaunt

of heartland soldiers in


to regale the ruination of armistice.

Bridge of Humanity,

contest the North

And the mini-men.

Bridge of Dwarves,

contest the Wigged

And the mercenary.



Consort Curse, 1864


A magnanimous lady

falters not before monarchs,

she protests in silent loathing.

A revered lady glitters,

yet she embitters.

A lady of great distinction

commands courtiers’ passion,

but is never a court quaintrelle.

She is prized on highest podiums

as the most charismatic socialite

yet the most exceptional warrior.

She must be relegated to shrew

because she is most shrewd

(and equal parts imbecile).

A perfect lady: she is male,

better than halfwitted girl.



The Duel at Arichsdorf, 1866


Honor tilts the sword to dirt

and buries it in ancestral catacombs,

where it waits beside the husks of soldiers

of the 18 years war, 

not Urguani.


Honor is besmirched,

a graverobber comes to dig it out with

a shovel in-hand used to crush the bones of

slumbering corpses as they wake

from the disturbance.


A pavane of skeletons begins,

the dead take up arms against men

with the steel of legacy and faith once

enshrouded beneath centuries-old coffins.


Scrags wither,

for they cannot battle what denies they exist,

And honor sinks once more into pits.


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Leopold Edwin gasped as he read the poems. "Whoaaaaa" the Novellen youth spoke surprised. "Cousin Anna is really good at writing!" 

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