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Proclamation of Neutrality


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Proclamation of Neutrality




__________________________________________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐



Ever since its founding, Aveyron has been created on the notion of hospitality among brothers and sisters from all walks of life. We have, under this belief, welcomed all within our walls and community. At the idea of those in the Horde and the Parent Kingdom of Elysium bearing arms against each other due to the claims of racism within the latter’s walls, we cannot stand in consolidation for either party– as such would break our value of our notion of hospitality. Therefore, we cannot stand in support of a single side in this coming war between two parties we have valued dearly since the start of our founding. 



The March of Aveyron withdraws any ideas about supporting the actions charged against the Duke of Elysium, Leika, and Ehrendil. 


As these are stated to be: 

The attempted assassination of the Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal.

The murders of ologs, orcs, and goblins.

The falsehood of a free city hiding dirtied oppression and racism against brothers and sisters. 


The signatories of this document recognize the fault of their Parent Kingdom, the Kingdom of Elysium, and apologize on behalf of them. However, simultaneously, our words cannot fill for those the indictment falls to. 



The March of Aveyron wills no intolerance or direct violence against either party in their lands, our own lands, or anywhere else in-between. Henceforth, both parties are welcomed with open arms into Aveyron’s walls. With this in mind, our lands will not be a breeding ground for minute battles between the parties and any instigators will be dealt with in the situation accordingly. Any and all conflict will be dealt with accordingly, and fitting punishments may be dealt by the Marchioness Liana de Astrea, the Lord d’Olympien Fenian Yinrel, and/or the Lady Justifier Zodiac Titane.



This proclamation and its articles will stand until the end of the war, unless the following steps occur: 

  1. An act of direct violence or intolerance has been committed against Aveyron by either party.

  2. A re-vote within Aveyron’s Ascendancy takes place. 

  3. A new Proclamation is published describing Aveyron’s new status in this conflict.




"Be neutral in thought and action"



“Equality under the sky of Soleil and Lunaire”



“Justice has no opinion”



__________________________________________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐



THE MOST HONORABLE, Liana de Astera, Marchioness of Aveyron, Chancellor of the Housing Commission of Elysium.


THE RIGHT HONORABLE, Fenian Yinrel, Lord d’Olympien of Aveyron


THE RIGHT HONORABLE, Sophia d’Caro, Lady Tresorier of Aveyron

Signature United

THE RIGHT HONORABLE, Zodiac Titane, Lady Justifier of Aveyron, Chancellor of Culture of Elysium


Edited by Aveyron
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"May Soleil and Lunaire watch over us." The Tresorier of Aveyron mumbled under her breath.

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Fenian Yinrel would set jars of water in his window to gather moonlight and Lunaire's blessings. "Lunaire guide us through these tense times" he'd mumble, going off to meditate and lessen his anxieties. 

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“que les dieux nous guident en ce temps de guerre,”  Zodiac whispered aloud to themself with a sigh, swearing to continue to do her job as the head of Aveyron’s Justice System.

((OOC: translation for dialogue: “May the Gods guide us in these times of war”))

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Liana de Astrea stood outside the walls of Aveyron, watching as the sun slowly vanished upon the horizon, a last act of worship to the God Soleil "My Father wanted a place of sanctuary for his people, not a battlefield. They have already faced enough loss and pain and I shall not allow the actions of others to tear us apart." With that, the Marchioness turned back, opening the gates to all who seek safety from the difficult circumstances they found themselves in.

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     A local resident of Aveyron, nervously fumbles their gloves, hoping that the peace lasts through the night. They rub at their exhausted face, letting out a muffled and long groan within their empty home. "Please-"

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Fal'leon scoffs as he reads this, crumpling the paper and promptly burning it. "Cowards" He grunts to himself, "We were fools tae le' those so easily misinformed tae be our vassal. A mere conversation does wonders." The man scowls at the burning missive, "They care nae fer their own, an' rather listen tae tha lies spread by orcs."

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Lunah Sighs after having advocated for the quick completion of the vassals walls, "A shame, although the wish to remain at peace is understandable the cost is their integrity and the truth."

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 Eugeo de Astrea, remaining kept to his matters in Aeldin and the his daughter lit a candle in turn, which was placed besides Leika's study table, perusing through the declaration with his lips pursed in turn. " The notion of hospitality among brothers and sisters remains so, we will not grow and have new reliable allies and brothers and sisters with the Odinsons in turn. Listening to the shambolic reasons that the orcs have spewed is a disappointing development, and to be ignominious one's own family will be forever on their conscience and legacy.  " 

Eugeo de Astrea sighs, stepping over to offer his daughter a ruffling of her hair, as he then said of it. " Our people, and our allies and many. The searing hope and determinable cannot be allowed to be brutalized by perfidious elements. Show hospitality to all who require it, and experience the joy of friendship. Love your family, in particular your spouse, and honor your commitments.  " 

@Periphonics @Tigergiri

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"May the MIGHTY and the BLESSED Olympians know greatly of the wisdoms of their leadership, for their Athlete-warriors impress even the greatest of Heros. Great Sulianpoli and fine Averyon should know great trade, and fine sporting Games amongst their beautiful toga-clad denizens!" A brazen elven hoplite looks across from the Acropolis of Sulianpoli into the depths of the forest where beyond that settlement lay! He begins picking out wine and olives for a trip there

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Kukaal Krothuul Akaal, an ashen orc with purple warpaint and scars from wars past covering his body, gripped the document in hand, firmly. He scanned the document with a smile upon his face "MI zhall zhow deze azhz dat Der neutrality am heard by Clan Akaal. Dah zpiritz will protect Der land and offeringz will be made tu help accomplish diz. Nub buurz hexez zhall fall upon dah town ub Aveyron. " His rotten arm threw the document into a fire before he mounted his horse and rode for Aveyron 

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