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A Reading of the Rain


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9 Tgcf ideas in 2022 | chinese aesthetic, black nail polish, nails tumblr

[Disclaimer this is not my art, credit goes to the actual artist]


As the rain began to descend upon the realm of Almaris, a lone goblin would slowly exit the cave, his steps guiding him away from the Alter of Throqugrizh. For as he stepped outside, and saw it's bloody light, did he truly begin to look in awe and wonder at the pools of blood. A horrendous maw opened, letting the unknown sanguine escape past his lips. A revived look filling those crimson eyes as images of horror and devilry filled his mind, thoughts of murder and rampant violence, that already filled his mind and soul. A twisted 'blessing' already given to this twisted form, as his gaze shifted to the quickly forming puddles of blood that where filling the ground. Clawed hands slowly moved down, tracing over the ever shifting ripples of the blood , as he began to read into it. His reading accompanied by the fast paced beat of his heart, for wicked and vile images filled his mind, images stirred on by this unknown blood. The ever lingering question as to where this blood had come from, crossing his malformed mind, before it hit him. 


"Mi Peep it, diz, diz Grizh. It haz alwayz been here. It iz da grizh dat waz zoaked intu da ground, grizh dat whaz zpilled in da zandz and zoil, ov murder and pain. Diz grizh, holdz da tainted memoriez ov thoze who hav fell. Fell tu battlez previouz, and fell tu battlez prezent, and it will hold the grizh of thoze who will eventully fall."


The cultural haruspex would splash the blood into the air, watching as globs rised up, creating a splattering of random yet destined choosing. Those blessed eyes, looking upon the spattering in awe and wonder. For he saw it, he saw what must be done. So the goblin began, to gather more buckets and basins, urns and tubs of all kinds as he furthered growing the supply of blood. 


"Da bond ov Grizh muzt grow further, Throqugrizh haz zent da grizh az a zign, and whi muzt rezpond tu it" 


After the events of today, thought I had to write a good old cultural haruspexy post. I have a lot of cool rp and ideas in mind, that I'm gonna need to talk to some others about, hopefully it all works out. 


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