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Ando Alur Blighted Lands | Record Four

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Scribed by Father Circle Druid, Eretria Arvellon


Members: Sister Wildlife, Sister Seahorse, Brother Bismuth, Brother Everwinter, Brother Rage, Evar’lae Amayril, Tali’mordu, Ahng Gulr, Aista


Date: 11th of Snow’s Maiden 69 SA


Location: North of Nevaehlen, Southern portions of the blighted land




= Arrived at the edge of the voidal hollow zone and the air was thicker and unnatural. Marched forward at the direction where the stick that was found, one dropped in the Father Grove from a growth that appeared

= The stick guided the Druids in particular toward the tree that beckoned


= Through the treacherous landscape, the group came across a precarious path over a ravine that bubbled and moved like a creature


= The majority of the group decided to search for a different path but a few others had a different idea


= A few ventured into the ravine and found themselves in some odd goo like sand, pulling them down. The rest of the scouting party managed to pull the two stuck, out


= Eretria communed with the stick, which had told the group to travel north-east over a tall mountain and through a valley


= They came across a large structure of sorts, crystals jutted out of the landscape. It instilled a sense of forbidding in all of those present


= They then arrived at the destination, a large tree that stood atop a hill which seemed to be the final bastion of the natural world in a corrupted landscape


= As they approached, shadowy silhouettes emerged from behind it - voidal mages


= Under a suppressive fire of arrows, the bulk of the group charged the mages, withstanding both fireball and blades with ease


= The battle raged on, a massive boulder was dislodged from the mountain and sent tumbling down toward the middle of the group

= Tali’mordu and Aista managed to make it out mostly unharmed, while Scoria’s leg was pinned


= Suddenly a tear in the fabric of reality appeared atop the mountain. It seemed the mages had opened a voidal tear which began sucking everything nearby toward it



[!] A crude sketch of the untainted tree beside a voidal tear that had opened


= Eretria and a few others stealthily climbed up the side of the hill in an attempt to catch the remaining cultists off guard - all but one cultist was slain


= As soon as the last mage was knocked unconscious, the stick Eretria held began to implode with energy. Eretria panicked, and chucked it into the voidal tear. However, the stick flew toward the tree instead


= The tree and the area around it sprung to life as the stick was returned. The remaining voidal cultist was slain and the group made their way home 


The following knowledge can only be used if found IRP


Also, thank you to those ST who've hosted this scouting mission!


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Brother Bismuth looked over the records of the voidal hunt as he brushed over the details. Letting out a little melody of a hum that fluttered from his lips that danced into the air as he explored each image with a pondering gleam. "The stick did well to guide us through the maze of the voidal hollow...it does seem that we have treaked through there enough to avoid being 'teleported' like we had when we first ventured the hollow." He mused aloud as he brushed over the details with his large fingers. "Valmir toes had also been crushed by the boulder when we evaded that, but aye guess since their metal that doesn't count. There was so many of us that had almost been caught by that massive stone...shame Everwinter didn't get the death he always talks about having!" He voiced with a light laugh before he moved further down the report. 

Seeing the sneaky part a quirk of his lips pulled up into a smile as he takes the details in. 
"That sneaking had been aye good plan. One of the few times aye could use me height to me advantage to get everyone up over the ledge without being noticed. They hadn't been expecting that."  Finally he thought back to the vision of the tree springing to life and the rift almost swallowing a friend of there's with a moment of pondering consideration. 

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