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Recorded & Journaled by, The Brightiron Prince



Asioth;  A rigorous test of mind, body and soul one must surmount before reaching their enlightenment.  Whilst in servitude to The Arch-Drakaar one finds themselves eternally in pursuit of his likeness.  To be Almighty,  To be Triumphant,  To reap the fields of Splendour.  A mortal is not frugal in their efforts to achieve Asioth, for then they are privy to their questioning of existence.  




“As the once great Setherien tried to swallow the Sun; so too shall we swallow the earth.  An earth that belongs to us, an earth that has been conquered and stolen from us.”


The Book of Epochs


It was not long after a mortal’s branding of Azdromoth’s mark did he begin to ruminate the scope of Asioth.  The mortal, blinded by greed for gold and jewels lain deep within the realm, hadn't understood that this curse would inevitably be His Asioth and His Folly.


The mortal sought yet did not find.  Through all his triumph and all his glory he could not sunder the aching thought from his mind.  If the Obsidian Throne was not meant to be His, then was his existence merely to fulfil a Destined Death whilst in servitude of The Great Titan?  The mortal cast a smouldering gaze to his brethren who no longer bore Him as their ilk.  The mortal made way to swallow the earth;  The path had been alit and all seemed foreordained.  Yet it would be the mercy of Him and His Kin that would serve as folly to the mortal’s campaign.  Struck from the heavens, Fallen was He.  


Yet, the ember gaze of his ashen visage did not fade and the pursuit of Asioth did not sequester.  


The earth endured, unswallowed. . . But, The Sun was Broken. 


Much like the archetypal Dragonkin of yore, it is in the image of Our Father that we achieve Asioth whilst faring the Auric Path and all its encapsulating calamity.  Clung to life amidst rumination atop The Sage’s Seat is where I learnt, Dear Reader.  Exalted was I; to have conquered the tundras treachery and seek haven beneath the tree.  Sublime was I;  to have withstood the suffering offered solely by the frigid Night.  


Since the mortal descended that fateful night it was He whom was rivalled by none; And in the image of The First-Born, it was He whom served as a weapon to bring about Ruin. 


So that Chaos may trounce Order.


Derived from The Book of Asioth

“Fire of Exaltation”


“For First-Born, his royal kin climbed the bright heavens,

and brought him the sparks of starry grandeur held there.


Loving, he lapped up the red waters of their muse,

and raised them upon a throne of shining thunder.


In turn they filled his vessel with timeless insight,

and wrote his name upon the book of Asioth.


Like the golden sun was above the misty weald,

a thousand lives were warmed by but a single source.


Asioth held the power beyond all power.

Each was raised above his brothers: exaltation”

Derived from The Book of Asioth

“Vessel of Sublimity”


“For First-Born, his loving kin plumb the darkest depths,

and give him the seeds of earthly beauty held there.


Being, they tear down the white branches of his cage,

and put upon him a crown of humming crystal.


In turn he lights their fires with lively knowledge,

and seats them all beneath the tree of Asioth.


Like the silver moon is within the  tossing sea,

a thousand lights reflect from but a single source.


Asioth reveals the subtle and hides the known.

Each is found within his brothers: sublimity.”




This is not in any way an exact definition of Asioth or it's bounds.  Merely a reflection of my character from his perspective.


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Luthriel pondered what An-Gho meant when he said "Truth is Asioth." before smirking, "This is why one does not devote themselves to a being first, but to truth primarily.  Otherwise you begin to spew nonsense."

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