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I asked 55 LoTCers how they would kill a Hamster, these are their answers.


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1. __Heathman: Throw

2. Callyps0: Blender

3. Drunkpapabear: Throw it on the wall as hard as I can. preferably a brick wall

4. Unusualbrit: punt it really hard

5. Gustando: Throw gravityy

6. AnonymousAlexa: tf

7. dumbest_broad: yh

8. Satyrdays: yell loudly

9. MkIblees: Wait do I have 1 whole minute to kill it or am I being timed to kill it? So like the faster the better, I'd toss that mf in a meat grinder. Quick and easy.

10. HobbitForHire: It's a hamster, pretty easily

11. ripGavyn: microwave it

12. Rainalyn: depends on how far you can throw

13. Bvrzvm: put it in a sock and slam it as hard as I can against a wall

14. SimonItorp: Uhh... What for? Lmao

15. Buffsanta: Stamp

16. MaltaMoss: hamster in sock then use it as a a flail, simple really.

17. Tadabug2000: no comment

18. ImmortalShadowZ: gas

19. GALMTWOPIXY: Hamster in a sock, then throw it against the wall.

20. Tabby64: Microwave

21. Borin(many underscores): Break neck

22. itsmanny: idk bestie

23. 6xdestroyer: ethically

24. Milenkhov: *stomps on la criatura

25. bumblefina: microwave

26. Islamadon: stomp on it really hard

27. Dargrind: I'd bite its head off

28. ESC1999: They explode in the microwave

29. WestCarolina: AHHH howd you find out

30. ArcaneChicken: Use hamster as fish bait in shark infested water

31. Bewahrungs: I would use an air-cannon to shoot it into oncoming traffic

32. Breeni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cmtjGJ6lYQ like this

33. GundamEngineer: death by doritos bag

34. Morithy: an old school person once put one in a microwave

35. Moenah: idk if i could no

36. Antiopa: yeet

37. Thy_Serf: ez stomp

38. Kumoko600: fried oil

39. Budaq: wowj what the ****

40. AuttyOP: i wouldn't....

41. Unwillingly: electric chair

42. Titanium430: I would throw it into a sewer hole, out of sight, out of mind.

43. Matheaww: step on it. i did that before

44. HeyitsNano: me? kill a hamster?

45. edelos: idk r u the hamster ?

46. GeckoOP: stuff it in water 'n drown it

47. Sixbyte: throw it in the air then stomp it, 6 seconds max

48. TwistedFries: Scream at it

49. Gamma_Byte: crush it under my foot

50. PinkPyro: step on it, or throw it against a wall

51. High_Fire: with a kitchen knife

52. Elennanore: boil it alive then eat it

53. Aech4Short: i would take it then run away so I dont have to kill it

54. Lhindir_: crush

55. Qizu: fetch with dog


You can comment below your favorite.



(this is all hypothetical)


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It all started when my mother took my bike away
'Cause I murdered my guinea pig and stuck him in the microwave


After that, it was straight to the 40 ouncers

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damn poor animal

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SURVEY COMPLETE /PROCESSING DATA/ 10%.....20%......30%....

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Someone calculate the percentages, whats the most popular way to kill a hamster?

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11 minutes ago, Palastartes said:

Someone calculate the percentages, whats the most popular way to kill a hamster?


9.1% Stomp

9.1% Microwave

I think

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1 minute ago, WestCarolina said:

i hate hamsters


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the hamster would kill me in self defense 

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