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[✗] [Amendment + Addition] Spirit Sigils


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Spirit Sigils

“These same elemental symbols are understood by runesmiths and golemancers to evoke similar meanings, or by shamanic elementalists hoping to envision or call upon elemental spirits as well as immortals that represent fundamental concepts.”[1]


Current Lore:

“Sigil: A small rune that a Spirit may offer to a worshiper, to carve into a shrine. These can be put onto signs, and typically make a shape from lines and curves.”[2]

“Greater Spirits reward mortal followers with the sight of their sigil, only after clear success within Spirit trails or within the realm during an encounter.”[2]

“Needy and eager to appease for power, Lesser Spirits readily give out visions of their sigil to visitors.”[2]



Sigil: An elemental symbol(s) that a Spirit may offer to a worshiper after extensive worship or special covenants, capable of absorbing and expelling spiritual energy, allowing a form of limited communication between Shaman and Spirit through this exchange.


Greater Spirits may reward especially reverent followers with the knowledge and power of their sigil, representing a significant pact between shaman and spirit after extensive worship and clear success within Spiritual trials.


Needy and eager for power, Lesser Spirits readily give out their sigil to worshipers; similar to the nature of spirits, these sigils grow less and less refined as their source becomes more specific, with consequently magnitudes of power below the strength of Greaters.



As there is a Spirit for every concept, there are a series of Elemental symbols to describe their essence; Spirits may bestow these to followers of significance, occasionally branding the sigil upon their Shamanic followers, as clear evidence of their reverence. As trophies demonstrating their allegiance, the follower must remain within the tenets of the particular spirit, and doing something antithetical to their beliefs may result in being disconnected from the Sigil, brands potentially being painfully ripped from the skin.


 Upon replication, the sigils grant the ability to commune with said Spirit, although limited to expressions of emotion felt empathically by the pacted Shaman. These sigils may also ‘alert’ the follower to the presence of spiritual energy, whether it be from a specific person, artifact, or the environment. As elemental symbols charged spiritually they have the potential to discharge this energy within a small range, the effect corresponding to the domain the sigil originates from.


Red Lines

  • Learning the Sigil of a Spirit does not grant you any further knowledge of Elemental symbols, the meaning of individual runes making up the sigils will still have to be learned through other means of roleplay.

  • To use the empathic abilities granted by Sigils, the follower must be a Shaman with sufficient spiritual knowledge in order to fully grasp the symbol’s influence. [Tier 3 in any Shamanistic Magic]

  • The Sigil only ‘alerts’ the follower to something within their line of sight, and does not provide any information beyond the presence of shamanic influence.

  • The effect of the spiritual discharge is limited to a 5 block radius (Tier 1 range) around the sigil, producing intense physical and mental feelings and visions correlating to a specific spirit while within its range (i.e. exhaustion and dehydration, an expansive desert within a desert spirit’s sigil). When imprinted upon the body or a handheld object the effect is purely aesthetical. 

  • All effects serve non-combative purposes, and the bodily effects produced by the Sigils may be overcome by willpower or simply stepping out of the range.

  • To charge a sigil, a tier three shaman pacted with the spirit or an adherent of the spirit must touch the sigil or surround it with the aspects of its nature.  A three emote ritual of professing belief/reverence, or physical acts of worship allow for its energy to be refilled.

  • Ancestral Spirits of all varieties are able to offer their sigil as well. This power bestowed to them would allow for three emotes of a memory within their life to be displayed to those present. A lutauman would be able to gain their sigil through a spirit walk and talking with said Ancestral, while a haruspex would be able to divine such through 20 Charges at their Threshing Inkwell, and roleplay of memorizing and drawing the symbol.


In the past Spirits had true names or concepts similar, however in the current edition of Spirit lore they are without this; Spirit Sigils in their current form are basically simple pictures, without any visible relation to the Material Alphabet that is already prevalent in other lore. With this simple amendment it connects them, or clarifies that they’re related, also providing all shaman magics with a minor buff to spells and aesthetics.


Credit and Thanks




[1] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/184582-%E2%9C%93-world-lore-the-material-alphabet

[2] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192906-%E2%9C%93-deity-lore-the-spirits/ 

Edited by Privet
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