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"Well, who am I going to sell drugs to NOW?" Bacchus groaned.

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Ajax Frostbeard quietly sat in his hovel atop one of Urguans many mountains, with the soft sound of a bubbling cauldron being much of the only thing heard amidst the snowstorm surrounding him. A raven of the events had been sent to him by one of his kin, taking a sip of his tea the dwarf let out a heavy sigh. The notion of another great clash and death abound saddened him, especially in the matters of kin slaying, but the safety of the dwed as a whole meant this was a necessary thing... the dwarf had already heard and seen so much in his time, it almost was like this was nothing new to him at this point.. nearing a millennium old.. the dwarfs heart can only break so many times "Such a shame... such a great dwarf fallen so low, and to be sundered and smashed....such a shame..." 

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