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[✗] [World Lore] The Light-Touched


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The phenomenon of descendant children being touched by the magicks and aspects of other planes and deities is one that traces its way far back into the annals of history - from those who resided upon sunlit Sheerok in ages yore, to the fel workings of the Zar’rokul to warp and mutate newborns into hellish physiques, or the children of the Ascended who shone with intrinsic radiance. As the light of the gods faded from the realm, and most withdrew their blessings from their servants, this phenomenon of children bearing hints of divine grace would soon fade into obscurity; those once touched by it now bereft of their guiding light. 


These children touched by the light of the divine were not usually conceived through any particular intent; no bane or blessing working to bring about the circumstances of their birth, but rather an unintended consequence of hallowed magicks warping the descendant form in subtle ways. A rarity, even in elder days, those born and touched by divinity were often considered prime targets by those of darker inclinations - either making prey of these youths, or working to sway them from that which begat their nature. Most would spend the early portions of their lives searching for any meaning or purpose to be found - perhaps disillusioned, or confounded, by the traits which had been impressed upon them. Many would take up arms as warriors in service to one god or another, not necessarily even the Aengudaemon who’s magicks had touched them, or indeed clerical or monastic undertakings - while others would, in hatred of the light which graced them, turn to darker paths, sullying themselves in a gesture of spiritual self-mutilation. 


When once the gods had turned their gaze from the plane of mortal men, it now lingers in part once more, with the likes of Aeriel and Tahariae seeking their ambitions anew, or Xan and blessed Malchediael taking up arms against the scourge which plague the realm - their returned presence and emboldened servants now, through no fault of their own, allowing for the possibility of these Light-Touched individuals to be born again. 




Touched by Light


The Light-Touched, as they are dubbed, are those born in rare circumstances where a wealth of holy magic and the light of the divine has left its mark upon them - resulting in an uncanny, but not unpleasant, host of traits which betray their hallowed lineage. Only able to be born between two descendants of the same race, Light-Touched individuals experience a host of minor physical and mental alterations, though fundamentally their soul remains the same as any other largely - still touched by the curse of Iblees, and just as fallible to corruption as any other. For the purposes of interaction with other lore pieces, Light-Touched are no different than normal descendants, with the only exceptions being those listed below.



The birth of a Light-Touched individual is an uncommon occurrence, and indeed a rarity among the descendants. Brought about solely by the confluence of great divine power within either the parents or child at the time of birth, such an event is often taken as a miracle by descendantkind. 

  • Light-Touched may only be born through the union of two holy magi of Tier 5, very rarely by giving birth within a region under the effects of ‘Herald Sunbreak’, a Chancery under Paladinism lore or near a Brazen Bonfire under Templar lore (requiring one roll out of 100, with 90-100 meaning the child is born Light-Touched), or by interaction with divine beings while the child is within the womb, at E.T discretion. Other methods of allowing for the inception of Light-Touched may be added, pending the return of Aerielan or Tahariaen magic, or through given MArts with such as an explicit effect. 
  • The birth of a Light-Touched should not at all be roleplayed as a common occurrence, even between holy magi. Failure to abide by this limitation will result in reprimand by the LT. 
  • One may not have their persona be "spawned in" out of nowhere as a Light-Touched descendant. Such a thing must be founded in roleplay and to the methods outlined above. 


Mental Traits

Even from birth, those touched by divine grace experience a minimum of one of the following mental traits, which would be inherent to their mentality as they develop and grow. With time and through great effort and personal growth, these inherent behaviors could be worked past.

  • A Black-And-White lens of viewing the world and other individuals
  • Natural inclination to adhere to social norms/the social order
  • Aversion to ‘chaotic’ behaviors and activities
  • Empathetic to a fault
  • Aloof view of the world, struggle to form attachments
  • Stubborn and averse to change, stuck in one’s ways
  • Prideful and vain to an extent
  • Possessed of a superiority complex
  • Easily dogmatized 
  • Overly Optimistic 
  • Natural inclination towards their patron Aengul’s values - those born of Aerielan sorcery carrying a deep sense of compassion, for example, or those of Malcheladiel’s magicks possessing an inherent sense of personal duty and honor
  • Natural inclination towards established religion, not necessarily in worship of any Aengul. 


Physical Traits

Throughout their lives, the Light-Touched will carry with them permanent marks of the circumstances of their conception, however miraculous it might have been seen as - always carrying at least two of the following physical traits. These serve to set them apart from mundane descendants, and while less overt than the horrific infernal mutations experienced by Cursed Children, remain as identifiers of their lineage.

  • Silver, White, or Golden hair possessed of a notable sheen and luster
  • Taller than average, at most by 3 inches further than their original race’s height maximum
  • Uncannily fair or picturesque complexion
  • Eyes that seem to glow subtly, of any hue related to their parent magick’s aura. The eyes might be normal, or they might be mono-colored
  • Birth-marks shockingly similar to tattoos, in the same color as their hair or eyes. Generally not to exceed a small area, such as sleek and angular marks upon the neck, or graceful swirls upon the shoulder blades
  • Their touch might yield minute senses of comfort or grace, to no tangible or consciously recognized extent
  • A naturally airy and melodic voice, pleasant to the ears


Sullied Light

As a result of their inherent nature, the spiritual purity of a Light-Touched is a fragile thing - and once besmirched, it shall remain so forevermore. Thus, it is that these individuals who have ‘fallen’ by way of having taken on the practice of dark magicks will experience greater mental distress, and only the light of an Aengul may relieve them of their sins. This unique circumstance would bring about alterations to the unique physical traits of the Light-Touched, as if an outward display of their corruption. 

  • Should a Light-Touched take on a dark magic that would affect the soul (E.G Mysticism, Necromancy, etc.) their physical traits would be altered to reflect their state - lustrous hair turned ratty and frayed, their voice becoming dispassionately cold, etc. 
  • Even if disconnected from a given dark magic, their ‘corrupted’ nature would remain - only vanishing should they take on a holy deific connection thereafter to work towards absolving their sins. 
  • The mental symptoms of dark magicks would generally weigh more heavily upon a Light-Touched individual, and they themselves would feel a perpetual sense of unease or judgement upon them - a purely imagined sensation, as nothing is truly watching them. Anxiety disorders and the like can accompany this, at player discretion. Even if disconnected from the dark magic, these symptoms would persist until the point that a deific connection is taken on. 





  • For the purposes of this lore, the classification of ‘Holy’ magicks extends to those associated with the holy-deific host of Aenguls; Xan, Tahariae, Aeriel, and Malchediael. 
  • While playing a Light-Touched does not require a CA, the circumstances of their conception must be abided by regardless, and are subject to LT oversight and, in the case of abuse of this lore, LT reprimand. 
  • One cannot create a bloodline of Light-Touched individuals, given the sheer rarity of the phenomenon - nor do the traits transfer to one’s children by default. 
  • May only be born to pure-blooded descendants, not gracing the likes of half-breeds or animalistic folk such as Hou, Kha, or Musin. 
  • All traits experienced by the Light-Touched hold no relevant bearing on combat or CRP interactions.



Citations, Purpose & Credits




Valannor - Writing

Seo, AstriaS, Wandiferous - Feedback and moral support


This lore was a small project I wrote up as a result of recent inspiration, and the realization that LoTC lacks any true lore for ‘divine’ children, akin to the likes of the Aasimar or the circumstances of Galadriel’s birth, the Lady of Lorien who was touched by the light of the Twin Trees of Valinor. As opposed to producing a true ‘angelic’ sort of creature, I instead chose to focus on the subtler story to be told from the perspective of characters who, from birth, were given the barest taste of the divine - and how that would affect them going forwards. It is my hope that, although I foresee the usage of this lore being an uncommon circumstance, the stories and characters it can help develop will prove a positive addition to the LoTC world.

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An interesting piece which adds to the depth of the server, and holy magic. It is a personal wish of mine to see Magics increased in depth, and this lore helps accomplish that.


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Based I can do Solaire rp as an infant now




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18 minutes ago, Valannor said:



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this is just naztherak cursed children but holy variant instead. nothing stopping u from already rping this, save for the special 'eye-glowing effects'. idk it feels weird and i dont rly vibe w/ it


it rly rubs me the wrong way after experiencing lots of protag rp during my time on lotc, i feel that this would only reinforce it within holy magic groups

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1 minute ago, PXY said:

this is just naztherak cursed children but holy variant instead. nothing stopping u from already rping this, save for the special 'eye-glowing effects'. idk it feels weird and i dont rly vibe w/ it

yeah I figured. Just something I banged out in a day as I find the energy to keep writing, I'm not too sad if it gets shot. 

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harmless way to make characters feel cooler but i think the rarity should be upped from 90-100 to 98-100 while an ST is watching (the ROLL not the FTB)
i dont like the fact that they can still connect to dark magics though

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idk i feel like an ST needs to watch the FTB

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49 minutes ago, Heathman said:


Sex lore

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1 hour ago, Valannor said:
  • A Black-And-White lens of viewing the world and other individuals
  • Natural inclination to adhere to social norms/the social order
  • Aversion to ‘chaotic’ behaviors and activities
  • Empathetic to a fault
  • Aloof view of the world, struggle to form attachments
  • Stubborn and averse to change, stuck in one’s ways
  • Prideful and vain to an extent
  • Possessed of a superiority complex
  • Easily dogmatized 
  • Overly Optimistic 
  • Natural inclination towards their patron Aengul’s values - those born of Aerielan sorcery carrying a deep sense of compassion, for example, or those of Malcheladiel’s magicks possessing an inherent sense of personal duty and honor
  • Natural inclination towards established religion, not necessarily in worship of any Aengul. 


You've successfully established the character drive of pretty much every holy mage in a single spoiler. How do you feel? 

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I was going to say it'd be too easy to fake rolls, this and that, but honestly this submission is just a cool aesthetic thing that yields no combative benefit-- so I don't see the need for ST to have to be called to watch a roll for a kid that'll have glowy eyes. Very neat!


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1 hour ago, Sorcerio said:


You've successfully established the character drive of pretty much every holy mage in a single spoiler. How do you feel? 

I'm actually quite depressed!

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