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May No Dragon Be Our Lord | To Defy The Arch-Drakaar


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"Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux, Ordo Vult." The Bellwarden muttered, reading the missive from shattered remnants of the Almenodrim's home.

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One particular Lector Engineer has a brain blast in the workshop after the events that unfolded. Inspired by the war machine he fought on the ground beside to protect, he makes plans for his order's own in the near future.

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Sigrun Ireheart was still salty he wasnt allowed to cram fifty legionnaires into the great machine.

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A blonde haired Paladin continued her training in realms elsewhere, pausing only briefly upon feeling a disturbance lifted from the land of Almaris.

Edited by DahStalker
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A enraged dwarven paladin grumbles salvaging her hallowed golem lab
"Ah swear ahm gonna grudge tha lizard inta teh next thousand years fer messin with my shite" she said beginning to write her own grudge letter to the big lizard

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Bakir smiled as he heard the Paladins reclaim their home "Leave none alive. The servants of Azdromoth will soon fear the retribution of the dwarves, this is the first step."

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Eonan Norvayn quietly washed the blood and scored ash from his armor, mere days after the events at Sunbreak. He had been leading the warriors of the Vale for years now and the stench was nothing new to him, yet the loss he felt in his heart would never grow old. Nor would the experience of war become familiar.


Habit saved him from dwelling on such things and duty offered a path to forget, for a while, at least. For the moment, he was content with the blow struck and the hearts that beat still. His thoughts would heal just as his body would, in time. Narnsae ito iyl.  

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highly good mecha art and good post!


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"Beautifully won, Tarathiel."


A thing of black hide clapped its hands, feet deep in a great bed of ash, speaking to none but to the statues of stone about him.


"Strenght will always defeat the logic of words where they fail to move. And for this lesson, you have my thanks."


Admitted the serpentine thing, dipping its head and casting a hand deep into the ash, clutching. 

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Morul: The Hermit, Restrainer of Azdradal simply nodded from inside his secure home, a grin from under his mask, that sorcerer dwed letting out a maddened chuckle "Heh... Trueleh ah interestin' day, yet teh true powah o' Vuur'dor's Flame es yet toh beh beheld!" he'd state, once more delving deep into knowledge forbidden and tomes unknown...

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"May no dragon be our lord, yet, we will equivocally submit to the bidding and machination of our Aengulic overlord." A creature muses.

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*A High-Elf Labourer, Hefter of Big Beams, who sweat and toiled along Bortu and Urukhiim brothers, smiles brightly hearing the headline! He replies! "May our weapons bite true and drive the serpents from our isles! May they not subvert our great societies!"

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Avius probably would have smiled. He didn't, however. Because he was, in fact, dead.

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     Angr would be working away at the stonemill, watching as his fellow dwedmar stormed the fallen Sunbreak Keep from so far away, as evident by the thick billowing of smoke and smog followed by the rumbling of the earth. He simply shaped clay, cut stone and laid grout as he moved about the obliterated gate, a slight smile on his face as he did what he loved, working. "Meh kin 'r likeleh maken d'eir bloodlines proud oot t'ere. Ahs much as ah woul lov tae 'av joined t'em, weh each 'av ah part tae play." He comments to himself, laying down the next brick in place and smearing the grout down with his gloved fingers to ensure a nice smooth surface in-between. He muses to himself for a moment, thinking back to Hana's words on order, on the balance necessary in this life. "Jus' as d'ey need fightahs tenden tu da battlfron', d'ey need meh tae tend tu our citeh's wounds... Ah see now..."

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