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An Acolyte's thesis on: subconscious Knowledge of Sin & Respective Judgement of GOD Thereafter


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Thesis on the Subconscious Knowledge of Sin & Respective Judgement of GOD Thereafter


The mortality of man is mixed. A complexe topic, with hundreds of layers and perspectives, which simply cannot be divided into two overarching categories, such as those who sin, and those who do not. Given the gift of free will, man becomes complex, divided, continuously fighting a losing battle against the self, in an attempt to yield. 


Though, some find themselves secluded. Hidden from or unable to access the teachings of GOD, and rid of the enlightenment to how one must act in life, cannot be achieved by these individuals. To distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, is to live according to the Virtues, taught in its respective scroll. 


Read Forth with Pious Heed to this Most Inspired Text;


“So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.”

- Virtue 5:9


Raising one’s hand in wrath, or envy, is seen as behavior going against the Virtuous. To hurt one’s ilk for the sake of anger, or cowardice, or jealousy is seen as an objective wrong. However, to individuals unable to learn these teachings, and secluded from religion altogether, how can they expect to abide by his Virtues?


One’s answer is most simple, and it is found within us. Morality is one of the most foundational, primitive aspects of a Descendant’s mind. Many believe that morality is gained through experiences in life, and nurture. This is true, to a sense. Nurture educates morality to act more thoroughly, to deeper introspect and self-analyze when precarious situations arise.


But it is not only nurture that brings forth morality in man. It is the inherent requirement for those under His Glory to abide by His Virtues, regardless if they are literate or illiterate, rich or poor, of the city or of the mountains. Morality is GOD guiding us, through our bodies, and giving us reactions depending on the virtuous or unvirtuous behavior we may commit.


Read Forth with Pious Heed to this Most Inspired Text;


“And I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My trials are the holy trials, and My cure is the virtuous cure, and all the reliefs of the Virtue are open to the righteous forbearer.”

- Virtue 3:10


Doing good, for the sake of helping others, is the purest form of happiness and relief that can be found. It is GOD, through our morality, and in addition to our perception to the world create an appropriate reaction. “We reep what we sow.” 


Where some may be disillusioned, though, is when those who embellish in the antithesis lie. Those who hold no “moral compass”, who gain their happiness and pleasure through the suffering of others, and actions deemed unvirtuous. These men learn to do so, taking advantage of GOD’s gifts and twisting them for their own macabre desires. 


So Please, in Times of Need, Read Forth with Pious Heed to this Most Inspired Text;


“And I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My power is the only power, and My eternity is the only eternity, and all the aeons of the Virtue shall sustain the righteous.”

- Virtue 7:9


Transcribed by

Acolyte Goderyc


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To the good Acolyte Goderyc, @Gambit


You have delved into the morality of Man and compared it with our teachings. I find your work exceptional and thus approve you for the priesthood of Owyn. Find a superior clergyman who may ordain you so you may properly begin your duty with the Church. If any problems should arise, you may pen me a letter!

May God and the Exalted guide you,

 Prelate Adrian Helen de Sarkozy

Cardinal Albarosa



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