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To the False Malinor and their 'Mercy'


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Dakath Ipos raises his blades, preparing for WAR! 

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Yahzlak pinned the missive to the Goi's noticeboard, bearing a solemn frown. "Malinor scum -- they seek to enslave all elves. Not free us," she mumbled, smoothing over the Jailer's Moss to set it in place. "Yam more free in the Horde than I am anywhere else."

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"Me am not that kind of Orc." Brawla Yar frowns and squints his eyes, before grabbing a weapon to peacefully protest the invasion of his homeland.

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An elder goblin, Shaman and Once Rex, heard the call of kin. The spirits grew restless in his mind, as they too felt the shifting of the realm. Gnarled and scarred knuckle clenched tight a worn and elden staff, as the goblin made his way home. The time for watching the world for enemies was over, for the enemy had made itself known.

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"Death to traitors, death to oath-breakers, death to kin-slayers - death to Malin'or." Keeper Ellenore proclaims.

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That gray skinned goblin would raise his spear of gold and bone in the air."Diz iz da whay, da whay ov da Throqugrizh!. Da whay ov da Heartbeat!"He would then go, to scry into the Grizh. 

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Alyndel Velulaei'onn cracked a smirk as the notice passed him. Together with his fellow Velulaei'onn he read it over. He had never been a big fan of the Orcs, but this time seemed different. Perhaps it was time to seek out the Spirit-worshipping Uruk, for they seemed to share a vision with the head of Clan Velulaei'onn. "Let us hope the false unifiers will meet the fate they deserve." He pondered, before going on about his day.

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The martial shaman stands at the edge of the feasting pit with his palm extended over the crimson pool, dripping his own blood as an offering "Da heartbeat will peep all..." he smirks "LUP'GRIZH, HUL-GRIZH" he chants, his eyes rolling to reveal his white sclera.

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39 minutes ago, _Leyd said:

Our orcs left, for we were not to use words when our arrival was met with swords drawn. 

A white haired woman sharpening a blade comments "Funny that they were the ones to attack us and all we merely did was defend our homeland as they attempted to break into our city, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that those who claim to be the pinnacle of honor are in fact honourless given our interactions with the pinnacle of purity being Haelun'or that easily bent the knee when it suits them despite their prior resistance to other leadership, suppose maybe that is why they're good allies? But curious the Orcs 'left' when most of them are feeding the Woodlands around Celia'nor." she then remarked with a smirk. 

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A metaphorical tear rolls down a chalk-dusted goblin's metaphorical cheek as he stands at the edge of his village and reads the missive;

"Mi kuldnub have pud it bettur mizelv, Dominuz ub Krugmar. Dey zcream ovur agh ovur dat dey iz da viktimz, yed zeek tew opprezz elvez dat dewnub wunt tew join dem."

"Tyrantz agh mongrulz, azh agh awl. Nub beddur den a zity full ub znaga-enzlavurz."


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A Crimson skinned Wargoth sat alone in a pool of blood beneath his Grish’Drû, his Blood Willow. The flesh and bone tree swayed in the wind as the voices of rage invaded his mind. His zealous worship of Enrohk had transformed his bloodlust from a once constant thought in the back of his mind to being almost every thought. He fought against his urge every moment…but now the shaman was given his chance to embrace his nature and show the true ferocity of an unchained  Son of Krug! He clenched his charred, blackened staff with his talon, gripping the pulsing blood veins twisting through the charred wood with the razor sharp steel blades on his fingers. “Grizh tu hûn, Grizh tu hôn”

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Lok’Gul would crunch the missive in his large hand, “Klomping fire with fire….”  The orc grunted, throwing the crunched ball of what used to be the missive in the great ‘uzg bonfire. “Wil onlie mayk dee world burn…” The orcs breathing began going heavy, as with every exhale let out a grunt! The orc then let out an angered roar before going back into the forge, letting the heat calm him down. “Bloodluzt… createz rage, nub viktorie.”

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A blue skinned hobgoblin sat at a table, reading the parchment with a skull set at the bottom of the page. He turned his eyes to the skull, "Wub lat gruk?" He asked it. After a brief pause, he cackled, patting the skull, "Yub, yub. dey reeli azkin' fur it,now."

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3 hours ago, _Leyd said:

But titans never fall. 

"Mayhaps third times a charm for them to finally stand up?" Valyris remarked as she read over the missive after the Horde lost yet another battle in a complete squashing of their kind. She continued to sip her wine as she operated the every-busy gatehouse. 

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