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Royal Duma Reforms of 428 E.S.


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The Royal Duma Reforms of 428 E.S.






Issued by the

Office of the Lord Speaker

On this 12th of MALIN’S WELCOME of 428 ES






Following the ascension of His Majesty Karl III and the induction of Maric Baruch as Lord speaker; Several significant and long discussed changes are to be made to the Royal Duma so that it might better serve its function. As a legislative body, the Royal Duma must be eminently capable of managing effective and representative discussion as well as holding the authority to  bring its elected members to account. In order to better serve this purpose, the Office of the Lord Speaker does hereby enact the following reforms:


On Changes to Process


I. Sessions of the Royal Duma shall no longer take place per annum, henceforth only to be held upon summons by The Lord Speaker, or in their absence the elected Lord Handler.


II. A Military Tribune shall be elected every term from among those oathed members of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. This elected member shall be selected by due process established by the Office of the Lord Marshal and shall sit upon the Duma as a representative of the military order.


III. The sitting terms of elected Aldermen, the Grand Maer and the Military Tribune shall be adjusted from six years to six sittings.


IV. A seat offered to a Peer in the Royal Duma may only be represented by a recognised member of that family. In turn, the offices of the Palatine and Grand Maer may be solely represented by a member of said office.


V. Both legislative and advisory bills put through the Royal Duma shall henceforth require a two-thirds majority to pass.


VI. On such an occasion where the Lord Speaker, or in their absence the elected Lord Handler deem it worthwhile, members of the Duma may be called upon to cast their vote in secret.


On Changes to Proposal


I. All prospective bills must first be proposed for assent from the Office of the Lord Speaker, or in their absence the elected Lord Handler before being put forward for discussion in the Royal Duma.


II. A petition put forward to the Office of the Lord Speaker, or in their absence the elected Lord Handler by an established citizen of Hanseti-Ruska; with a minimum of five signatories may be put forward for discussion in the Royal Duma. In such an event, the primary signatory shall first be summoned to present the petition. In their absence, the following signatories shall be called upon in descending order.


III. Major diplomatic agreements shall henceforth be put forward by the Office of the Lord Envoy for deliberation in the Royal Duma. These shall include but not be limited to: Declarations of War, the creation of lasting Alliances and Trade Agreements, Agreements of Peace, and Non-Agression.


On Changes to Authority


I. Those summoned before the Royal Duma by the Royal Inquisitor who do not appear without formerly offering reasonable explanation for their absence shall henceforth be subject to an immediate vote of confidence in absentia. Of which, the results shall be put forward to the crown without delay.






His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.

His Excellency, Maric var Ruthern-Baruch, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, Duke-Consort of Valwyck, Count-Consort of Ayr, Baron-Consort of Gant, Laval and Riveryn.

Edited by Demavend
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