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Large, patchy pieces of parchment are circulated throughout Almaris; primarily the nations of the West, with great urgency. A goblin stands before you and shoves it into your hands before sprinting off with the stack, hollering at passerbys in a thick Orcish accent. The flier reads . . .


300/365 Field of fire, Atey Ghailan | Environment concept art, Fire  painting, Environment concept



I zend diz mezzage out in great ugency.

Az of late, the Uzg haz been under attack; not by our enemiez of elven blood, but by agentz of the zpiritz demselves. In this Cactuz day alone, a ztrange omen appeared before mine and my clanzwoman, Meep'z, feet out of thin air; a snowy owl, dyed red with its own blood. Itz right lung was removed, itz eyes had been sewn zhut, and itz wings were so horribly broken that they appeared more akin to gelatin. 


Following quickly after, two of Enrohk'z agentz, a tar-black Rhino agh a gakh-meter tall bezerker appeared and tore down our gaytez to klomp us. They were zo indulged in their bloodluzt dat we had to flat dem both, and when killed, de bezerker exploded into whyte flame. After de injured had been evacuated, den came an agent ov Freygot'; a crowdrake, dat tore our goi zquare tu shreds and taunted our kin. 


The day before, similar occuranzez had been reported.


De zpritz have been angered, bruddahz. 

To ztave off zure deztruction of our goi, and our bond wif our Greater agh Anceztral zpiritz, wi   MUST  rekindle our bond!    


Ceaze from taking more from nature den latz muzt tu zurvive. Inztead of killing beaztz zuch as Wolvez, Bearz, agh zuch, merely zcare dem away. Honor Freygoth, and enzure her dat wi have nub forzaken her. Den, may wi alzo embrace de other zpiritz. Pleaze, Uruk-kind; Orcz, Goblins, Ologz, agh fellow Honorariez alyke. Do nub let de Horde forget who wi are, agh who wi honor!




 Chieftess Yahzlak'Dezokh-nur


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hehe this is exactly what i wanted

time to spin a web

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2 hours ago, Cheezzy_Garlik said:

hehe this is exactly what i wanted

time to spin a web

certified cheezy moment


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A bloodied haruspex shakes his head. Within his sanguine pools, he laments the actions of this missive.


"To cower in fear of the signs of the Spirits and succomb to their will is to learn nothing of Orgon. You set about to revere Freygoth, yet know not what that power might bring. Tread lightly."



The shaman sets his gaze onto the jungle that so strangled his people's will. There was work to be done.

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