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To the Cowards of Malin'or


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"I remember the Orcs, after their so called siege just simply ran off, refusing an open field battle. But well. So be it, let the savages scream around like angry oem'ii." a young elf remarks, looking at the missive with amusement "If you actually wish to fight, then come..."


The elf then turns to his High Prince, taking place next to him at the tree "They killed a hundred unarmed travelers on the roads. So they did kill people, unarmed, without honor..." Raziel becomes silent again, before speaking up a few seconds later "Oh and - they captured her Highness! But they let her go after she threatened them. Quite a sad display.."

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Ragnar would smile a bit upon reading the letter, chuckling ironically. “It’s interesting that war is what they want, but they won’t declare it. Why put up war when you clearly don’t have funds for such a thing. Just a conglomerate of scaredy-cats, I would say.” would say Ragnar to an empty room in his tower.    

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AELDWEN THE FORGER wanders into both domains, offering great relics to the rulers to protect their citizens in this bloody war. The benevolent man leaves afterwards, to go forge these relics of mighty POWER!


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A towering Wargoth, with skin as red as blood strides through the Jungles and forests surrounding the Orcish Citadel and Elven City. He strokes the head of his mighty War Elephant as he remarks to himself  

”Diz iz reeli starting tu gitz annoyin, wunz mi ziege enginez iz komplete, dere walls will crumble like old dog zhit…in da wind” The goth takes his charred, blackened staff and holds the flame of it to the sky. “Gazigazh, Lo’ Gazigazh. Grîzh tu hûn Grîzh tu hôn”

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The warrior haruspex smirks as he reads the missive "More grizh to zpill"  his clawed fingers tear into the paper "Agh more sacrifices for Grish'Idekh'Tamak" the hobgoblin rises to his feet, grabbing his two serrated battle-axes "Da tik iz zoon, it iz da will uv da anceztorz"

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The DREADED Sylvanor Nightbane reads the missive and scoffs loudly before ripping the paper to shreds with his scythe, Mugenjin. He obliterates the scraps with a torch before continuing on his way down the road. He talks to himself aloud, as any sane elf would, "Heh. Savage brutes.. I will enjoy rending them on my blade. Their flames will be extinguished and meet the Abyss, a mockery of their afterlife." He spits with disdain, perfectly willing to shed orcish blood once more. For a price, of course.

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A Mali'ker of great intellectual prowess grinned as the Elven conflict unfolded. He stood beside his two daughters, intently pondering over the consequences of the actions of the Uruk missive. "Who are the Malinorians to claim such an ancient title? They are not a state, but a pretentious pact of false Elven Unity. The 'thill are not with them, nor are most of the 'ame. Malinor was a singular state, not a collection of cities. Neither Fenn nor Nor'Asath are populated, so why do they even claim to be a bastion of Mali unity when half their states are deserted? A 'ker state of empty promises, an empty husk of shorter 'aheral and Celia'nor....the latter being so diverse claiming it to be a Mali state is offensive in its own right." Alyndel paused, his grin ever present as he was reminded of the olden days, when it was the Valah who went after eachother with a lust for blood. "If not for their false claims of ancient titles I wouldn't even be so against them.....but alas, the Mali will never change. Let us hope reason comes to all in this wretched war, and that no 'ker blood is spilled."


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“Killed who?” A highly confused mali queried, adjusting the new piece of beastmelding equipment she’d crafted from a dead orc’s jaw. Swinging the mace-like attachment on the end of her spear over her shoulder, she turned to it. “Ready for some- what was it?- oh, klomping and flatting, Bonk-Bonk? Time to crush some more unworthy Uruk skulls.”

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“2-0” Vydrek Volaren says to his old pal Vytrek “Just like the number of norlandic kings I’ve killed.”

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A large, beastly and rotten uruk started up his cauldron. Green and brown liquids bubbling and gurgling within.. "Dah wrath ub Kinul will taint dah trees, souls, and drive ub deze dishonorable twigz."

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Boots reads the missive, patting one of his many new cavalry horses. "It's always good to win a war before it starts." The horse neighs, anxious to be beyond the walls and on the field. "Not today Carrot, it seems you are on early vacation." Boots then looks out to the lake, wondering if horses can swim. If not, then he will train them, as the sea is where horses come from.

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"Do we really need more proof that the 'great' state of Malin'or does not have the best in mind for its people? We deserve all that may come our way."  Ruathar Indoren stated, careless of who might even overhear this discontent with the current leadership of Mali.

Edited by Tulan
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