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The fall of a knight.

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[!] An excerpt of the event has been written down by a witness, sent to the people of Norland more specifically her father;


'Astrid stays defiant as the harsh Norlandic winds whip around her head, she grips her sword tightly in her grasp as she stares towards the assailant.


"Why are yeh here?" She shouts over the relentless whistling, snow coating her helmet and the ground at her feet.


"Could ask you the same question." The man calls back, narrowing his eyes "Princess." His words were a tease, a mockery. He didn't say 'Princess' with the idea of respect. He didn't say it so she could feel proud, he knew how much she despised it and he was going to manipulate it.


Astrid was weak and tired, even holding her sword caused great pain to her. Her muscles were deteriorating and she knew it, constantly reminiscing of the days where she would beat her fellow soldiers in spars.


"Princess Astrid Eiriksson Ruric...once the Overseer. Oh how the mighty crumble."


"Ich am nicht ein Ruric, nicht with them."


"You can't change blood no matter how hard you try."


The man suddenly lunges forward, pushing his sword towards her chest which causes something to snap in Astrid, forcing her to lift her sword up and clash their swords together.


"Yeh are meant to wait! Two...it's a two way thing. Yeh...yeh broke it!" She spits, her mind spinning as the line on the floor wasn't there. Where was the line? Where...where was the line?


Astrid draws a line in front of her before lunging one leg back as the other stays straight forward, her opponent gives her a quizzical look to which Astrid answers "Ich draw it to stabilise meinself. It lets mich know that both yeh and Ich want to fight."


Astrid drops her sword beside her, dropping down to her knees "Nein. Ich won't fight yeh, we didn't agree to this." She shakes her head, hands curling into the snow as tears drip down her face.


"Then you will die a coward, you can't even fight." He spits which pulls the air out of her lungs though she says no more as he swings his sword round, slicing into her neck.'


Astrid Black is now reported dead, the killer is still unknown.



It's not in the usual formatting cause well meh. I don't know, Astrid was terrific. BUT, I got so much hate for playing her ever since day one but I stayed strong and enjoyed my time but slowly, every decision I made on Astrid was 'wrong' and I was punished repeatedly. It was tiring, I'm tired so yes. This chapter hasn't quite closed (it's incredibly complicated but if you get it, you get it.)


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Einar is sad his sister is dead. 

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Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric sat at his desk reading a book at the time it was known Astrid had been proclaimed dead. Yet, the oblivious Monarch continued on reading until a knock came upon his door. A soldier of the Ashguard rushed into the room, gave the Monarch a Norlandic salute, then took a moment to catch his breath. "Your Majesty, it's your daughter." Ragnvald immediately rose to his feet and put the book face-down, a look of fatherly concern immediately overtaking his face. "What is it?" The guardsman gulped, almost hesitant to tell the news, but eventually he uttered the words Ragnvald had dreaded.


"She's dead, your Majesty."



Ragnvald's reaction will be elaborated on in an RP post, which I will link here when it's ready



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Ragnar would look upon missive, sighing deeply. He would put the palm of his right hand on his forehead and look into the darkness of his palm. The job drove him crazy.

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