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On the Knightly Trials & The Order Abroad

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A letter to the


Penned on the 14th of Msitza & Dargund of 428 E.S.





        Lately it has come to my attention how the current knightly trials proposed by the table share a few problems which both work towards heavily delaying the progress of squires and in detriment to their development in some areas. Many of the current trials depend on severe set up by the mentors, of whom many find themselves busy with their other duties, or struggling to do so.

        By doing away with the old trials, which demanded a knight-aspirant traveled the continent in pursuit of errands from other nations, the squires formed in this era have garnered much less knowledge of the world beyond Haense’s borders, something crucial for such prestigious role, representative of the Kongzem’s best. 

      Knowledge on different cultures, groups, relevant figures and more should all be cardinal in the formation of any highly capable knight, for ignorance most often leads to error and failure in judgment.

      This has led to the decline of relations between the knightly orders (namely the Crows) and governamental figures of fellow nations and groups, partially reflecting on Haense’s own with said countries. Gone are the times allies and friends of Haense proudly reached to the Knightly Orders of Haense seeking their aid, so are the days of its members actively heading out in errands.


For such reasons, I propose the following:


  • In order to become a Crow-Knight, one shall undergo: 

    • Three trials listed on the Bogatyrs’ Tome [of which the Trial of the Warrior (Slavomir) shall be a must regardless; and the other two, chosen by the Mentor or Knight Paramount based on the struggles and faults of the squire in question].

    • Two errand quests on behalf of foreign governments and/or lieges. 

      • Those quests must be clearly reported to the table, and must be deemed sufficient to count as a trial. Therefore, they should truly impose a challenge upon the knight-aspirant.

    • In such travels they must actively seek to learn more about foreign cultures, the world and its dangers (such as beasts, hostile groups and threats spawned by the dark).

    • On top of that, a squire must master their fears (as to not be ruled by them) and overcome their short-comings of character, through whatever means deemed proper by their Mentor and/or the Knight Paramount.

    • Only then shall they be sent on their Knighting Quest, as prophesied by the Oracle and/or issued by His Royal Majesty, the Koeng.

  • The Squire’s Knight-Mentor shall also actively seize the duty of: 

    • Taking their squire(s) on trips abroad, sharing down his own experiences and knowledge of the greater world.

    • Teaching about its aforementioned dangers, how to identify and handle them.

    • It shall also be encouraged of the squire to consult other knights beyond their mentors on such matters.

  • The Crow-Knights shall return to actively represent Haense abroad, offering their services as knight-errants and participating in foreign competitions and tournaments alike.

  • An Aviary shall be set at Hallasburg Keep, Lair of the Knights of Haense, to facilitate communication with foreign allies and friends of the orders.

    • Should any seek the Knightly Orders’ aid, a letter should be sent its way.





Her Ladyship, Dame Tavisha Markov “The Independent” Morovar vas Ruthern,

Lieutenant of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, Knight of Haense

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Ser Erwin Bishop, being the first knight dubbed under the Bogatyr period - and the last night to complete all of the previous period's trials - loves this.

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"Are the knights of Haense truly looking to offer themselves out to foreign powers? Which foreign powers, those pagan, uncanonist entities?" Bishop Viktor frowns

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