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Forever waiting at the golden gates of the skies, Iduna’s head lifted to see her daughter. Dashing over she pulled Theodosia into a long overdue embrace.


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“Vy remind me so much of vyr mamej, little Emerald.”


A father is never supposed to outlive his children, they are the ones who are supposed to watch him grow old and turn to dust. It was just a normal day for Elias, as each day passed it was harder for the aging Count Dowager to do normal tasks for himself but he still found a way to manage. What he thought was a normal day was soon to change rapidly when an Orenia courier arrived with a letter stating it was urgent. So Elias took a moment to steady himself before he opened the letter, slowly scanning over his. Everything stopped for him, right then and there, in the middle of his daily walk around the Vale, he just stopped. His breathing started to grow heavy, and his already exhausted gaze began to falter and well with tears which hasn’t happened for years now. The old Paladin began to weep for the loss of yet another child. “Nein...Nein…Nein” He repeated over and over again, his frail voice started to crack, “Nein.” He cried out, “Ve may have had our rough times but Ich have always loved you through everything.” His knees grew heavy, he held onto his cane tighter, his knuckles turning ghostly white as he fought to stand tall, “Tell vyr mamej that ich love her vhen vy see her, tell her ich did the best ich could.” He spoke to the heavens, “Tell her ich am sorry.” After some time, the old man finally fell to his knees, tears staining his scarred cheeks, for he just sat there, recalling many memories with his eldest daughter, watching her grow from afar, to their little adventures they took while they were both still young, to be a complete family. 


For a father shouldn’t have to bury his child.


Edited by StrongBear
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An aged Adunic man peered from the sanctuary of Halstaig, down to the courtyard when the news arrived. A solemn sigh as he lit two sticks of pine incense within the room. Calahan of Rourke kneeled, uttering a foreign prayer to his god...


Knowing he would posses the mantle of regent. He made a promise to Theodosia... 


"I will do you right." Rasped his voice knowing she would hear him


"Your children will be raised well... Politicians and warriors. They'll do you right." He continued, his voice neutral as the room filled with incense


Now even in sadness, the Templar shed no tears, the feeling too familiar... He arose from his knees after a final prayer, stepping out into the halls of the white castle with a huff. He had work to do.



Some of you are morons but epic anyway. (Looking at you, @Pyrite)

( :


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In the foreground a pale pecan tree danced, swaying side to side in the eternal gardens. Below its ember leaves stood an ancient Adunian man and his daughter, waiting their turn to greet their recently departed decedent. As the crowd cleared to welcome Theodosia to the skies, the duo drew near only to exchange a single phrase and a long embrace.
"You did good, kid."

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Father Ioannes had waited on the cold edges of this frozen kingdom as he waited to see Theodosia. They had agreed to meet to discuss a topic that Ioannes had discovered at the behest of Aelia and his wife. Was it the urging of Sister Aelia, or perhaps his wife- to speak to Theodosia about the topic? No, deep down in his depraved heart, he knew what he wanted. They would escape to the edges of the world, leaving behind their past life. No more county, no more Lectorate. His dream would be revived, his childhood relived. He was too much of a coward to admit it at this point, so he pushed it to the back of his mind. He was doing this for Aelia, for his wife, for Theodosia's and his friendship.


"Where is she?" He panted, cold breaths, waiting. He waited. Then waited. And waited. He spent hours, waiting. He huffed, giving up. That woman always had some nerve, and he could not stand it anymore. He gave up. "She can die for all I care." he bitterly mentioned as he went home. Again, he was let down by her.


When he heard the news a few days later at his farmstead, his words came true. The priest lost another friend, and the only reminder of his childhood.


But the priest did not weep, nor did he stand aghast. The priest merely laughed.


Some of the best encounters I had outside of Dima, like I mentioned, was playing with you Raine. :)


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The man's bones creaked and groaned as silver scarred palms pressed over his remaining eye. In the midst of it all, his voice was so loud lately.


How funny.


            His voice,




                                                           It was his, right?


              Just a couple of them,

                                  or a few..


maybe several







Now with the news of that little girl finally laying in her grave did the realization come. He had never been able to protect her,


not once, no; not one singular time. Even as he had tried, he could only comfort, and to stand by her side. To stand by her father, and her mother, even as they abandoned them both one by one. 


So her uncle sat, with silver-warped palms twisting together tensely before him, tears leaking from a dulled green eye as his hands clasped together in prayer. Invocation for his sister to embrace Theodosia tighter than anyone ever had, to force the feeling of being loved back into that battered girl, to watch over her more than anyone else may. 


Pulling that same prayer from his nephew himself did he beg for her to drink and eat well in the endless Seven Skies, where one day, she may be able to name each of the best wines in turn with his own mother.


Auden never was able to save his niece. She had been so close at hand

 just a short while ago,

hugged as words were exchanged quietly;

Calahan, and Theodosia; and their Uncle, Auden, seated soundlessly.

Unlike most other days, there was no violence in those words between the cousins. Spat nor fight or seething remark.


They sat, and had a few biscuits. Discussed some current ongoings, their happiness, some worries.

Auden sipped from a cup of water.

It was silent then, in that moment of stillness

peaceful even, the last of those times to come.


At least, for now. Who knew what really laid ahead? And yet this hopefulness could not cross him yet. He heaved out breaths so harsh his lungs drew out old pains, sorrow pulsing thickly behind his eye as tears poured endlessly over a hot cup of tea. He couldn't bare himself to drink it, it was wrongit made him feel ill.


That prayer continued for minutes

            to hours

                        or days?

Cups of tea pressed to the table before him, coated in dew from the dull heat of the room, where candles burned along the walls.


She would rest well there. 


Sleep soundly, Theodosia. 

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The ever so aging Myrana did not know how to feel about this, but definitely not good, something lurched in her mind, one of shock and sadness, why does her family like to die?!?!?

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Laurentina I greets the Countess in the skies.... [reserved]

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Everett O'rourke after hearing the news in paddy's pint where he often was with his uncle and aunt would fall to his knees by the fire place as tears developed letting out a yell " Why Mam!" knowing the last time he really spoke to his mam he was quite rude, forever now haunting him.

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The Lord Chancellor pours a cold mix of Carrion black in front of him, lighting a cigar to the honor of the fallen Countess. He had remembered the fiery ambition of which they'd stewarded in office, within the meetings of the King's Privy.


A life lost too soon, or ambition caught too late -- he would wonder.

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"Howya, T'eo," the voice of Michael O'Rourke greets warmly upon the Countess' entrance into the Skies.

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The Duke of Azor dipped his head upon reading the missive, they seemed to come without end lately, another poured drink, another set of memories, another life lost too soon... 

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A now rotundas Venerable Father would let out a bellowing brrrrrp and patted his stomach, his eyes scanning over the plane of the Seven Skies at the all you can eat buffet when he spotted Theo amongst the crowds of human spirits.


"Mija!" Padre would call out to the younger Harrenite, "Ayudame mija. My stomach is so stuffed. The tour of Illatia was too mach para mi..."

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A mournful CASSIA, ever hopeful, held SADIE close that night. 


"All will be well." She chanted on 'til they both fell to slumber.

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