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[PK] Shit, there's still a rat up there!


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Rani Var'Suuth Omec Stormheart went by his old house in Haense. He admired the view of it and the memories with it, that as until he looked up and saw it. THERE WAS STILL A GOD DAMN RAT, IN THE GUTTER. Rani grumbled to himself as he went to begin the climb up, "First the Rot, now I've got to get the rat myself?" He thought as he begrudgingly made his way up. He grumbled to himself as he recalled the fact he told a dwarf to do this shit years ago. "God damn dwarf does not listen to shit, now I'm up here to clean the rat. I'm evicted too, this is just a Public service, hope I get off going to court for this."


He felt eyes watch him as he climbed his way up to the large garden bed on the side of the building. He looked around spotting a White owl. He squinted looking at it before looking down and seeing his dark elf friend, Sheo Amanthul Var'Suuth. He spoke to his friend calmly. "Sheo, I'm trying to get this damn rat out of my gutter, stupid dwar-" His words were halted as his legs lost hold in the garden bed pushed the dirt inwards and making his balance fall. He fell to his right falling from the height and into Sheo. 


Sheo had his sword held blade pointed out as Rani fell. The blade went through his chest piercing his appendix. Rani was then promptly thrown off the sword and into the ground with a thud he gasped out his last breath and muttered his last words. "****.... and balls" The blade came crashing down into his neck.


Letters were sent out to two individuals. @Aidan_CoG(Pyotr) @Turbo_Dog(Flour) It will arrive in their DMs

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A one handed woman greeted Rani as he entered the afterlife... a simple few words being uttered to him. "The damned sewer rats..."

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11 minutes ago, CamoRein said:

Sheo Amanthul Var'Suuth.

Sheo had known this already, for he was the one who did the act. He felt bad for killing his friend, but he could not let the infection spread, and he could not let it take his friend. And so, he slowly walked out of Haense, and left the body there with but a phrase, "Ancestors guide you in death, old friend."

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Pyotr Ludovar let’s out an exhale as he awakes in a place foreign to him.. His real left eye gone, due to Rani shooting it out hours prior, replaced with a teal Automaton eye.


Upon learning of Rani’s death, via letter. he begins shedding tears from his right eye. The man unable to cry with his left eye any longer. “Ea forgive vy Lad.. Ea forgive vy..- Dravi Rani.. Dravi..” He hums softly.

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