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This War is our responsibility. Through our own complacency a string of dimmed and demented minds were allowed sway over the Blessed Legacy. We were brought onto the brink of desolation, a state of being unfit for any Mali’aheral. Although we are once again empowered, we must pay ourselves this reparation. Weakness was our grand regret, and so a lesson is to be learned with this oncoming War.


Mali’thilln, shed this expense with me and bare your life essence. Run until your legs give way and you are left gasping. Weep until the taste of salt fills your mouth and your eyes begin to sting. Remember what led us to this moment; meditate on it until it is all that fills your thoughts. 


As the world churns around us like a raging red sea, do not allow yourself to rescind your Grace for even a moment. Lo’ and go forth with reverence Evariran. Display for our adversaries how we have honed our bodies and our minds through centuries of tradition. 


We do not relish in the applied force of battle; So by necessity our strikes are indeed swift, calculated, and final.


As the last horn sounds and the last enemy is felled, when we can finally send our steel to gather dust in the armory, may we at last return to the elegance of Larihei’s design. 

Never again shall we suffer such a violent scheme.


signed, Lorei Elibar’acal

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