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Just now, wowj said:

Nub wae

Dang it, beat me by ten seconds

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I like the post a lot and i am glad frost salts got a small buff. 

Edited by Tabby64
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Me when I can shank void mages with aurumn (non-mundane BTW).


Just my one qualm with this is how aurumn just applies to everything now. It becomes the ultimate CRP meta when really it doesn't make sense for a ton of creatures. As of our current lore it really only works for lifeforce/undead creatures. IMO it could use a bit more specification, at least in terms of how (and why) it interacts with everything on such a broad scale. 


Everything else seems alright though. 

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Finally Published


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Yay, finally. Literally all 'dark creature' CA's come with the inherent disguise spell which allows them to linger and mix with any population, not every single dark magic ca should have a disguise spell and its dumb, perhaps this could be fixed next. Nobody rps the drawbacks of using their disguises either :( 

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Is thanhium still slightly above the durability of steel?



4 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

Me when I can shank void mages with aurumn (non-mundane BTW).


Just my one qualm with this is how aurumn just applies to everything now. It becomes the ultimate CRP meta when really it doesn't make sense for a ton of creatures. Of our current lore it really only works for lifeforce/undead creatures. IMO it could use a bit more specification, at least in terms of how (and why) it interacts with everything on such a broad scale. 


Everything else seems alright though. 

Also, this is based. Aurum should just be a catch all on CAs specifically, if anything.

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56 minutes ago, ReveredOwl said:

Yay, finally. Literally all 'dark creature' CA's come with the inherent disguise spell which allows them to linger and mix with any population, not every single dark magic ca should have a disguise spell and its dumb, perhaps this could be fixed next. Nobody rps the drawbacks of using their disguises either :( 


Disguises are lame I agree. 

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Just now, creamynoteblock said:

where is the carbarum section


wow good eyes, I'm glad you noticed that all by yourself


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1 minute ago, creamynoteblock said:

where is the carbarum section


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