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Good win but why was staff told twi and monke couldn't attend when they did? Just a bit odd to me.


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DAVE stands next to Prince Kosher. "AMATHEA VICTORY AMATHEA VICTORY." The Atronach boomed out.




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17 minutes ago, Tabby64 said:
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Good win but why was staff told twi and monke couldn't attend when they did? Just a bit odd to me.




Ryan delayed his packing for his literal 2 week holiday for this fight, I had to hire some to watch over for me. In fact, you can even check when I got on. it was so last minute, had an hours worth of sleep total- roughly 20 mins before the warclaim. Even people like Mika had to wake up at quarter to ten to book time off work.


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38 minutes ago, Tabby64 said:
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Good win but why was staff told twi and monke couldn't attend when they did? Just a bit odd to me.



Making today was never a problem for me. I leave for my vacation Wednesday. It's the fact that the siege will now be during my vacation so I'll have to drag a laptop along.


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The young Elf soon learned of the Malin'or victory as he was filled with a feeling of relief. He knew that with this victory, his newfound home would remain safe and that he may continue to foster his life there further. Then, some words left his mouth as he whispered to himself, "I must see who fought in this war and see that they are cared for, especially those of my family. . ." 

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3 hours ago, Twinny said:

Ivarielle stood at the base of the mountain with Willy Horen's comrades.. listening to the sounds of a man screaming orders so rapidly his words were wrapping like a Tornado.. and soon after warhammers 'pon helmets like that of a church bell. Some even caught her sipping from a wine bottle..

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The golden haired 'aheral could be caught lingering beside Ivarielle for the remainder of that day. Totally not falling asleep and suddenly zoning from the world this time.

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Netseth Loa'chil The Lord of Nor'asath entered the fray with battle axe in hand descisivly following the united front of Malinorians. The Loa'chil was no stranger to the art of ambushing as he joined the flank... from there a haze a bloody frenzy. The Ker awoke from his suppressed blood lust watching a wounded Orc drop dead  as he stood upon  a bloodied field. "I sappose it had to be this way... well a victory for Malinor." Netseth walked off returning to his family and his people awaiting the completion of city.

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Dante Lo, upon his sweeping of the forest, comes across the bloodied battlefield; gingerly picking his way across to continue to the forests edge. What the hell..?

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On 6/25/2022 at 10:25 PM, Monkee said:

8,500 Malinorians had met 7,900

An aged vampire frowns at the missive. He'd go on to obsessively score over other accounts of the battle, taking a head count of the actual 85 and 79 figure.

"I don't think there's ever even been three hundred people alive in Almaris at any given time..." he ponders aloud, concluding the report to be grossly exaggerated.

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On 6/26/2022 at 12:26 AM, Monkee said:
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Making today was never a problem for me. I leave for my vacation Wednesday. It's the fact that the siege will now be during my vacation so I'll have to drag a laptop along.



only for the siege mister


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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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