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Justinian Basrid sent a map and letter to the King of Hanseti-Ruska detailing a historically """"accurate"""" route to the """"continent""" of Aeldin. There was some details off to the side explaining how none of the nations have any information about them except for weird a Horen-Marna cadet branch like the one from Arkent. The letter, written in paragraphs and edited by Adolphus Gloriana, is excerpted below:


"[..]Furthermore, while the Aeldinic Empire does not exist, despite as some within the scholastic field would suggest, they also loop in the nation of Oyashima to the continent. The Shogunate of Oyashima, however, is real. I recommend going through the nation of Cathant and being smuggled across the border. There are a lot of words to describe the Oyashiman people, and tolerant is not one of them. And consider visiting my family's homeland of Akritios not attached to this fantasy continent[...]" The letter continues on for many more words.

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georg, who cannot read, simply presumes that he is now the king and dances around in circles in celebration.

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Amadea scratched her head, shortly thereafter breaking the news to the overly-excitable heir @gusanoarentonio

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if you're legitimately rp'ing just sailing to aeldin please let me know because things happen if you just "go out" to there and its not just a funny excuse


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Oijin hopes the King of Haense beats the race with Aeldenic border patrol.

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Kingukirā looks upon the horizon- seeing a weird flag upon a weirdly shaped ship. "Nē, anata wa sore o mimasu ka?" He asks- gesturing to the ship. The Oyashiman Nation was indeed real- and they were also extremely hostile towards foreign powers- as they had been forced into trade once before.

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13 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:
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if you're legitimately rp'ing just sailing to aeldin please let me know because things happen if you just "go out" to there and its not just a funny excuse



no they dont


i hate deus ex aeldin as much as anyone but you can keep your hands to yourself


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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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