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(OOC: Such Noticeboard maye be found pinned across the streets of Haense)


DEARE Citizens of Haense and Members of the Crown's Proud Brotherhood of St. Karl,


It gives me great pleasure to announce a Joint-B.S.K and Colborn organised Beer Night and Brawl at the Old Stout Crowe Tavern.

This is a chance to Drink and converse with Friends and Strangers, lift your mood, and partake in

a jolly good fistfight supervised by the B.S.K.


For the right honourable individuals less interested in a round of fisticuffs, ye shall have time to

tell and listen to stories from many an individual, playe tavern games, and

p'rhaps trade and make connections with people!


There's plenty to go around! So do not forget to attend, and bring your friends for a spiffing time!

(OOC: Event will take place in the Old Stout Crow Tavern in Haense at 3pm EST on Wednesday 29th of June, 2022 - Hopefully to be repeated :))


Signed Cordially,



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