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The Last Fight Of A Bear [PK]


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The cold weather of the North hits Ragnar on the back. Riding Mother Lakia to Alisgrad for a meeting with an old friend.


The snow covers the road and a sudden snowstorm hits the Norlandic roads. In the night, the old Sigvardson could barely see a thing. 


As sudden as the snowstorm, a dark figure starts to be made out, coming from the edge of the road.


“Stop right there, Sigvardson imbecile!” screams the figure.


“You don’t tell me what to do.” responds Ragnar calmly.


“If I don’t tell you what to do, my sword will!” says the figure as it takes a longsword out of its hilt.


Ragnar takes out his long beloved Blue Rose Longsowrd. He steps down from Mother Lakia and approaches the dark figure. It was dressed all black, wearing a hood on its face, so Ragnar couldn’t make out who it was.


“Well, it seems like you have a problem with me. Before you strike, may I know the reason why you’re attacking an old man?” asks Ragnar, curiously.


“You shan’t know, only that you haven’t done a great service to my family!” screams the hooded figure.


“Can you not scream? I’m right here.”


Then, the figure strikes. Ragnar swiftly dodges the sword and manages to scratch the figure. It screams again and aggressively attacks the old man. They exchanged hits for a while, until the hooded figure badly cuts into Ragnar’s foot and Ragnar falls hopeless on the ground.


“This will end my family’s suffering!” the hooded figure says, as it aims the sword to Ragnar’s heart.


“One mistake and only one you made. A bear never dies until its prey does first!”

Then he takes the Blue Rose Longsword and stabs the hooded figure in its heart. As it falls, with its last powers, the hooded figure aims the sword towards Ragnar’s heart and fatally injures him.


This was one hell of a good life. Thinks Ragnar, as he slowly fades away, lights no longer on.


His body was soon found, in the piled up snow, close to Bjornfjall.


[OOC: I thank y’all folks from Norland for being there with me on this incredible journey! Thank you all for being there for my first persona! Special thanks to Dno, Javert, gaiusmarius, Froschli, MNT_Plovdiv, Boots, pengin, The Sigvardsons and many others!]




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King Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric greets his old friend as he enters the Father's Hall with a warm smile "My friend, it's good to see you again."

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Astrid Eiriksson Ruric hears of her old marshal, nodding her head “It was an honour to serve alongside yeh whilst it lasted. Ich will look past the last few years.”

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Dahlia Sigvardson Mösu receives the news of her cousin, the fallen leader of the Sigvardson clan. The woman hums to herself softly, re-folding the letter in which she received the news and throwing it into a fireplace, sitting in silence for a few moments.

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As the delayed news reaches a certain Highlander, he makes a solemn comment to the wind. "A good friend... Rest well within th' Halls, Ragnar." He'd mutter out before carrying on with his day, his footsteps soon to be muffled by the sounds of nature.

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