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Land Lease Agreement, 83 SA

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Land Lease Agreement

13th of Malin’s Welcome, 83 S.A.

The Kingdom of Norland shall grant Halstein Eiriksson and his party a plot of land in the western tundra of Norland byway of a lease as an opportunity for Halstein Eiriksson to display conviction and loyalty to the Kingdom and its values. The terms and duties of the lease are as follows:



Halstein Eiriksson recognises that the land leased to him by the Kingdom of Norland shall remain in ownership of Kingdom of Norland, given to Halstein Eiriksson for the purposes listed in this agreement and shall last for the duration as stated as long as the conditions are met. As land owned by the Kingdom of Norland, it is subject to the Norlandic Code of Law and any other relevant active edicts. Halstein Eiriksson is not permitted to transfer ownership of the lease to anyone else, but may have others temporarily perform some responsibilities on his behalf with notice to the King’s Council beforehand. 



The land designated to Halstein Eiriksson is to be used as a shipyard and is therefore to be used primarily for the construction, storage, and repair of boats and any relevant accessories. Halstein shall also be held responsible for the construction and maintenance of the plot of land with oversight from the King. Construction on the land must accommodate the wellbeing of workers and must relate to the nature of the lease’s purpose. This would include: housing, paragon shrines, storage, and other facilities such as a forge for anchors and so forth. This forbids the construction of facilities like castles, forts, barracks, temples, and other facilities irrelevant to a shipyard. The King may be petitioned for any clarification or exception if deemed necessary.



Halstein Eiriksson must pay a tax of 100 mina per year for the leased land. If the amount cannot be paid during a tax period, the King may request that supplies of high value be exchanged instead for that given period. If a raise in tax is deemed necessary by the King, Halstein Eiriksson shall be given at least a year’s notice in advance.


The lease holds no definite length, and is therefore considered indefinite as long as the terms and conditions of the contract are abided by. If the terms and conditions of the lease are not met satisfactorily, it will result in the termination of the contract and the eviction of Halstein Eiriksson and party.


His Excellency, Einar Edvardsson Ruric, by the Blood of the Herald, Prince of Norland, Chamberlain of Norland, Chieftain of the Edvardssons, Warden of the Royal Norlandic Ashguard



His Royal Majesty, Odin Freysson Ruric, by the Blood of the Herald, King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm and Alisgrad, High Chieftain of the Rurikid, Chieftain of the Freyssons, Protector of the Highlanders


Halstein Eiriksson Ruric, by the Blood of the Herald, Chieftain of the Eirikssons


ᚺᚨᛚᛊᛏᛖᛁᚾ ᛖᛁᚱᛁᚲᛊᛊᛟᚾ



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Rodrik Eiriksson nods with a smile as he reads the lease to his uncle "A good home, a good profession." he says as he placed the parchment aside, going to stand and make his way to the exit of the building, out to do some now daily chores.

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The primitive man known simply as WERT nodded, despite not knowing how to read, he'd know this was Honest and Good. "Good! oi 'aves 'ome now!" Thusly, the primeval fellow started to decorate his home with red ochre paintings...

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