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The Casting of the Die

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Dated the 18th of Sun’s Smile, Year 83 of the Second Age



    Recent months have been a particularly tiresome test of resolve for us all, with widespread war engulfing the continent for the third time in recent memory. Yet, though one would expect the lines of this conflict to be clearly defined, the forces of Ruin have intervened to lead the righteous astray. Those who, by all accounts, should have chosen to stand against the agents of the Deceiver and the Archdrakaar have instead opted for the path of heresy and madness. Despite counsel to the contrary, the King of Norland has chosen to cast his lot with the Orcs of Krugmar and their Azdrazi allies- he has chosen to make his bed with the Father’s enemies. While Clan Camian took issue with the Kingdom’s handling of its most recent diplomatic disagreement with the Dwarves, we held our peace. Now, however, Odin Freysson has chosen to take up arms against those who have been our allies for a century’s time. This we cannot abide. To side against our allies is an insult to the memory of King Halvar’s legacy- an unprecedented era of friendship between Norlanders and Dwarves that we will likely never see again. To side against our allies at the aid of the agents of Ruin is an insult to the Father himself.


    Let it be known to all that, effective immediately, Clan Camian rescinds all support for the Kingdom of Norland. Until such time as the Kingdom returns to reason, and banishes the fog of heresy that has obscured their sight of the righteous path, we will do what we must to return sense to a once-honorable people. The die has been cast, and the lines drawn in the sand. Though it is deeply unfortunate that we must stand opposite to our kinsmen, the Camians have made our resolve and we will advance the cause of righteousness until the end of days.


High Keeper Mera Camian, Matriarch of Clan Camian



[!] A thumbprint is stamped to the missive in blood.

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An ancient keeper of old pens a mysterious letter to the successor. One which speaks layers of truth and burning intent.


"To the successor of the arch-heretic Alisa Camian,"


"You have been deceived, all that you know about the red faith is a lie perpetuated by the Tyrists and the false Rurics. Your predecessor was guilty of cavorting with mages of the vilest sort and actively sought to undermine the traditionalist values of the red faith. She ruined the work of the past and spat on Arthas's legacy, all the while plotting with the Orsites to establish the current threat you now face.


She sought secularism and inclusion, regardless of the weakness and corruption this would allow. She succeeded in this and I failed to stop her. Every opportunity to remedy the issue, every attempt to remove them from power was met with futility. Indeed, everything you now must suffer is of the actions of the past regime. In fact, the old regime even went as far as to extinguish the old flame. The pact is null, the father hears not your prayers and has not since Morsgrad.


In fact, the tables have turned. It is now you that faces the same threat I faced, it is now you that faces the heresy. Should you wish wisdom, should you wish advice. Should you desire allies to rectify what your sect has done.. You know how to reach us. Regardless, the long dark is upon you all."

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Dominic Kvitravn grumbles at the news, not being the least bit surprised "Camians. of course it was the Camians."

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"Those Valah who know nothing of the ways of Oaths and Truths. This Crow-faced Matriarch, who has merely watched as the most ancient allies of their people, the Urukhiim of Krugmenistan, whom they have joined in Horde, are called for war to defend the sacred Holyland. Instead of seeking to urge her sons to glory, truth, and freedom, wishes all eyes and judgement cast to her wisdoms and people. MAY she kiss the dwarves she cares so much about, and may she kneel before them so she may look them in the eyes as the cursed and greedy seek to make war upon the only realm completely free of the Deceivers touch.


Your matron as lead your clan to a disgrace, and now your name, Camian, will be heard as such."

Edited by SteppeNomad
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Odin Freysson Ruric would be too busy actually doing things to help Norland, waiting on Mera Camian to do her job, to do anything to help. He wonders briefly why Urguan sent a representative when they were already planning to declare war on Norland, and had involved them in no other talks.

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The Dwarf of Morsgrad watches from afar as his old home falls to all the vices that end all Highlander nations. His thin face contorting into a scowl as readies his blood red armor for what comes next.

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Another old keeper stared down at the paper with a sadness in his eyes and muttered to himself.

"Speaking of heresy with such emotion, I wonder what Aedan would have thought of this notice if he was still here... would the farettos have run off too?"

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