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21st of Joma ag Umund, 433 E.S.



the final moments







“Well, Niesh? What do you think? Where do we go when we die, hm?” The voice was chilly, ice-cold and inhuman.



“It depends, mea lord.”

“Go. . .. on.”

“We go wherever we believe we will go. Ve Seven Skies, ve Papej’s Hall, whatever else.”

“Very good.”



The second the pale-haired man spoke, Agnieszka knew what would come.


She was defenseless.


A traitor.


All she had was the slim, thread-thin hope that somehow, Magda had changed.


“… Does one not learn?”


His voice was hollow, rough.


“My father is dead. His designs now cede to me,” said the pale-haired man.


“This spy is not welcome here.” Another voice, reedy, nauseating. This one was too familiar for comfort. “You will die here, woman.”




Those children should burn, Magda had said.




The pain.. the pain was bearable. Agnieszka had felt pain before.


But watching the shriveled husks of her precious children - Sergey and Vitaliya, her last hopes - slowly melt to ash...


That was death.



She was right.


See, Agnieszka was no Canonist. 


God existed, that she knew, but he had long since discarded his creations.


Why else would such terrible things happen?


But, at least she was right.


The line between life and death was infinitely thin, and as Agnieszka stepped over from unconsciousness into death, the world shrunk.


The fire burning around her, the pain in her ravaged arms, the stone floors, slick with her own blood. All these fell away.


After a moment of peace, of silence, of darkness. . . So, too, did Agnieszka. 


She was no more.



No word was ever sent out of Agnieszka’s death, or that of her children.


They simply vanished into the night.


However, buried deep in the closet of a small Haeseni home, a human heart sat preserved in its jar. 


Waiting, perhaps, to be discovered. . .




Jesus... Back when I made Agnieszka, she was supposed to be nothing more than a people-pleasing servant girl. Niesh was my first foray into the world beyond SOL rp, and I can’t say I’ve ever regretted what her life became.


My utmost love to everyone I've rped with through out her lifetime - the Baruch family, Lifstala attendees, witches in the woods, bakery-customers, cultists, and vampiric husbands alike. Agnieszka brought me so much joy, and I wouldn't have had any of that without yall.


Although I’m sad to see her go, it was a fitting end to her story. That’s all I can hope for.



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[Unknown Artist]


This is NOT PUBLIC knowledge.

Please refrain from metagaming.




It was a hot summer’s eve.

Two found themselves alone, together, following a party. 


They enjoyed the sun’s heat as it began to set, seated within the beautiful gardens of Haense.

One’s hands rested within the other.



“What is your profession, if you do nie mind me asking?”

The younger, Magda Wieszcz, asked of her counterpart. Her nimble fingers drifted upon the lines that detailed Agnieszka’s palm.


“Many things. . .”

The elder, Agnieszka Petrova, returned.

“Yam a seamstress, a servant. Ea was a governess for a few years.”


Magda found such amusing, thus, she chuckled. The Crow continued examining the woman’s palm, inspecting every scar and crease.

“I supposed by your thick skin. . . You have large plans, da?”

She always did find herself mimicking the Haeseni accent, perhaps in an attempt to better fit in with her new-found companions.


Agnieszka’s hands anxiously trembled within Magda’s grasp. Even then, she shied a chuckle of her own.

“Ea do. Ea will be great, one day. Ea will do great things.”


The Crow loosened her hold upon the Petrova’s hands, now gently cupping them within her own.

“Success. . . It almost seems like an easy climb. However, you will go through much to get to the mountain's summit.”



One of Agnieszka’s thick brows rose- her interest was piqued.

“Yam nie stranger to hard work. How will ea find this. . . route by which to climb to greatness?”



Magda returned with confidence. If only the young pair knew.


─────── °𓁺° ───────


Time passed. The two found themselves nearly glued at the hip. 

Magda took Agnieszka in, finding great comfort in her presence. Magda felt as if she could save Agnieszka.


Magda was naive, as would any young girl be. She trusted Agnieszka with her entire being. 


─────── °𓁺° ───────



Magda, ever changing, neared the withered Agnieszka. The Petrova found solace with the Crow’s family, for she even found lodging within her family’s library. Within the Crow’s grasp: a pie.


Time had changed both of the women. From amicable companions, to companions closer than they should have been, to strangers. It tore away at Magda’s weakening humanity. She was never one to hold a grudge, though.


Agnieszka ignored Magda for some time, polarized with fear as she held her two new-born babes close.


Eventually, Agnieszka found herself upon leveled ground, speaking with Magda. Their tones were cold and apprehensive. Who could blame them?


Nonetheless, their conversation ended with one ridden in filth, decomposing, and her children resting within flames.



Magda felt bad, of course. She felt, still. Even then, it was what had to happen, for betrayal has its cost.

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The haggard, tired  artist sat on his stool, a horrendous cough blew out the mans lips as he put on his old withered coat, blood had gotten on his sleeve. His wine eyes observed his latest piece, a woman, with the blackest of hair, but- white streak cut through the hair itself like a wound. Her beauty made the artist sigh as he looked ever more tired than he has ever been. He waited... and waited- but of course as he should have always known.



No one was showing up.

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A girl with wine-red eyes began to slowly fall more and more quiet; the young thing was confused, and her only solace were the old and worn tomes she often kept with her, eyes glossing over page after page in the vain attempt to ignore all else. She questioned, and she thought:


Where had her family gone?

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That one girl... The damned girl. The Vienne Nurse... She sat at her window, waiting for the reply to the bird which she sent out to the one she deemed a potential friend.

This one, Agnieszka,  who needed kindness for a moment to break that hellscape she traversed daily...

She  had a pie waiting for her back at Emilie's abode. 


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A creature sat with its legs crossed, a tattered book with leather covers resting in their lap.
It waited quietly, only to hear distant, familiar cries and wails. Chest rising with a fake breath, that same thing decided to keep it's place upon the ashen-dusted rug, and not travel just to see what had evicted those voices.

And so, they had found within their mind after a few moments of considering, those were faces they would never lay eyes on again.

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"The house feels, empty," she murmurs, the thought worrying the woman as she had grown adjusted to the sound of her close friend and their children filling the small Haense abode. Having prepared cribs for the twins within her daughter's room. "Perhaps Niesh will return, I had muffins freshly baked," she says, brushing the eerie feeling off as she went back to her kitchen. A slight hum leaving her lips.




The poor woman has now found a heart within her abode, though she quickly placed it atop a shelf within her bedroom and brushed it off as one weird hobby from her llir.

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