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The Silver Society of Larihei Lomahnih


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The Silver Society of

Larihei Lomahnih





Est. 3rd of The Amber Cold, 

Year 85 - S.A



The denizens of Malinor brought fire and ruin to the homes of the Mali’thill. Violence became the language of those Mali who were bitter and jealous, and they were quick to greet their Silver cousins. Thus the path became clear - it would be an Exodus of the Thilln, that would seal the fate of Larihei’s flock. 


No more, would they hail Malin, No longer would they suffer the ills of Malinor. The age of Silver had begun.



Table of Contents


To Begin



Larihei Lomahnih

To Depart



To Begin


The Genesis of the Mali’thill begins with one, Larihei Lomahnih. It was her thirst for knowledge, her discontent with stagnation, and the want to better the lives of her people, that led her to strife with Malin and into the Great Caverns. It would be within these rough, cold and damp caves, that Larihei and her flock would discover pools of Magegold - The Golden Pools, and it would be within these pools, that Larihei and her followers would bathe, becoming the first of the Mali’aheral.



A painting depicting the Golden Pools


Bound are we, Mali’thill, to millenia of tradition - the inheritors of an ancient heritage. To it, we are loyal and from it, we shall proceed - and this shall be the guiding principle of this blessed society.






The Masaneyiran, or ‘High Speakers’, are those who lead and guide the Society. It is through their wisdom and their adherence to maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, that they exude the virtues of the pure. There shall only ever be one Masaneyir at any given time, and they are responsible for;


The guidance of elmali’thill, as exemplars of the model of purity, as echoed by this Silver Society.

The maintenance and upholding of this Silver Society, its values and goals.

The oversight and selection of the Saneyiran and elHeial’saneyiran.

The maintenance of relations with those outside of the order.

The vetoing of any decision made by elHeial’saneyiran deemed anathema to the values and goals of the Society.




The Saneyiran, or ‘Speakers’, make up elHeial’saneyiran. They follow and implement the directives of the Masaneyir, ensuring that junior members of the society are aligned with the visions and values of the order. Saneyiran are also responsible for the tabling of new directives, policy and laws, where applicable. They shall;


Oversee the recruitment of students and their subsequent training and induction into the order as Avernan.

Call meetings of the elHeial’saneyiran.

Enact council directives.

Implement council directives.




The Avernan, or ‘Wanderers’, make up the majority of the Order. They are those members who have been recruited by elSaneyiran and have been formally sworn into the Order, to live as students of the Lomahnih way.





Members of the Society adhere to traditional Mali’thill values - at the core of their very being, the philosophy of Larihei Lomahnih herself - maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Furthermore, as divined by elMasaneyir Ni’leya, there are three pillars to which elMali’thill are beholden.




Members of this order hold the integrity of their bloodlines to be a fundamental part of their being, their lineage being a gift from the Silver Maiden. The safeguarding of their ancestry and bloodline cannot be overstated in terms of importance. Thus, no member of this order shall sully their bloodline and ancestry by bearing offspring that is not of pure descent.




Members of this order hold that within all Mali’aheral, resides and directs, a Silver Soul. Larihei, the first of our kind, long before she had discovered The Golden Pools, is known to have already maintained the physical characteristics of the Mali’aheral - pale skin, platinum hair, azure blue eyes.


Thus, when Larihei bathed in the Golden Pools, through her very being and will, she willed it that all who bathe within these pools, shall be born anew, in her image - the transformation of their vulgar soul into that of a Silver Soul. The Mali’aheral, therefore differ in kind as opposed to degree from other Mali. It is this Silver Soul, which directs all Mali’thill to Larihei and her teachings. To quote Ellir’siol;


 “It has called to us. A dormant power, a soft undertone of purpose, faint but wishing to be stronger, has awakened beneath the skin of the pure-blooded High Elves.”


Though unknown to her at the time, this ‘dormant power’, was indeed the instruction of her very being, as willed by her Silver Soul, which ultimately led her to Haelun’or in Asulon.




Members of this order shall endeavor to act out their purity at all times. To act as beacons, encouraging all other Mali’aheral to come forth into the light of the Silver Maiden. They shall live by the teachings of Larihei and should it be necessary, die in defense of those teachings.



A painting depicting Larihei and her followers engaged in dialogue


Through dedication, through continuous effort, one can live a life entirely devoted to Larihei and elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya. This is achieved through habit - the constant striving towards the ideal. 



Larihei Lomahnih


Blessed is She, the Silver Maiden. Through her, we have come to be, and from her, we shall proceed. An extension of the creator himself. We are her chosen people - the mantle of her prerogative, is both our burden and our salvation, for it is in Larihei, that we find eternal consolation and a reason to be. When at last, our demise has come, we shall be embraced by her and our Silver Soul shall ascend, enjoined to her.



A painting depicting Larihei Lomahnih


Members of this Blessed Order hold that Larihei Lomahnih, The Silver Maiden, Shepherd of the Pure, is not merely mortal, but divine in Nature. 


Members of this Blessed Order hold that Larihei Lomahnih, The Silver Maiden, Shepherd of the Pure, has endowed us with a Silver Soul.


Members of this Blessed Order hold that Larihei Lomahnih, The Silver Maiden, Shepherd of the Pure, is eternal - her charge to us, the pursuit of perfection through elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya, necessary for our fruition as Mali’thill.



To Depart


Since the loss of the Silver Maiden and the rekindling of our kind in Asulon, politics and sophistry has held a grip over the very neck of Haelun’or, leaving her gasping for air. This has resulted in countless grasps at power, several attempted schisms, kinslaying and the abandonment of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. 


Thus, it is time once more for the flock of Larihei to exode as the first of our kind did. 



A painting depicting the city of Karinah’siol


This Silver Society is born, we shall remain strict adherents to the way of Larihei without engaging in the political, without suffering the woes of ‘Nation’ and ‘State’. We shall live as an autonomous commune, regulated by Silver Law and the guiding hands of elHeial’saneyiran.



Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya





Masaneyir Braxus Ni’leya

Edited by Gavin_
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“A self appointed title” One Laurir would raise a brow at the end “I do am an advocate for democracy.” Usamea would snap her fingers “A good idea— yet to be polished to perfection” The whatever-th copy of this document that found itself in the hands of this high elf would catch a spark, swiftly getting incinerated out of this realm. 

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"Larihei...a blessed being. Does this suppose her creator was of even greater Divinity? Perhaps the old Maheral has uncovered a revelation of Malin....or something else entirely. "

Minuvas would stroke his chin, reading with curiosity what Braxus wrote.

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