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[Amendment] Mystic Conjurer

saint swag

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hey gang, please excuse the poor formatting, i cannot be bothered and so long as it's readable i think it's fine :] the dots and numbers for the lists are different colors but like whatever man i cba  i have killed all the dots and numbered lists because they DONT WORK.


i think most of the mystic community is in agreement that some sort of amendment is necessary, and with the solid help of my good friend Jaelon and a handful of others, ours is done. the purpose of this amendment is to bring out conjurer's intended aesthetic of the fellas who have closer ties to the dead and the elysian wastes in the actual kit, as "clairvoyants, gypsies, priests, soothsayers, or even self-proclaimed prophets of the dead", and to allow them to stand some chance on their own in combat while also making for useful supportive casters.


the brief rundown of the most notable changes is as follows;

draining and feeding have been put under manipulation, one spell as it should be !

relics exist! cool

handling has been merged into the classic tyking, though made to not be omega strong, hopefully.

possession is GONE. it remains as a poltergeist/specter CA ability.

you can make scary puddles and misty domes now.


here's your stupid lore music, i didnt listen to it i just copy pasted the link, hope it doesnt suck



Mystic Conjurer Amendment







A Conjurer’s relic is a supernatural item that has been constructed of Menhir and bathed in ectoplasm. Typically, these take the form of (however aren't limited to) censer burners, lamps, urns, or crystal balls that sport esoteric imagery. The primary purpose of these Relics is to act as a conduit for the Mystic's conjoined phantoms.


A Relic functions as the casting focus of a Conjurer. When viewed by an individual possessing True Sight or creatures of a spectral nature, a distinct gleam shines from the Relic at all times. This goes unseen by others unless utilized for casting or if the Mystic decides to allow said glow for aesthetic purposes.




The conjurer must first make or find a mundane vessel of suitable size made up of any material they might like except for aurum, this will then be decorated, braced or otherwise reinforced with menhir by any means - or made up of it in entirety. This item must then be either barraged, enveloped or submerged in the mystic’s ectoplasm in order to make it into a suitable conduit.

Once completed, the Conjurer must then gather three spirits to absorb and merge into the Relic. This can be achieved using the following method;

The Conjurer must conduct a séance with the intention of bargaining, tricking, or forcing a spirit into the Relic. A common approach would be the offer of a reprieve from what might await them in the Wastes. This method can be self-roleplayed, requiring the necessary emote count of conducting a seance and then a sufficient amount detailing the events that take place. Redlines under the Rite of Beseeching should be respected when doing this. This method can be performed on an existing Ghost CA, though this requires OOC consent as this would be considered a PK. Player phantoms cannot be forced into the Relic by any means.

Lastly, the Conjurer must perform a Rite of Anchoring to bind the merged souls to the Relic.




As written above, Relics act as a conduit and amplifier for the conjoined phantoms dwelling within the Mystic, allowing conjurers to utilize their ectoplasm in a number of unique ways, in their spells or as the centerpiece of certain rites.


The further capabilities are as follows;

    A Conjurer can use Manipulation to drain or feed the phantoms that exist inside their trinket. One can be drained for a net gain of 1 liturgy, obtained over the course of two emotes, this does not incur any detrimental effect. Two can be drained for a net gain of 2 liturgies, obtained over the course of four emotes; once this has been done, all casting that utilizes the Relic will take an additional emote to complete. Three can be drained for a net gain of 3 liturgies, obtained over the course of six emotes, this renders the Relic useless until the amalgam has recuperated its energy after a short period of time outside of combat. Their rest will take a half-hour to complete or they may be fed by any being capable of doing so.


A Conjurer may use their Relic to facilitate Scrubbing rites by setting the ectoplasm aflame, following the same rules as written in current lore, or as a conduit while conducting a seance, by doing this the success threshold for maintaining connection is reduced by 2.


A Conjurer can manifest Deadbreath through their Relic rather than through the lungs. This follows all redlines as written under Deadbreath.




- A Conjurer’s relic must of a dimensions greater than or equal to a height of 15cm and a width (or diameter) of 7.5cm, and cannot exceed a size greater than something reasonably handheld and portable. As a hard cap, relics may cannot exceed the size of 40cm in height and width (roughly the size of a large lantern).

- Siegmund's Incense can cause the Relic to gleam, thereby exposing it as one in line with the incense's effects.

- Will o’ Wisps may be attracted to Relics, similar to a hindered object.

- The durability of these items is unchanged by the process done to make them, remaining the same as their mundane versions.

- Relics can be damaged by use of heavy, blunt weapons (pickaxes, hammers, maces, etc), taking three successful attacks to destroy the item.

- Relics must be signed once the ST have been presented with screenshots of any relevant roleplay. Any unsigned item is not valid.

- Conjurer spells cannot be utilized without use of a Relic.

- Wights do not require a Relic to cast the Conjurer spellset.

- Player phantoms may not be forced into a Relic by any means. They must reside willingly and the player must give OOC consent, upon which their character is PKed.


Core to a conjurer’s arsenal is the ability to manipulate ectoplasm. They use this ability for aesthetic flourishes or to weaken or bolster those around them.



All forms of manipulation require a total of three emotes and one liturgy of ectoplasm to complete. During these emotes, a mystic brings their geist to the forefront, and then extends a ranged tether. This tether latches to their target and allows the conjurer to affect that target with their own ectoplasm. A conjurer may drain ectoplasm and be gifted back with one liturgy, making the cost a net gain of 1 unit. Alternatively, they may choose to bolster their target with ectoplasm. This grants a myriad of effects.


- Over the course of the three emotes, the target can take any number of actions to dodge or avoid the tether. It has a range of 20 meters and if it misses a target by the third  emote, then it would require recasting. To dodge, it would require using an entire emote to move, running faster than the tether can trail after.

- This is a single target spell and the target must be designated at the beginning of the casting. This aiming cannot be altered once casting begins or if the target moves to somewhere out of the mystic’s sight.

- Tethers do not latch and remain, they disappear after draining or feeding and must be recast.


A specter can house a capped number of ectoplasm units. Any supplement over this cap will cause a range of effects depending on the nature of the specter. All specters would immediately be met with a healing effect. Each unit given can restore two limbs of the geist and heal wounds associated with them over the course of three emotes. More severe injuries could render a geist unmanifested. It would require three units of ectoplasm to bring an unmanifested geist back from beyond. Wights, Eidolas and Apparitions cannot be revived in this way. If a specter has not accrued damage, they instead gain a benefit conditional on their nature.


Tangible ghost-like creatures gain an additional third of their strength, incorporeal creatures gain 3 more meters to their influence and Eidola are granted an additional bout of movement speed.


In the case of removing ectoplasm from a source, there is a limit to what can be drained before a creature is forcefully unmanifested. Ghosts require 2 drainings. Eidola require four, wights six, and apparitions vary, although usually require a minimum of 7.


- Eidola, Wights, and Apparitions cannot be revived with the aforementioned Manipulation method.

- Any additional effect granted to a specter only lasts 6 emotes, after which it fades away and they return to normal. Eidola are granted an additional block of movement, incorporeal ghosts gain a third of their strength up to the limit of an orc and incorporeal creatures gain an additional three blocks of influence in each direction.

- Supplementing a mystic does not heal them in any way and only grants them a unit of ectoplasm.

- Apparitions require a minimum of 7 drainings, but for larger or more powerful ones, it is up to ET discretion as to what would be appropriate.



The Conjurer may expel ectoplasm from within their Relic to emit a shroud that distorts the veil between the living and the dead.




Those beyond the edge of this domain are unable to view the happenings within, as the shroud takes the form of a shifting smoke or mist that obstructs vision. Any sound created within the barrier, regardless of volume, that might escape the barrier will become muffled and hard to discern. Those not accustomed to undeath who venture into the Shroud bear witness to harrowing sights. The lessening of the veil allows them to see the lost souls of the unliving, akin to an individual with True Sight. Alongside this effect, the terrain within the shroud appears monochrome and distorted.


- Emotes inside the shroud must be written in #q, those outside only hearing any spoken voice sounding as if it were muffled, disjointed and unliving, making it difficult to discern who might've said what.

- All barriers are 6 inches thick at maximum  and cannot impede movement. Moving through one is akin to walking through a wall of mist.

- No form of protection is offered by this barrier aside from the obstruction of sight. Projectiles or attacks of any nature may pass through it with ease, be it voidal, holy, or mundane.

- A shroud may be disrupted or broken by any means capable of destroying ectoplasm. Weaponry made of aurum would permanently cut the dome, and any holy spells will leave lasting holes depending on the size and severity of the spell.        

- The shroud will demanifest should the Mystic or Relic leave its vicinity, and it cannot be moved past its original cast point, nor does it follow the Relic used to create it.        


Shrouding takes two emotes to cast, one for the storing of ectoplasm inside the Relic, the second for the expulsion of the shroud. When this ability is used, the Relic appears to take on a gleam that progressively intensifies up until release. The barrier extends out to a 8 meter radius and lasts for a total of 6 turns. Victims of this domain will be able to see the stagnant souls inside the Elysian Wastes for as long as they remain in it, and the sound of their voice struggles to pass through the mist. From the outside one would only see a churning dome of mist, but from the inside looking outwards, the affected will perceive the outside as if it had mirrored the Wastes.


- Two emotes to cast, extends out to an 8 meter radius, lasts for a total of 6 turns.

- Shrouding costs one liturgy to cast.



Through manipulation of ectoplasm and utilizing the power of their Relic, the conjurer may draw forth a thick pool of inky ectoplasm that manifests as sludge. This is difficult to move properly over as is, but can be further manipulated by the Conjurer through use of their Relic.




Tier Progression;

T1 & T2 - two block radius around the conjurer

T3 & T4 - three block radius around the conjurer

T5 - five block radius around the conjurer


By amassing their own and the Relic’s ectoplasm, a Conjurer can have it exude a viscous sludge that drastically hampers the movement of those who try to wade through it, effectively halving it. When cast, the Relic will flare up with a bright glow with the colors and usual tells of the Mystic’s gleaming. 


The aesthetic of this grasp is somewhat freeform, although it must still be identifiable and distinct as a pool of sludge in the color of the users’ ectoplasm. Examples of acceptable cases include, but are not limited to, tendrils of ectoplasm or grasping mimicries of humanoid limbs.


This ability is vulnerable to the expected, usual countermeasures, detailed below.


- Any T5 magic that is capable of conjuring fast-moving water, displacing fluid, or has purging properties, such as holy magics, water evocation, auric oil, etc. may wash away or ward this spell. Magics in particular require two effective spells to wash or ward this away.

- Due to the mana-absorbent properties of Thanhium, the ectoplasm within this spell is easily disrupted. Any chunk that fits comfortably within the hand of a human will be suitable for use in dispelling one meter each action, allowing the wielder to unbind themselves with relative ease (ignoring the slowing effect). Auric oil will have similar effect, though must be splashed into the affected area by some means, following necessary redlines stated within its lore.

-Aurum may slice through this fluid like a hot knife through butter, though it produces little effect in the way of getting rid of the sludge.

- Conjoined Mystics, phantoms, and wights are not affected by this spell.


Casting this spell requires 2 liturgies, 3 emotes and its effects last for a duration of 6 turns. The usage of one’s Relic will allow them to focus their attention on one target in particular, requiring an additional two emotes. This must be concentrated on and as a result, the singular target will have their movement reduced to a quarter as the ectoplasm reacts to grasp at them in particular. However, this will lessen the effect on those who are not being focused on, causing those others to only lose a fourth of their movement.


Those who enter the pool from outside will have the remainder of their movement halved upon walking into its area of effect, rounded down if necessary (3 blocks of movement remaining = 1).


- Ectoplasmic sludge is pooled with a radius of either two, three, or five blocks depending on the caster’s tier. This pool drastically hampers the movement of those within, halving it. In the case of someone entering the pool after it has been cast, their remaining blocks of movement, after halvening, will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.

- The usage of the Relic might allow one to focus their attention on one target in particular. This requires an additional [2] emotes after initial casting and must be concentrated on. As a result, one target within the pool will have their movement reduced to a quarter as the ectoplasm reacts to grasp up at them. This lessens the effects on those who are not being focused however, causing them to lose only a fourth of their movement.

-A Conjurer cannot move while their focus is set onto a specific target.




A Conjurer is capable of summoning two of the three mindless phantoms that dwell within their relics to intervene in the course of combat and additionally may create chains to control those not beneath their will.



With a controlled release, the conjurer may unleash up to two phantoms from their relic to fight beside them. These tykes are bound by means of a line of ectoplasm, typically appearing as chains, tendrils, or anything else that will reasonably link the phantom to its Relic. The looks of the phantoms themselves are wholly up to the player's discretion, but must be humanoid and of average human stature. Due to the fact that they are already bound by a tether, this may be used to drain the phantoms of their ectoplasm, following the same descriptions and redlines for phantoms detailed under Manipulation and the effects relating to Relics under Relics - Uses.


-Tykes can be temporarily ‘killed’ by any means of disrupting or destroying ectoplasm, voidal and holy magics are effective, as well as spells from mysticism and naztherak's malflame, auric oil, aurum, and thanhium. A tyke takes four turns to recuperate when dealt with by any of these means. Wholly mundane items are ineffective.

-Tykes cannot be used to block mundane projectiles, any shot will simply pass through and remain on course due to their lacking corporeality. Magical spells may be blocked so long as the tyke can feasibly get into range of doing so, however this will result in the tyke’s ‘death’.

-Tykes are one-shot by any attack that hits and can damage them (all methods detailed above).

-A tykes action may be done during the caster's. Focus is not required to command a tyke, however it is for summoning.


Handling a phantom outside of the Relic can be done by use of similar tethers created when summoning a tyke. These take four emotes to conjure and the conjurer must weave their ectoplasm into forms such as, but not restricted to, spectral nets, chains, or any other type of tether that may expand outwards in a five metre radius. This projectile attack moves at the speed of a thrown ball, and can be avoided with reasonable awareness and mobility. This claims two of the mystic’s liturgies and forces the spectral creature to the fullest extent for one IRL hour or twelve emotes, whichever is shorter, before the phantom’s will returns. Additional guidelines and redlines below.



Should additional occultists attempt to simultaneously handle a phantom, the creature would be bound to each of their commands. Added mystics will yield a greater range of the handled spell when pooling their ectoplasm, as well as allow the mystics to maintain their control for a longer span of time based upon how many were present.            


Some phantoms may need to be weakened to a certain extent prior to handling, typically by means of draining their ectoplasm. Though regular ghosts and gravens need not be drained to be handled, wights must be drained at least three times before handling is successful. In the case of apparitions, due to their ectoplasmic concentration, mystics must be able to drain the creature a minimum of five times in order to handle it, though this may scale upwards based upon its tier.           


-Handling a phantom does not require OOC consent.

-Apparitions may be handled indefinitely for a single encounter.

-Handled wights may sufficiently resist being ordered to give up theirs, or others, phylacteries, as well as artifacts such as the Grimoire of Phantoms.

-Mystics can only handle one CA Phantom at a time.


Summoning a tyke costs one liturgy and takes three emotes to do, these phantoms last for a duration of 6 turns (in combat, indefinite during non-crp) and are capable of the following;


Non-combative - Invisibility - 1 emote


In mimicry of true phantoms, though only outside of combat, a Conjurer may manipulate the tykes ectoplasm to shroud its form in a thin layer, bringing it closer to the Elysian and thus rendering it unseeable to those without True Sight.


-Cannot be used in combat.

-Aurum, auric oil and thanhium present and two blocks or less away from the tyke will cause it to reappear. Siegmund's Incense causes the tyke to gleam.

-Those possessing True Sight may see through this.

-Effect ends upon CRP beginning.


Influence - 1/during emote


Tykes may interact with the surrounding environment. For example, they may snuff candle flame, open and close unlocked doors, flick through the pages of a book, and any other minute environmental action merely by looking at what they want to effect. Additionally, they can create a number of eerie sound effects that range in volume from whispers to blood curdling screams. These can be done at any time.


A shroud may be used to empower this ability, wherein tykes will become capable of pushing, shoving, or pulling an individual, within a range of one block from themselves, one block and have them stumble or fall.


-May be used during combat, but cannot be used to produce any meaningful effect without an active shroud. Any screams will not be deafening nor shake concentration, doors cannot be made to slam into people’s faces or be held shut, etc.

-Tykes cannot physically assault mortals beyond push, pull and shove.


Object Possession - 3 emotes


Due to their incorporeal form, tykes may leap into objects no less than a 5”x8” book, and not exceeding the size of the average human (5’9”). Objects that the tyke has entered appear hindered and take on a light glow in the colour of the Mystic’s ectoplasm. This ability allows for the ghost to move the object however it may like so long as it doesn’t exceed their 15lbs weight limit, and items can only be thrown as hard as the average person would throw them, unable to reach speeds one wouldn’t be capable of dodging.


To interact with an object in this way, there must be one emote detailing the tyke entering the object, another where the object might lift up or shift from its current position, then the third and last having it launch into its intended path, or have the item float in place. Tykes cannot accurately nor consistently move objects to chase people around, perform fluent motion with any weapon, or anything more than lifting an object and moving or launching it into a direction or at a target.


If a possessed object is destroyed, the tyke’s ectoplasm is scattered and crawls its way back to its bound Relic over the course of two turns.


-Tykes cannot possess items enchanted with any magic or are made up materials that would harm them. This includes Atronachs.

-Aurum, auric oil, and magic will expel tykes from their objects. Siegmund's Incense causes the gleam to intensify.

-Tykes are incapable of possessing people and items held by them, and are limited to entering objects that are inanimate and stationary at the time of them doing so. This means that moving constructs (automata, sorvians) are also unable to be possessed unless inert.

-Particles and liquids cannot be possessed.

-Items are not granted any enhanced properties with this and if one is destroyed while possessed, the ghost will be unusable until two turns have passed.

-Complex items cannot be used to any meaningful effect, for example a crossbow would not be able to be accurately aimed and shot by any means.


Phantom Dance - 2 emotes


Over the course of two emotes, manifested phantoms can flick and/or swirl around a target, creating after images that are aesthetically reminiscent of the Conjurer, an ally, or simply as themselves. This partially obscures the target’s vision as a faint fog builds around them. Chills will spread through them and although the fog isn’t blinding, it makes it rather difficult to discern which of these images might be their true foe.


Attackers will need to roll to determine if their attack strikes a phantom or a target. Roll 1d20. A result from 1-8 will strike a duplicate. A result of 8-14 will strike a duplicate. A result of 15-20 will strike the conjurer provided that they are within range.


- If the phantom is struck, even without aurum or enchantments, it still returns to the Relic and the DC to strike the target becomes easier to reach. This moves the DC range down a stage when struck. (I.E. if you hit one phantom, then anything from a 8-20 will also hit the Conjurer, this is also true when using this with only one tyke.)




Tykes are limited to a 4 block radius around the caster, unable to move further than this due to the range of their bindings, and can move up to 4 blocks per turn. This can be extended by use of a shroud, in which tykes may travel out as far as the shroud’s boundary freely and become able to move up to 6 blocks per turn. Tykes cannot phase through physical barriers as the Mystic must have line of sight to retain their tether.



shoutout to:

me, for being me and also writing.

jaelon, for helping me big time with writing.

lulah, for also helping me write, ideas, and consultation.

zachosnacho, for ideas, the manipulation spell, and consultation.

unbaed, for ideas, phantom dance, and consultation.

pund, for huge brain ideas, original lore, handling, and consultation.

spoons, for ideas, and consultation.

mordu, for consultation.

valannor, for consultation.

Edited by KILL_MAPS
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hey that's pretty cool






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ok i fixed all the issues now i will go to drink things that will make me inebriated

Edited by KILL_MAPS
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Excellent work <3

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4 hours ago, TheWhiteWolf said:

Excellent work <3



todays edit - laid out the technical uses of relics under "Uses", rather than leaving them up in the air and implied by other things

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This is some scurry shit, right here. 

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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