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[9.0] [Your View] - Map Size & Biomes


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The pitfalls past maps have fallen into with biomes is that they think a variation of boring biomes is sufficient. While we should have some forests, hills, yada yada, you should be able to distinguish one part of the map from the other. Almaris' populated land is just the same fields and hills and woods everywhere with minimal uniqueness.


9.0 should have interesting and memorable biomes that tell a story unto themselves, and make the map actually interesting to explore. To build on that, the 'interesting biomes' we have right now like the volcanoes etc. are painted in such a way where they're just an incomprehensible blend of mountains with nothing to really see. Biomes should also be interesting traverse - roads wounding through ruins, elevation, etc.

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Finally, smaller map. Thank god. Ring road small map is going to truly save minecraft.

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My only concern about a smaller map is not seeing builds and communities scaled to match. An underrated aspect of Almaris is that the map lends itself to true "nation-scale" conflict while also giving smaller groups and even individuals the space and freedom to do less public roleplay. 


As far as biomes, having at least one visually otherworldly biome that isn't absolute hell to navigate (Looking at you, Ice Spikes and Hollow Mountains) would be cool. Perhaps a giant mushroom filled bog, or a forest of rocks akin to Tsingy de Bemaraha in Madagascar. 

Let me play a monkey please

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I love the 2nd biome example, especially if a settlement or nation builds around the terrain, into walls, etc instead of just making a flat build on top, a mix of some good mountains, mesa's etc along with making biomes flow more. 

Taking something like a mountain range moving into a plains / alpine desert with more depth would be interesting

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i'm thinking bigger. maybe 10,000x10,000  or 11,000x11,000. really gives room to have giant unnavigable cities, y'know? 

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I'm likely not the best person to be considering something like this. I do know that the map has a lot of unused space as it it currently, a lot of places that don't have roleplay and many times when players just don't encounter each other due to the sheer scale of the map. So a small one could benefit from that. But on the con side a lot of that unused space is used for events, and if we shrink things done there will be less space for events from both players and from the story team to work with. 

On the biomes. I would love more environments to work with, new climates, appearance of different stone, earth, trees, all bring a new avenue of opportunity for people to work with in a creative environment. But of course, with a smaller map that would limit the amount of biomes we could work in without it feeling unnatural and squeezed in. But with the large map we have new ones would work. 

Both ideas have cons, and pro's to them. Its certainly something to consider. 

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5 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

Me, dwarf irp love mountain. Me want large mountains for dwarves!

All honesty, these images look amazing! For the map size, I feel like having a map size that is sort of like Anthos with a tad bit larger just by very little would be good.


Map of Anthos : r/LordOfTheCraft




The Map of Anthos the size of it was very good. The roads to getting to nations was very easy and having nations not super close but nearby at least I think is a good shout.

Im about to sound like a boomer but YES, this, this this this. Also bring back Kingston. That city was pure and just.


PS. It's been 7 years since the home page was updated, the last time it was updated we were on this exact same map.

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I have screeched substantially in pms, dms, and map-discussion.

Smaller Map  =  Smaller Tiles

Smaller Tiles  =  Smaller Capitals

Smaller Capitals  = More small settlements

Damage of more small settlements negated by smaller map, better roads, less weird big mountains, easier transport.


MORE ******* RIVERS. ALL THE RIVERS THIS MAP HAVE BEEN IN OREN TILES. I DEMAND MORE RIVERS. SOME MORE LITTLE BODIES OF WATER. Little settlements, independent places, taverns, et cetera can be placed at strategic points along rivers, etc.

MORE NATURAL MOUNTAIN PASSES would be cool - Strategic points, a sort of, like, either you take the longer, safer way around or the quicker, more dangerous path through the mountain that could have random weather-necessitated issues or bandits (players or CRP event-based)


LESS BIG FANTASY BIOMES, LESS BIG SNOW AREAS, LESS DESERT. Make shit usable - this can be done well utilising actual good roads for travelling, rather than having a big plains area in the middle fo the map with crap roads far from hubs that is barely used.


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Smaller maps would be much preferred, the current map size is too big kind of spread roleplay out a bit too much. I find myself running around the map to all of the cities to find most of them empty. Which also bring its to the amount of settlements or build land that are given to players, that seem to further stretch RP. 

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yea maps too big, 4k-5k surrounded by water would be a perfect size, so much unused and inactive space on this map. perhaps a smaller map will light a flame under peoples butt to make good use of their land

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8 minutes ago, Legoboy7984 said:

Me, dwarf irp love mountain. Me want large mountains for dwarves!

All honesty, these images look amazing! For the map size, I feel like having a map size that is sort of like Anthos with a tad bit larger just by very little would be good.


Map of Anthos : r/LordOfTheCraft




The Map of Anthos the size of it was very good. The roads to getting to nations was very easy and having nations not super close but nearby at least I think is a good shout.

This is legit just the GoT map or smthn, but it is... just so good. Fits everything needed. Could put a little volcano or 2 at the bottom in a desert-y bit or smth for the edgy weirdos to go, and leave it there. The road system is cool too. 1 main road w roads coming off it seems nice.

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If I were to put in my two cents

Same map size, but more usable area, considering that much of the current map is still locked up or reserved by ST, it might be great early on however several months in I think there will be huge issues of over crowding, also it would feel strange for nations to be so very close to one another 




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50 minutes ago, Nooblius said:


I think having a very mountain and cavern heavy map next map will be good, and I don't say this just as a dwarf- not all mountains should look the same, and having a variety like that could be really cool- but there should defo still be a lot of lowlands for people to inhabit who may prefer the valley vibe.

I think caverns would be a cool idea, or like we have on the current map, but with a deeper vally, and with caves in the sides, so when one enters, they can both look up and down


Or maybe a deeper cave, something like that would be cool for Dwarves.


And on the variation I agree, some with flat tops, some with spiky tops and some with a crater or pool of water would be really cool to see.

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Athera sized map was incredible for roleplay. There were always people everywhere and the community felt a lot closer back then in terms of interaction with different groups. Dynamic terrain is cool and all but we're primarily here for player interaction. Just some things to consider, but I have faith y'all will do well with it and better than the last 4ish maps which have been absolute disasters. : )

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