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Issued from Sohaer Alaion Miravaris' Office

5th of the Snow’s Maiden, 87 S.A.



“May this be an Epoch to lay the foundations of permanent progress. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! You are the chosen one, child. Blessed by Larihei’s realisation of the nature of State and our inherited Nature, we will guide you into the future. A completed century will only be the start.”

Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar


Despite the best that had been done by the Children of Silver, the diligence and assiduity of our servants of the state, and the devoted service of our Blessed Citizenry - the war situation developed not necessarily to Haelun’or’s advantage, for it would seem the world moved against her interests. I have full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to stand strong, to forge ourselves a new Silver Bastion. That is the resolve of The Silver Council.


This dark chapter shall be but a footnote in the many glorious centuries of which we boast - and when recounted, it will be our subsequent resolve that shall be remembered. Expect further missives in the very near future detailing the prosperous journey ahead for the Blessed Citizenry.



Signed on behalf of the Sohaer,


Kolvar Uradir

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An Haler'thilln stood at the gate of Karinah'siol, hands buried in his armpits. He looked defeated, for once, shoulders dropped. "Will their 'gods' forgive them for their tyranny, their oppression, their slaughter? The sadists, the brutes, the impure... If they are offered a drink from an ocean of blood, they will not be satisfied until they drink it dry. The price of peace has been an expensive one this time."

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A Calith of profound knowledge inhales a great breath as he reads over the missive. Gently, he seethes out that which had been taken in as he sets the sheet of paper down. "Enough will never be enough for savages.. Our progress shan't be halted, and most certainly not in expense to our health. Forever on, shall we march, regardless of location, regardless of others. Haelun'or is the people, and that you cannot destroy."

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The old elf nodded slowly upon reading the missive in the tavern of Haelun'or, his trusty Sillumir #35 watching over to make sure the Maheral was still safe dispite the assassination attempt about a year later. "We have survived genocide supported by the entire realm in the past. The current situation is hardly the equalivant, the light of our flames will brighten. Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya." He said to himself.

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Elarhil Sullas breathed a long, sorrowful sigh, "iylkarinah'siol'ne maelue. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, we move forward." He passed the missive off to Anara Elervathar for her viewing. @ImNerdiie

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The elfess takes the missive, echoing as is customary "Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya." As she scanned through the text, Anara Elervathar would muse wistfully "lye hileia chulae'operith, ay'andria lye ehiere karin'ento," before handing the missive back.


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"Elsilan'cruan ito pario, elsilan'cruan ito eth," sighed an elf.





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The young Journey scholar looks upon the silvers state missive as she looks upon this with a bit of thought. Through out her life she's seen many many elfs, both Mali'thill, Mali'ker, and Mali'ame but one thing stood out to her. For some absolute reason, the same elves that look or morally act like her, would genuinely fight amongst each other.


"Quite intreasting...." She said as she turned to a painting of her father and mother.


"From the ashes another hand and voice, gasp for air, and from the fallen state especially. Even so, I'm impressed; to think they could still speak such power and feel some pride. Though how will they return in the shadow of Malinor....the question perseves my mind, one that will be anwsered at some point."


The scholarship was curious as she looked at a map, hanged in her room.

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