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The Golden Leaf Concordat


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dc99lM0NrzWBIwVcxLPMW73Hd7mE_xbyZSjlDRkfB-dRtA9DFE9TYGlbti1pJ8tFQCVnMpknGkl4DzPTKV_Rxs5hJtCV4I8cXnOizH_nZJgdUAoWROteanCq8r9FvrGRQPBUPYcJ-nGLJlylUhbP7esThe Golden Leaf ConcordatkOQjvkvKjM27WLuSZAWUEmuTJF-uelrfakDUcpagLvvxYBXzlMI7u8qma9x3ytFopFNU2FsLZ1LZq42D2rDa4Dn_oxFHA40IHpZIh2GqfO2kPtqdyCKu2oxlbM_4rl7YAmerVtiaE4Yis78xe2WzLqA

10th of the first seed of the year 88 of the Second Age



Following the baseless discrimination of the Grimgold Clan by the Goldhand Clan, in order  to prevent the needless spilling of the blood of our brothers, this concordat has been created. Hefrumm does not recognize any attempts to force other clans to be abolished through the use of force or coercion, as such we cannot sit idly when the Grimgold Clan are being targeted for no reasonable offense. Hence, to avoid any pointless deaths and to ensure the protection of their culture, Hefrumm offers vassalization to the Grimgold Clan under Hefrumm through the following Articles.


Article I. The Grimgolds shall become a vassal clan of Hefrumm.


  1. The Grimgold clan will have full autonomy in its external and internal dealings


  1. The Vassalization will end when one of the two sides decides it to end.


Article II. As vassals the Grimgolds are under the protection of Hefrumm.


  1. An attack on the Grimgolds is an attack on Hefrumm, all its clans and all the allies of said clans.


Article III. The Concordat can be amended through agreement


  1. Amendments to the concordat can be achieved through the agreement of the Chiefs' council and the Grimgold Clan.




Chiefs’ Council of Hefrumm


qnkDijKRgmY9SW0hGYFK3LjAMMpsBTwsCEPF302sEzTFL3o4qBEv7S8eKKN8zPJP8FPM9zr4DsLSx_uOR9LsYYE46bhOSeaa4t7wYkteykL7hj3SQR7vq3o7IrvhomONocsOi3N9u90L8oEwnCQzsNkVigr Clan Father of the Treebeards


yXbULuv0FhDjHYoCP5z43DSl9E8zOHh75SB0tPpcy6JIzrvweG691-Q1wCfa8wXCI5uUM9vdFwBHEhs6J1d6rfgaRJP1MFErbZPMV16zRBgPyx73JvIQypxdcJqzdBgmlVI8U1FRy_Z3U4hhFKtCBTs   Bhodi Chief of the Cottonwoods


m2DwcyO_oeLqCauU7vPWJcFIwmjrzYwGinpdH6oGNyxPAg5DPWop1SqGGxe2PzxB8yWetw5t3kIB4n81mrKx6kgiJR43LVa1GCXElgI0Rl0MzoO3Azc7wycTYPSDb-0AEg9zymvY2qeugShAPWnv-bUMao Chief of the Blackroots


1k9a_Ldk1Wm3yXDgYvmSv4KVKUS8Bmuolq1k9J376svK0b7uzCopgCYecLN44IfReZagjoeusQZHkjNYUgLOUuRtXRRPhFICzEvqg814tmXQ-sbcJ9cMcZUT1MGIoECYnediZllev6Fq20T2qGrVG_U   Garedyn Chief of the  Mossborn


Clan Grimgold


kOQjvkvKjM27WLuSZAWUEmuTJF-uelrfakDUcpagLvvxYBXzlMI7u8qma9x3ytFopFNU2FsLZ1LZq42D2rDa4Dn_oxFHA40IHpZIh2GqfO2kPtqdyCKu2oxlbM_4rl7YAmerVtiaE4Yis78xe2WzLqA  Alaric Clan Father of the Grimgolds

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An Amalgamation of wailing souls in torment weeps as its dwarven numbers glimpse the missive - bemoaning the true death of Clan Grimgold on this day. 

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Sigrun Ireheart took a deep breath. "All Gold clans... SUCK ARSEH!"

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Torsun tosses the missive to the side. "This won't stop me."

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Ulfric would frown upon seeing the missive. "Ef ah clan es bein' target such as teh Grimgolds are now, et realleh makes yeh wondeh why such es happenin'." He'd say with a shake of his head. "Interferin'... An' t'ey wondeh why t'ey are nae so loiked nowadays..."

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