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The Procurators Report | II


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A Treasury Report


Issued by the

Procurator of the Grand Duchy of Balian 

On the 15th day of the Sun’s Smile in the year of our Lord, 17th of B.A.


 “Economy is ever-fluid and so shall we be.”


The Procurator of the Grand Duchy of Balian brings forth this announcement, expanding upon multiple items in their planning phases, alongside what is in effect and what is to come. At the end of this report, a question will be asked so as to ascertain the public's opinion.


The Refugee Initiative

With refugees recently coming to our borders after varying conflicts, it is known that most have only escaped with but the clothes on their backs.

Due to this, the Refugee Initiative is being set into action.

What is the Refugee Initiative?

Any Refugee may contact and speak with the Procurator upon moving to the Grand Duchy of Balian, upon doing so, they will be provided with parcels of food for each family member, down payment waived on a home and the first Saints week of taxes waived as well, so long as they abide by the laws of the Grand Duchy.

The new residents will be aided in finding a job or a position so they might get back on their feet as well.

What if they have their own means?

Refugees who’ve escaped with a bit more than the clothes on their back may still speak with the Procurator and garner what is offered above, but if they are to offer food or otherwise to those who had escaped with less, a deal can otherwise be negotiated for different terms.

You are not a Refugee but wish to help?

Should a family already residing within the Grand Duchy of Balian wish to aid a Refugee or Refugee family who’s fled, they may speak with the Procurator to negotiate suitable terms and so matters may be set up.


On Property Within Balian

Terracing and New Levels

A project began with the new head of the Censor Office, Baron Kristofer De Rosius before his untimely passing and continued on through hired workers since. Varying homes that previously went unused, or the public opinion otherwise disapproved of, has been converted using a method called terracing.

Redone into multiple levels, this allows our space within the Grand Duchy to be used more efficiently alongside allowing for larger homes for the growing families of Balian.

The Implementation of Rooftop Gardens

With the mention of terracing, rooftop gardens are in the process of being implemented, with hope that it will aid in crops or otherwise being produced within the city.

Anyone may have a rooftop garden, and with this, a new member of the Procurator Staff is working on what is called the Farming Initiative which will be expanded upon at a later date.

The Auctioning of Road Names

Having been announced at the previous court, with the new homes that have been borne of terracing, an auction is being hosted for those wishing a chance to name these new levels and streets.

To put in a bid, simply contact the Procurator.



On New Hires

The Hiring of the Procurator Staff

After the previous Procurator Report, varying people have been hired on to fill the ranks of the Procurators staff. Wards have been set to task, stewards selling homes and otherwise. Nonetheless, some positions have yet to be filled and the Procurator has been keeping an eye out with someone willing to do the work.

The Land Surveyor

Having been set varying tasks and proving himself after his projects came out a success, Lord Emir of Endor has been promoted to the position of Land Surveyor within the Procurators Office. Ensuring the continued upkeep of property within the Grand Duchy, alongside other responsibilities, we look forward to his continued work and success.


A Question on Warm Welcomes

It has come to the Procurator's attention that varying roles within the Procurators staff of Balian have made mention of wishing to host welcome parties in new homes:

Is this something we wish to see as a Grand Duchy?

Do we believe this might see a rise in home sales?

Who should provide food and beverages?

For those who wish to touch on the subject, they may contact the Procurator should they wish.




The Honourable, Baroness-Consort of Renduzzo, Lady Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, heiress to the County of Aquilae, Procurator of the Grand Duchy of Balian



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