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The last message from the Margraviate of Grodno, penned on 9th of the Amber Cold 1885


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Depiction of the ruins of Grodno 


To all those potentially concerned,

almost a year ago I was faced with a choice - humiliation, or leaving with honour. I chose honour. Not knowing what awaited us, I decided that I and my men would leave the Eagle's Retreat, place we called home for over a decade. We packed up our belongings and set off - taking food, animals, gold and weapons. Our work did not stop there, we the people of Grodno do not give ours away to the others. We have set ourselves a clear goal - NOT A SINGLE BRICK. With this in mind, work began - sun or rain. We dismantled the fortress stone by stone, brick by brick. Almost like thirteen years ago, when I built this castle together with my brothers Otton and Stanislaw, and uncles August and Jindrich, I now had to dismantle it. It was the second time in my life that I had to leave home, but there was no time for sorrow - we are husbands, fathers, friends - we have higher goals than sadness. After months of work, our effort has come to an end. To commemorate our existence, we have erected a cross in the ruins of the castle, made of oak logs that used to hold the door to the feast hall. The cross is likely to disappear soon due to the weather, our possible enemies or other unknown causes. The memory will stay with us forever. Now our home is once again where my and my family's history experienced its best time - in the south. Our era in Oren ends with this day, and a new one begins in our new home. This is the last message written within the walls of what remains of Eagle's Retreat.


May God protect those who believed in us,

and vanquish those who wished for our downfall.




Maciej Jazloviecki, Margrave of Grodno
















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Bianka stared at the ruins of her old home and shrugged, not understanding what was going on.

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Edmund, having been learning to read for almost a year now, does so with some difficulty, but at length is able to understand the message. He has to read it again and again in order to understand it, and one phrase in particular jumps at him every time: "our era in Oren ends with this day." That word, Oren, had meant to him the whole world once. He had always been raised a loyal subject of that country, whilst he had only served Jazloviecki a couple of years. Oren was dissolved, and with it every civil institution he had been taught to reverence. And Jazloviecki had taken him in with great kindness. Only now did the realisation of the depths of the gravity of what was going on hit him. But he stiffened his resolve. He said he would follow his liege wherever he went, and he would. And now, a sense of daring and adventure welled up in his young heart. "GRODNO!" He cries.

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Ophelia Jazloviecki read the last message of Grodno "Not a single brick..." She said to her husband.


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4 minutes ago, Myochii said:

Ophelia Jazloviecki read the last message of Grodno "Not a single brick..." She said to her husband.


Otton Jazloviecki would frown. "The bricks from the deconstruction will be used to create something greater."

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Wiktor Jazloviecki grinned. "Operation South is the thing now"

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Sir George Obediah reads the missive, narrowing down his eyes, as he lift his head back up and contemplating "Every end is a new beginning" he said, and couldn't help himself not to chuckle to his own cringy words "What a fuckin' cliche"

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