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In Case You Don’t Live Forever [PK]

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In Case You Don’t Live Foreverl98tudTTZiyOvTmGtC-0ytp1jBE-OJuq-hVlMCjZtb445rPKRhn-ZFP-pIF3AiB6YF4V7j6RVQMJ1RlMakc_tFgelT_nlitY4PdRGmlv67lUgCPnDZTQB3Lr92ZBxGVb7vdPWjbP


Credit to Ben Platt for the song lyricsc MimosaMoi for the art, and (?) for the 2nd art


Madeline d’Azor-Vuiller and Iulius Vernhart before they were wed. 415. E.S / 1862


A woman’s sobs mixed with a child’s cry came from the Hospital of St. Amyas. Within her arms, Madeline Vernhart held her newborn children Erik and Juliana, but that is when the pain began. Juliana cried out loud, but her brother did not. Eight long months had passed and she was blessed with two children, but her darling Erik couldn’t be saved… just like the boy she helped delivered years ago. 


The scent of warm chocolate chips wafted through the home as a pattern of knocks rapped at the door. While her mother stepped away, the little Madeline shoved a handful of the chocolate into her mouth. Diana d’Azor returned with a guest, the blonde chewed the chocolate goo before she was asked to speak. “Meet Rev Vuiller, dear.”


Weaker, she grew and soon enough Madeline found it to be a struggle to go up stairs. She did everything she knew she could to treat herself. Coltsfoot, cough syrup, grobsnopper, atheros tea, bitter reed, the list could go on and on… but nothing healed the woman completely. She knew it was pneumonia. Madeline treated it time and time again for her patients, so why couldn’t she treat this one?


Thud. She had made eye contact with him ever so briefly as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, but his feet slipped and there he was. A brown-haired blue-eyed man fell head first right into the cement. The woman quickly got to work tending to his wounds. 


Finally, the Vernhart mother reached the top of the steps of Balian only to find the world go black. She fell to her knees and her body wracked with each violent cough. Blood stained the handkerchief held to her lips. Johanna’s eyes widened as she watched her mother slip into this state - the child ran into the city, crying for help. It was the last time Madeline would see her mother and father…. But was it worth the procedure to lengthen her life? Perhaps. It never did cure it. 


Madeline’s cheeks turned red as she brought the book in front of her face, her eyes peeking out from over the edge. Those sheepish yet sweet eyes watched him nervously. “Only if it’s not too much trouble. I don’t even know if this is still done today, but I thought if I shall be a Haenseni woman, I’d like this.” Her voice was soft in her timidness. “I won’t ask for a gift ever again, Iulius. I promise.”


Bruises. Shades of black, blue, and purple layered her pale skin where needles had been stuck into her side. She was always sore. Movement, coughing, laying down. Just to breathe brought her pain. No amount of blissfoil would soothe her. 


Candlelight illuminated the faces of the couple that stood at the church’s altar. A priest held his hand over the man and woman dressed in their common clothes. Her cheeks hurt from smiling, but Madeline couldn’t help it. “I do” She promised, and so did he. In the dead of night, they were wed. Their only witness was the Koenas Emma and God


“Yam going to die, Clara.” Madeline rasped as she held onto her daughter’s hand with her own. Hands trembled, clammy and cold to the touch. The youth had left her eyes as she looked to her only child that looked like her. “Yam afraid, Clara… Ea will niet see vy get married. What about Felyx Colborn? Vy two were so close.”


Her childhood home. Old Vuillermoz and its vineyard, but both were long gone and dead now. The gazebo that overlooked the river where Rivia had been built across the way remained despite the war that had both destroyed her home and brought her to her husband. Iulius moved his hand to the back of Madeline’s head, making sure that she was pulled into his chest. His cheek rested on the top of her skull, shushing softly as her tears began to soak his shirt. They were close to the end. There was this feeling, and while they were both ready to keep loving each other, the tension of death seemed to loom over them. They were both tired, both sick, both older. But Iulius still gripped onto her, not letting her leave him. Madeline held onto tight to her husband, she couldn’t leave him. 




“We, we’ve only got so much time

I’m pretty sure it would kill me 

If you didn’t know the pieces of me are pieces of you”


“In case you don’t live forever, let me tell you now

I love you more than you’ll ever wrap your head around

In case you don’t live forever, let me tell you the truth

I’m everything that I am because of you”


Madeline cracked a smile to her husband, bringing his hand to her lips to place a gentle kiss onto the aged skin. Afterwards, she looked up at him and laid her head back on the pillow. The sound that filled the house for years remained ever-present. A weighted, heavy breathing, but now there was a wet, crackling sound with every breath she took. 


“It am time…. Isn’t it?...” He said, his eyes moving from the fireplace to his wife. 


There was a silence from Madeline, words beyond words spoken. Her hands, cold to touch and blue at her fingertips, held the tightest they could onto his hands. Those brown eyes that had been so full of life had grown glossy and dull. And yet, they looked upon Iulius with adoring love. Cracked lips parted, her Orenian accent taking the place of the New Marian one she had adopted years ago. “I’ve waited a long time for this… but you are what keeps me here.”


“Vy have waited so diligently…” He watched her closely. “But Ea do niet want to keep vy here any longer, mea love…” Iulius said weakly, the first tear streaming down his face.


Madeline’s eyes never left her husband’s as she swallowed the lump in her throat. “There is a little bit of me in each of our children, Iuli. Love them as you have loved me… even when they frustrate you. I am with them… and when they are with you, I am with you.” Years of age and illness had destroyed Madeline’s body, but she gathered her strength and pulled herself up to hug her husband tight. Her own tears spilled, soaking his shoulder as a choked sob came from the woman. “Ea love vy.”


“I love you.” The aged man replied, pulling his wife close to him. He buried his head into her shoulder as his tears flowed freely, but he held her as her body shook. 


For a woman who didn’t cry much, she was like a child in his arms. With each sob, her body shook... but she allowed herself to hurt. She coughed violently into a handkerchief. It was stained with blood and a frothy foam. Puffy red eyes looked at her husband as she laid back in the indent in the couch that housed her body for a decade. “Come here, Iulius, love.”


Iulius leaned over his wife and wrapped her into his arms. She was trembling, shivering as her weak body only felt cold. He recalled all the nights the Vernharts struggled to keep their mother Vernhart warm. 


Madeline sighed soft as his warmth was shared with her. The blonde, whose hair had begun to streak with silvery greys, smiled lovingly to her husband as she continued. “I couldn’t… have asked for a better husband.” Her hands gently touched Iulius’ cheek, a thumb wiping away some of his tears that trailed down his cheek. Her breathing crackled louder. She struggled to breathe, but she persevered. “Spasiba… for giving me a life I loved.” Madeline’s lips twinged into a weak smile as she wiped at her own tears, but never breaking their gaze. 


“Ea will always love vy.” He whispered, giving her a kiss upon her lips. He sat up, never breaking his gaze away from his wife. 


The Eagle of silver and grey gently guided its flight through the windowsill, perching upon the table where her head bowed. It almost felt as if Tulipan was weeping for her master. After all, she had watched and protected the d’Azor-Vuiller-Vernhart her entire life.


Finally, the bird perched on the back of the couch, just beside where Madeline rested. 


Licking her dry lips, Madeline smiled to her faithful companion and looked to her husband, squeezing his hand weakly. Her eyes began to gloss over and she grew weaker by the hour. Finally, she whispered, “May I rest?”


“Rest, my love”


With a  light nod, the blonde let out a shaky breath, three quiet words trickled from her lips. Her eyes would droop until she slept. That sound, one that shook the soul, continued for hours and grew louder until it sounded like a choked snore.


Soon after Madeline’s death’s rattle fell silent. No longer did she breathe. 


Forever she was free of the very thing that brought her pain. 


The oldest Vernhart would watch as life was dulled from his wife’s eyes and her aged smile left her face. The love of his life.  He couldn’t stop the tears from falling down his face as his head dipped. He choked out sobs. Coughing, his body shook and quivered. 


There were only 3 three letters written, lined perfectly on the 

table and prepared long before Madeline’s death. 

They would be send out upon her passing. 


Diana, Rev, and Ledicourt Vuiller


Mom, Papa, I miss you all so much. Thank you for giving me a good childhood and for giving me a family that I didn’t have when I was younger. I know I was a handful, but I do not regret a single thing I have done. I have never been happier. 


Luddy, you were the only brother I really ever knew. I had many elder siblings, but you were the one I spent the most time with. I know I wasn’t around often, but I hope I was a good big sister to you.



I love you all. Thank you for letting me go.





Your Maddie



Johanne and Juliana Vernhart


My two girls who I couldn’t give last words to, 


Thank you for caring for me each and every day. Without you, that couch would have been quite lonesome. I have watched you grow into the beautiful young ladies you are now. 



Johanne, you have never been shy. So full of curiosity and life, you remind me of myself when I was your age. Don’t let that part of you die. Keep being curious, keep being the kind little girl I know you are. 



Juliana, you are quiet. You are very much like me now. Do not let your silence be mistaken for weakness. Continue to love God and pray to Saint Harald. He can hear you, you know. 



I am so proud of you girls and I love you dearly. Take good care of your father, please. 







Adrian Colborn


My dear friend Adrian, 


Verily, I thank you for taking on this project. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be done. Ideally, I would give you the directions myself. Look where is Lost. Everything will be Right there. My great-grandfather was seen here long ago. Often, Iulius and I went there to pray. Zestful, we were then. 


May Saint Harald guide you.





Good LORD.

Thank you to everyone who was apart of Madeline's story. She was my third persona on LOTC and she's been lots of fun to play. Big thank you to Anna and Harald for letting me play your kid. Thank you to Alamo who made me attached to this damn character by falling off  roof. Your rolling sucks. Thank you to Fawny, Raijen, and Irene. Thank you CopOwl, Livrose, and mars my favorite Haense medics who gave me a chance. Thank you Xarkly and CaptChief for accepting Madeline into Haense during the war and not killing her. Definitely sweated a lot about that HAHAH. Also thank you to Aehkaj for being my mentor. Thank you to Madeline's siblings Charming, Ari, cyrilen, CJ, MeteorDragon, and HighFire. 


If I didn't get to you, I thank you too. This character, despite played so little meant a lot to me. Thank you. 


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Iulius Vernhart gripped onto his daughter, Juliana, rubbng her back in small circles as the two of them watched the motionless body which laid upon the cot. He stood silent, the drying tears leaving a dark stain upon his cheek. His eyes were red and puffy. He opened his mouth to speak, but he has naught the strength to say anything. So he simply thought. "And so goes another, this one, more dear to me than any." His thoughts however were interrupted by the sounds of heels clicking, someone entering the clinic. He turned to see who it was, his face numb- he felt near to death. Was this is what it felt like to lose someone who you loved? Apparently it was.

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Jakob Vernhart sat on his chair in front of his table. his head resting on his hand, grabbing his hair tightly. The loud boy who used to jump around and try make friends grew to be a distant, cold, and calculated man. But his heart was still with his parents. He was mad at the world but never at them, he knew they were not at fault.

He never showed weakness, he never wavered, but when he heard of his parents' illnesses. Only then... only then his cold poker face and brief calculated smiles broke, only then he really felt shaken. He knew his mother's situation, but he also knew he could not handle it. And it scared him. He distanced himself further, doing his best to not react when she spoke to him and tried to prepare him. He gave short answers brushing it off. Was it a mistake?

Regret took over him. Should he have spoken to her more? Was he supposed to let her know how he really feels?

Looking back, one part of his heart told him he should, but the other was too scared to show his real emotions. It has been so long since he last did...

'What am I even supposed to do now?' He asked himself, finally lifting his head. He looked to the ceilings left only with questions, confusion, and regret.

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Godric Adrian Colborn met Madeline in the seven skies. He dabbed her up with a smile. No words needed to be shared between them, since, after all, their first meeting was between a pen and paper.

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A man would catch wind of the news, another death in the Vuiller household. Though, he did not cry, he did not weep. Simply, he took a sip of a pleasant bottle of red wine before speaking to himself. "All et takes es one spark ta burn the nest. Et es a shame the fire started, per'aps soon, the water will come." He went back to sipping on his wine, fingers drumming against the redwood cane that lie across his lap.

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The now middle-aged Hyspian sat on the second floor of the clinic.. Her head laid against her arm which sat flat on the table. Through blurry eyes, she stared at the well-kept Rose that posed as a centerpiece. She did not know Madeline very well, so why was she crying so hard? 

Lucia realized then that her hot face caused for the trail of tears to sit tacky against her cheeks, the drops gathering as a single damp spot on her sleeve. Why was she crying? She did not do this often, not anymore. Was it because Madeline had a husband she was leaving? Or children? Was it because she lost a well-trained physician? Was it because Madeline held her hand when the Vuiller came in for a Lung Drainage? Was it because she wasn't cared of the inevitable? Was it the fear in her daughter's face?

Madeline died, leaving behind a life that mirrored one Lucia wanted all her life. Children, a husband- She was well loved, and well respected. Lucia couldn't imagine the pain her family must have felt at that moment. With her strength, she stood up and moved around the clinic and it's gardens, returning to the table with a potted white Orchid that would sit next to the Darkwood's symbolic rose.

With that, the Rutledge would head home, tears still falling as she made her way. She passed the large birds as she entered the house and moved to sit on the couch with a particular Barrow. No words were said after, but she cried in his arms and planned her missive then. 



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Laurelie hearing the news, didn't know what to make it. She remembered this one, all be it barely. It felt strange to feel so... estranged from her blood family. 

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Ser Reinhardt Barclay says a prayer for fallen friend, and lit a candle in her honor 

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Joseph Beckett would remember Madeline from the time in Old Providence, many years ago. He would remember the young energetic girl under his captain Vladrick swearing to become a knight and strong soldier. Only to disappear one day, like so many others. He would remember meeting her again in New Providence many years later to learn her fate. The old man would feel sad, but couldn't cry for her death, for he barely knew her after so many years. The aged man would simply sit on the walls of Balian, staring into the desert as he remembered the days of his youth and the meetings he had with Madeline.

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Clara had rushed to Haense fast as her horse could take her, arriving to the familiar home and finding no one there a fear swept over her "I am to late" she frown as she left quickly and soon finds her younger sister, after getting the news of her mother's death she falls silent "L-lets least pay respects to the pontiff" the two then head off to the funeral.


Later when she was back home in Balian she falls to her knees, she didn't feel to well not to a sickness but to a pregnacy. Falling to the floor and crying "I am sorry mamej" was all she could mutter over and over as she curled up remembering the talk they had "I talked to Felyx and Adrian all went well seeing as you saw me get married to Apollyon" she sniffled  "I am sorry I was going to run for senate just because I was angry at you, I am a terrible daughter. I love you" she lays there on the floor, soon she slowly drifted to sleep dreaming of all in her life, from the moment Clara was dancing when she was five and calling strawberries "Sturberries" to wondering how her mother knew of the heartache she went through when her first crush, who was not Felyx started to ghost her, and now she is married to someone she loved truly

Edited by Fawnytheturtle
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Emma Karenina added sweet Madeline to her prayers that night. She knelt at the side of her bed, eyes glued shut, as the aged woman recalled the many months aiding her and Iulius’ engagement, the happy years that had followed. Iulius, whom she considered a son, Emma worried for - and resolved to visit him and the children soon. 

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One of the last true d’Azors, Diana d’Azor, laid in her own hospital bed, away from the rest. She let her tears run down her face, yet she did nothing but lay on the bed she had prepared for herself. She was to tired to continue with everything, and now the lost of another child… yet this one she bore herself….


“In another lifetime, I would of been a better Mother my dear…. I tried to be better than my own, yet here I am… Lying down on my own bed to rest finally with you soon…”

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6 hours ago, PrettyCuteAnna said:

One of the last true d’Azors, Diana d’Azor, laid in her own hospital bed, away from the rest. She let her tears run down her face, yet she did nothing but lay on the bed she had prepared for herself. She was to tired to continue with everything, and now the lost of another child… yet this one she bore herself….


“In another lifetime, I would of been a better Mother my dear…. I tried to be better than my own, yet here I am… Lying down on my own bed to rest finally with you soon…”

Tick-tok, tick-tok.. Rev Vuillers eyes would be kept upon the clock while he sat next to his wife, keeping his hand at her side brushing over arm.. the aged count and grown old and colder after the loss of two of his children, yet now they had lost their little girl.. their little Madeline..  he pondered to himself wondering where he had failed, somehow not being able to shake the feeling of being to blame for the death of three of his children.


his hues turned from the clock towards his wife a heavy breath being taken by the aging man soon my love.. soon we shall rest as well with our children… to see them again, to see our fathers and mothers, our own siblings.. but know one thing Diana, if I could have lived my life by your side again I would do it a million times over” he kept his kind smile as he looked to her. Some how no matter what occurred she was the one person who would bring a smile to his face and light that spark within his tired green eyes..

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