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A Decade's Reflection: AndrewTech's 10 Year Message & AMA


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Two questions.


1. Who is this grnappa kid I keep hearing about and what is your earliest memory of him?


2. Knowing what you know now, how would you do things differently if you were a Pink Tag again?


3. This isn't a question, but renew your subscription at Gold's Gym. @Ark needs the money to buy more Golden Crow Golden Oats™

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18 hours ago, KILL_MAPS said:

ur a cool dude & so it's wild that i can't think of a single time that i've noticed you until now, i'm guessing we're involved in entirely different playerbases but usually staring at tab every now and then at least has me going "yo ive seen that dude somewhere" when i spot em on forums


i got two questions big dog


favourite song(s) rn


if you were going to write a lore piece of any sort, what would it be? (vague idea, world/magic/alchemy lore, etc)


I usually play on my alternate account Dixie_Serenade these days, which I mostly play around the human player bases. My main account is AndrewTech, though I use both!



1.) I've always liked Boston's "Peace of Mind" and Coldplay's "Viva la Vida". I usually like to judge a band by the quantity and quality of the songs it puts out, rather than by their brand. I'm also a huge fan of most 70s, 80s, and 90s classics!


2.) Well, I was an ST for a while so I've had a lot of experience working around lore and the lore reviewing process. This is a controversial opinion perhaps, but I'd say that I'd probably propose a means of allowing non-elvish voidal mages to lengthen their lifespans.


Almost all voidal users are elves because nobody wants to go through the trouble of learning it again. I think that would do a lot to help spread magic to humanity, as the most powerful magic users within those communities wouldn't have to PK their characters so early. As humanity's one of the only player bases where voidal magic isn't outright banned or shunned (except by Owynism IRPly), I think this would be really good for spreading the lore as a whole.


17 hours ago, grnappa said:

Two questions.


1. Who is this grnappa kid I keep hearing about and what is your earliest memory of him?


2. Knowing what you know now, how would you do things differently if you were a Pink Tag again?


3. This isn't a question, but renew your subscription at Gold's Gym. @Ark needs the money to buy more Golden Crow Golden Oats2122.png


1.) My earliest memory of the great grnappa was when I was a poor, headache ridden NL trying to fight off 75% of the server. I remember him coming back with Eddywilson2 to help my nation, and I also remember him being one of the most cutthroat and loyal fighters I had back then. Love that guy. :*)


2.) I was never a pink tag. But if I were a green tag, I wouldn't change a think. Maybe have written more lore, done more reviews, thrown more events, but my time is limited and I sadly could not keep up. But hey, I think I retired at a good time. Maybe I'll do staff again if I ever get insanely bored and / or want to put myself through excruciating mental pain.


3.) Please don't try to sell me on that Deluxe package again.....

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Shame we couldn't work more together before the brothers war.

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5 hours ago, Buffsanta said:

Shame we couldn't work more together before the brothers war.


Yeah, I really enjoyed your attitude toward LotC and thought you were a good guy. I was very much looking forward to working with you toward building up the Imperial Legion after we obtained peace. Oh well, maybe we'll interact someday in the future!

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Do you think there are any rule changes that could improve the state of the server, or would improvement have to come from the community itself?



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19 hours ago, Wholesome_Thomas said:

Do you think there are any rule changes that could improve the state of the server, or would improvement have to come from the community itself?




The changes will have to come from the leaderships of the server's largest nations, and from the player bases themselves. Less VCs, interesting interactions between different compelling groups, dyanmic event lines and encounters to supplement player interactions, more spontaneous interactions and intriguing storylines, etc.


But it all starts with just playing on the server and getting out of your comfort zone, setting aside distractions and really delving into your characters deeply. From that, everyone else will come. And I think there also has to be otherwordly threats to nations and settlements like in Aegis (1.0) that could wipe a place out so there's extra stuff out there driving the server aside from mundane political conflicts.


Also, independent guilds help these outcomes to materialize as well. And again, I think the Lectors of Owyn are an excellent example of how we can still return to the old days of dynamic roleplay even in a post-discord landscape.

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