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A Harsh Return from the Cold


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"GIVE ALARIC ANOTHER CHANCE! LET HIM BECOME GRAND KING!" Screamed a Glodite fanatic from mountains of the Grand Kingdom.

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"You know this wouldn't be happening if we had Alaric's railroads." a masked Glodite fanatic would tell anyone he'd cross paths with on the tavern.

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A golem marches forth from the temple, and nails to the bulletin board a public reply to Ulfric’s letter.





The fate of Urguan has likewise weighed heavy on my mind, and I have been struck with dreams regarding the fate of our kingdom for many nights. It is evident that such concerns are brewing among many dwarves, as countless have spoken their discontent to me in confidence. As is my obligation before Khaz’A’Dentrumm, I offer the wisdom of the Rhun and its maker to the history of our ailment.


In years before our own, the first Under Kingdom of Urguan was a bastion of power and tradition in the old realm. With the guidance of the Brathmordakin and our progenitors, dwarven industry and prosperity was unmatched. Despite the glory of the Stone Age, an evil haunted the hallowed halls of our ancestors. Khorvad, still wore his disguise as honored patron under the World-Maker Yemekar, and began to forge schemes for his greatest atrocity to come- the Great Collapse.


Khorvad could not so easily undo the foundations of the divine dynasty, for the stone of dwarven society was stalwart and resisted his machinations. To this end, Khorvad elected not to wage open war against the sacred Brathmordakin but rather brewed a most-vile curse to weather down the honor of Urguan from within; Tagum.


Best translated in common to Stark Raving Madness, Khorvad’s curse of insanity on the forged soul would corrupt it subtly so that it would lose sight of the Rhun, whether knowingly or in ignorance, and seek out instead pride and ambition. It did not lead to one foul act but thousands, and this curse began to spread throughout the Under Kingdom in the eve of the Stone Age. Through the Golden Age it swelled in the wealth of trade, and in the Iron Age it began to manifest as monarchs became more militant and prideful, forgetting the humility before Khaz’A’Dentrumm. The Silverbeard Dynasty would end in the disaster of weak rulers seeking to be strong, only to be usurped by far stronger and far fouler folk; Velkan Ironborn.


Sons and Daughters of Urguan, I have served the Fourth Grand Kingdom and that Under-Realm which preceded it for far over a century, with sabbaticals far and few between. To both my predecessors and successors I was a chief advisor, and have fathered many of Urguan’s greatest changes. My peers are humbled before me, and I before the gods, who have blessed me throughout my years with a graying beard and wise eyes. This prophetic gaze I cast upon Kal’Darakaan, and I read the cracked stone of our pillars for their hidden meaning.


The stone of the mountain is smote, and crumbles under the weight of madness.


If we wish to retain the glory of Urguan our ancestors built, we must make radical change before their legacy is tarnished. The Fourth Grand Kingdom is on a march towards its doom, spurred on by the violence and decadence of tagum, the very same that began the Age of Blood. For all the kinslaying and madness that haunts Kal’Darakaan, it is nothing compared to the calamity to come if we do not change course. We must put the traditions of the Brathmordakin before personal ambitions, and make our primary goals as a culture the development of our industry, the veneration of our patrons and the enduring campaign against Khorvad and his enemies.


For all talk of politics and reform, I offer this reminder to my kinsfolk. The Senate and even the monarchy exists as a means to an end; the truest efforts of the dwarves must be found in the folk, not the schemes of ambitious bureaucrats. The Workforce shall not abide these debates, and will make efforts for the honoring of Yemekar and his pantheon regardless of the state of political affairs, as it has in the past.

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The Grand Chancellor, Agnar Grandaxe, rubs his beard upon reading the missive.

"Well.. this should be interesting and I wonder what sort of response the Grand King will make."

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The Ghost of Sir Duncan Vuiller would wonder if the old Grand King still had 'DUNCAN' branded into his face. The fleeting thought would pass quickly as he goes to plan some ghostly activities.

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Gror Ireheart packed his things after receiving a letter from his nephew “Was only a matter of time I suppose.” He said to himself as he ventured back to his homeland, axe in hand.

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Rhaezaiil dipped a quill into a jar of ink and began to pen a response, but his mind clashed within itself.  He failed to impart anything meaningful upon the parchment and crumple after crumple he would try and try again.  The dark dwarf furiously flipped the desk and began to pace back and forth within his quarters.  “Harken me blood o’ my blood.  A storm is brewing.”  The lord beard murmured to himself as he sundered himself to the stone beneath his boots.  Picking up where he left off he began to jot and scribble multiple letters upon the floor.  Like a mad dog he growled and barked at himself whilst sealing each scrolled parchment with the Dorkadrelian Sigil.  A wearisome sigh left him as he sent each and every one within the clawed grasp of Doomforged ravens.  “Now…. To find the King.”  

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Sigrun Ireheart shakes his head. "Change es needed."

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Ursus Grandaxe would sit idle in his room, reading through the letter again and again, slowly shaking his head "Problem beh en foindin' tae roig't leader, but te qualitehs beh rarer 'nd rarer t'ese days.He sighs and stands up, moving towards the forges "W'oevah or w'otevah well come frum t'es message, oi bettab beh readeh."

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Bromdor Goldhand shrugs as he reads the lengthy message. "Oi dinnae knuw anehfin' 'boot politics. Oi'll let t'oseh otah dweds figureh et oot. Oi will go alon' wif w'at t'ey plan if oi aught et roight." 

Edited by Scatmanpro
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A Doomforged read the missive, somewhat of a smile curling around his ash lips.

"And here I rest, and here I break my slumber. . to find a dwarf to speak up so now the 'truth lurks at the break of the mountain. Wonderful ! How Splendid !

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Grimdal Irongut would send over his gnome assistant to make a copy of both missives. "Both 'o t'em put dah way many dwedmar feel on paper. Ah'm glad, et's t'ese missives t'at'll become dah catalyst 'o change. Ah 'ope, 'n ah believe, thanks tah dah optimistic views 'o many, t'at weh can overcome t'es problem." he told a Beardling who wondered what he had done to deserve this monologue. 

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As Axel Ireheart is sitting in the Dancing Dreek tavern within the walls of Axholm, he receives word of the letter sent around by the former failed Grand King, Ulfric Frostbeard.


"What a damned fool. Any dwarf who styles themselves 'Grand King Emeritus' or uses their ancestors name to try and make their claims seem more impactful and trustworthy is a big-headed swine. Ulfric has no feats of his own to claim, his reign was that of inactivity, stagnation and fool-hardy decisions. Ulfric forgets that without Bakir, we would have lost the war against the former Empire of Oren, and those plentiful lands that he claims are wasted, we would not even control to begin with. Ulfric forgets that it was he who did an excellent job in losing our Blackvale and Ferrymen allies, ensuring we lost all the ground we had in a war he claimed sole glory for. By the end of his reign, our coffers ran dry, our streets were empty, and our glorious nation was but a former shadow of itself. He will go down as one of the worst Grand Kings in our proud nations long history, yet his legacy was saved by Bakir's ability to turn Urguan's fortunes around by winning the war against Oren, dismantling the Empire of our most ancient foe, and restoring Urguan to one of the worlds most powerful nations. We were well within our right to campaign for Ulfric's removal, yet we did not, and allowed him to resign peacefully, even when he had lead Urguan into ruin. Now after he returns from his self-imposed exile, he claims that Bakir should step down, after all he has achieved and done for our Grand Kingdom. Ulfric has made no attempts to reform anything or radicalize change within Urguan, he only makes baseless claims and demands of our Grand King due to the shame of his own damned failures. I doubt Ulfric has even spoken with Bakir openly about these perceived problems with our nations. Instead he hisses from the shadows, like the snake he is. Had he actually opened a dialogue with our Grand King, perhaps he would have learned something about the future of our nation, and realized this demand was not necessary. Unfortunately, this is what our glorious nation has come to, people choose to scheme and plot in the background, instead of speaking with honour to a dwed's face. I agree that our nation has fell off from it's old days of glory, but not at the fault of our Grand King, but because of cowards and cravens such as Ulfric Frostbeard."

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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