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Elsie claps her hands together with a happy smile after reading the missive "Jaaa, gutte stuff!" she says!

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A certain High Elf sat within his room, reading over the new missive. He perked a brow. "Senior..?" He said aloud, reading it over once more. He remembered a friend of his mentioning his hair getting paler, and now his title holding the name of 'Senior.' He was so focused on this that he completely overlooked anything regarding the Medics.


After all, he was only twenty-three, had only been there for five years. Surely he wouldn't be considered a Senior. Or were they trying to tell him something? Was his face getting wrinkly? His hair turning silver? Did he just look ugly?


A deep breathe sounded within the room, before a feeble sentence came from the young High Elf- "Oh no.. I'm getting old."

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Leon gazes up into the sky, shouting from the top of his lungs "OORAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

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*Imaza Halforde reads the notice, a satisfied smile on her face, before doing a goofy little salute in the comfort of her own home, with only the presence of her children and husband*

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