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Addressing Jindle Banditry

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Addressing Jindle Banditry



On the Contract

The previous contract, tilted Pact of Scorpion and Jindle, was terminated 3 cactus days ago by Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal following a string of raids done in the name of the Iron'Uzg. A specific clause of the agreement forbids said action, stating that “The Jindle Company must first request permission from the Rex when targeting specific groups, or Nations, due to the volatile state of the continent - to keep the home nation safe.”


All clauses and terms within the contract are to be terminated, and the Iron’Uzg and Jindle Family are to cut ties.


On the Raids

The Iron’Uzg formally apologizes for the string of raids on Haense, Balian, and Norland, as none of the mentioned raids were solicited by either the Rex or the Targoth of the Horde. The contract specifically granted the freedom to road banditing only, and this clause was abused by the Jindle family by raiding multiple cities during their family outings.


Any questions regarding the missive may be directed to either Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal or Targoth Sahgorim’Ugluk by bird.


Ar-Borok of Clan Akaal, Rex of the Horde

Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Targoth of the Horde, Commander of the Krug-hai

Ixûla of Clan Akaal, Dominus of the Horde

Al-Uk of Clan Akaal, Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits

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Upon returning from Endyn's most recent excursion, from the bloodied gates of Norland, then he has learned of this missive. He stares long and hard, before thinking to himself "I have disgraced the name of Krug." 

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The Illiterate Grubgoth, upon having his good friend read this missive to him, blinked a few times, before scratching his noggin as he spoke, "Zo wi klomp lezz wib duh bunditoz, daz hozh. Nuw duh udder peepulz gunna truzt mi fizh mur yub."

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The Good Motsham jotted his signature neath the document sighing softly "Diz iz whi wi nub meddul wiff bloodthirzti barbarianz. Haveh plenti ohf ouhr ohwn peepul whu ahm likeh dat, Hyur Hyur.

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