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The Restless Hussar


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A Story from the Grave & Beyond



The Shepherd Knight, rotten and forgotten, never forsaken.






From such a shallow and forgotten grave would rattle the bones of a long forgotten soldier. The rattle heard far beyond into the fields decrepit, void of life - ruin of past nations left to the memories and battles of yore. 

Shrouding such disturbed and upset bones would be a cloak, a cloak of tired and aged colors ready to retire; a cloak of black and yellow, a cloak of a Haeseni warrior. Ravaged metals and plate scattered over the aged and frangible ichor splinters of what was once a man of faculty and vigor, a man wrought of gold and piety - a man known as the Shepherd.


So now where he rests, in pitiful unrest, is no longer suitable for him. He yearns for more, for a second chance; as the spirit of the last Golden Hussar is one of fire, of passion- he could never rest for too long. His spirit, it roams, in agony and suffering, begging for nothing more than sinew and gore, something more to him than what filth he resides lord of in his state. The bones will rattle on, and the Shepherd will remain troubled, awaiting his deliverance to the mortal plane once more. What was a man of Wick ilk, waiting to be brought a chance anew, for he was a creature molded for success and order- such is what he will bring.

But for now the restless Hussar must rest, for his patience will bring him the most righteous of bounties beyond life and death. He knows he was not left behind, so rest is what he will do until the bell tolls, and he is called upon once more.



Thanks to @Rudi for oversight

Thanks to @venclair:) for song



@HurferDurfer1 You bestowed upon me the burden of being the modern Coltaine, I will not let you down. Siegmund will return



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12 minutes ago, VoidandNull said:
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Nice dead body, mind if I grab it?

Could you, you know, atleast take me to dinner first?

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