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A Void Walker’s Call for Protégé


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A Void Walker’s Call for Protégé


A magi’s study.


A letter was spread through the world, each one written in clean, neat handwriting. It seemed as though every letter was written with the utmost care, not a letter upon the page seemed to be even slightly smudged. Each one was sealed with a white wax seal depicting a tree and its roots upon it. Should one open up a letter, it would read:


“Dear Reader,
    Many wish to learn the secrets of the world, of the void, and yet, most do not ever learn these secrets.  I, a holder of knowledge far beyond most, am willing to share this Voidal knowhow, but only to one. Who I seek is someone who truly wishes to use the Void in specific ways, one who holds little to no knowledge on the Void, and one who has not yet experienced what many call a connection. The one who is most fit will become my Protégé, but not without trial against peers. Should you hold the strengths of mind to be willing to seek being my student, send a letter back to me telling me why you wish to learn. Provide me details as to why I should allow you to be given a chance. To make sure you’ve read, also include a reference to oranges. I will always find your responses. I shall look forward to testing you, future scholars.
    Until then,
    Sulieronn “Void Walker” Ashwood-Uialben”


I did not steal this from Jax I did not steal this from Jax I did not steal this from Jax 

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New drinking game.
1. Take a shot everytime Meteor steals something from Jax.
2. Don't drink the entire night.

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Dear Void Walker,


As one who has walked beside many a mage as their close quarters protecter I've seen much yet understand it at the bare minimum. Even holding upon voidal rings for a time I still know nothing of the void as a whole and wish to undergo study in such. Aswell as one who's been cast aside many a time like the peels of an orange, I find it time that I may put down my sword and try for something more.


I'm sure you've seen many things as have myself, so I do hope you consider me in your mind even for but a moment.


- Sincerely, Aeonn

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Dear Void Walker


As much as i have eaten an orange i have learnt about the void. I wish to learn the secrets that this world beholds. And The void is one of those many things i wish to uncover and which your teaching if you so accept me i would love to go down this path with you. 

- Kaelyn of C'nor

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[!] A letter written in spiky and scrawled writing was written, though still readable. The signature at the bottom seemed to glow faintly, inked in pink. 


For one that doesn't like citrus, oranges do seem to be of special importance to you. I hope to learn translocation, as your title "Void walker" seems to hint at. As for why, my mother was turned into a voidal horror. I seek knowledge and experience on the void in the hopes I may speak with her again. There is no way you might benefit from teaching me, other than a free hired hand from time to time and my amazing personality. But should you have an idea of other ways I can repay you, I am open to ideas. 


- Scrisa 

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[!] The letter's script would start off neat and organized, but, as it progressed, it would begin to become more sloppy, hinting at the fervor with which the words were written. 


Dear Void Walker,


Progress. Progress is why I wish to learn of the void's secrets. I know little of this other realm, but I know two things for certain. First, that it is dangerous. Second, that it is one of the greatest sources of energy in the world. But what has been done with this, I ask you? What great works have been wrought, what unending might has been unleashed? There are exceptions, but they are few and far between. I wish to change that. I wish to end the plague of paltry mages that tap into a realm whose power eclipses gods and are content with mere parlor tricks! 


We must not settle for the fruit that falls to ground, bruised and eaten by pests. We must reach, reach into the highest boughs of the tree and seize the ripest oranges for ourselves. Is this not the only way forward? I realize that I am likely blinded by youth and ignorance, but is it not better to perish in failure than live in mediocrity? Better to be the boy who flew too close to the sun than the boy who never flew. I promise you this, Void Walker, take me as your pupil and I will not stray from this sacred duty. I will not stray from the work that all magi must do, from the great future that they must build. It is waiting for us.


Much love,

Celebrimbor Venleth

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[!] A letter with a wax seal of a snake surrounding a crystal ball with lilac flowers would be sent back, hopefully making it to the user. The letter read in aurum-looking ink upon purple paper.


Dear Distant Llir,


I have been away far too long focusing on my own endeavors, I hope to tell you all about it within that location. Perhaps we can enjoy it over a bowl of oranges. But it brings a smile on my face that you welcome a Protégé once more as I've been trying to pick your mind for decades. You inspired me greatly with my current and future students but I seek to see this current perspective of yours. I feel too far away from the knowledge you hold therefore I seek. And even if I'm not granted the honor, I will continue to seek it. I may not offer much, like always, other than my loyalty and my own perspective. If allowed I would also like to teach more of such to my most worthy members. Keeping it all in the sphere of course.



The Wanderess




[!] The same symbol from the wax seal would be stamp once more with aurum-looking ink next to the signature.

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[!] A letter would arrive, delivered by an young woman. 

To you who go by the moniker of the Void Walker. I must confess, my interest in the voidal arts has always been something quite large. Years used of reading regarding the knowledge that seems at times impossible of finding a teacher for. As my hair will in time grow pearly white from the orange color it once carried. so will my mind become bitter if I never find the truths of these voidal arts. For centuries it has been shunned upon by us mortals, seen as a heathenes and destructive force against the teachings of God. Yet, would one not be able to do good with these gifts? To aid not only the pagan world but also that of the Canonist Princes? This is why i wish to learn, to write the wrong of judgements against the users of the voidal arts. 


With kind regards and the blessing of the Exalted.


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He did not steal this from me he said so- love u meteor


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