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The Waystones - Markers of the World

Ibn Khaldun

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"Lofty, stately, and weighty the waystones stand"



A meaningful deed encouraged in the Cingedoz tradition is the raising of Waystones, often referred to as klukarunjoz (runestones). These waystones are intended to be lasting testimonies of deeds or knowledge gained by members of this Highlander tribe. Contrary to other northern folks who may distinguish their own dolmens, menhirs, or standing stones as pagan idols or burial tombs; the waystones of the Cingedoz are solely instructive or descriptive of mighty works done by men and women or a repository of knowledge by which others may turn to to learn.


Those waystones erected to commemorate heroic and important deeds are often raised in the vicinity of where the deed took place, be it a battlefield, outside a town's walls, or any relatively flat space of terrain. Waystones dedicated to a corpus of knowledge are typically placed more freely and the Cingedoz only need to be able to transport the hewn length of limestone or soapstone either by horse-drawn wain or vessel upon waterway. It is also common, though not considered a traditional obligation, to nap away and sand a hole in the waystone and orient it in such a way that sun or moonlight can pour forth in beams. To the childish or superstitious, the motes of dust lit by sunlight pouring through the waystone are mistaken to be faeries dancing through the air.


Composed below are a recorded list of known raised waystones with a brief description. Those outside of the Cingedoz tradition are welcome to visit, read preserved knowledge, & learn of the deeds that have kept the tribe alive & good virtues in practice.




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"We crossed the Rathonian Mountains to the village of Dunrath of Norland,"

"erecting an earthen-wall for the Sutherlainns in exchange for settlement"


This runestone commemorates the migration of the Cingedoz to the Jarldom of Dunrath in the 60s Second Age during the interregnum period at the Daelish Isles between the rule of the Douglas Clan and the Ap Fawr Clan. The Dunrathi, in honoring the Cingedoz contribution to their western defenses facing the Rathonian Mountains and to the common infrastructure, maintain and keep the runestone outside the town walls.



Dunrath was a relaxing place!@MNT_Plovdiv @Myrthe @Soesel19


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"I emancipated Quentin Brae, Lord of Du Loc, from Man-Maker's ritual"

"and stand ever present on the hills of Ferremore in heroic vigil"


This runestone pays tribute to the adventurous quest of Bodbmakos hal'Cingedoz in the town of Du Loc. They freed the Lord of the town, Quentin Brae, from eldritch magicks rendered by the Man-Maker. With the aid of Abraham the Wizard, Rex Gill'Riik, and the Lectors; this glorious party defeated Man-Ender and arrested Man-Maker in the aftermath of Brae's emancipation.

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"God alone exists beyond all time and all space"

"No partners has God whether above, with, or below his place"


This waystone dictates the traditional primitive monotheism that constructs the Cingedoz's understanding with the universe. This particular slab of limestone contains a hewn pocket where a small tome is tucked away exploring the creedal contentions of the tribe as well as a rock-cut sconce holding a famed karnyx warhorn.

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"We first recollected on that Daelish spit of islands"

"We gathered among distant cousins, but closest friends"


These runestones form a circle on a crag opposite the Vistulian Isles (once known as the Daelish Isles) above a bay in the eastern shores of Old Savoy. These runestones mark the meeting place between Gaisorix of the Cingedoz tribe and the Douglas twins of Old Daeland in which the Cingedoz agreed to settle the isles alongside the Daelish. Through treachery on the part of the Savoyard Crown and the population dwindling from the inhospitable environs, the Cingedoz would migrate to Dunrath for a few decades during the interregnum of the Douglas rule and the Ap Fawr rule (who would eventually be supplanted by the Radaghasts of Vistulia). Only one runestone circle exists at any given time and is designated the gathering place for thingoz (assemblies).

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"These towns once flowered under the Savoyard sunlight"

"Mayhaps the sun came too close for they are now in flight"


This runestone stands below the Lady of the Lake, a statue erected by the Rozanians of Old Redclyf, in the lake between Redclyf and the thoroughfare to the Atoll Grove. This runestone is a marker detailing the now-derelict settlements of Hyspia, Redclyf, Chaldees, & Caer Raewynn which once provided resources across an intertwined network of routes which Vistulia once benefited from handsomely.  During the inscription, one Kol Ragnarrsson Mosu requested an addendum mentioning the reason for Redclyf's particular desertion. It is said that Kol, who had intended to commit fratricide, was himself cut down by his brother Bjorn.

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"Elvellyn & Cingedoz embrace each other warmly, full of peace"

"The wondrous race & tribe proclaim shared interest will never cease"


This runestone stands in the southern courtyard of Amaethea, overlooking the quay and port of the Elvellyn city. This runestone indicates a goodly peace between the Cingedoz and the Elvellyn, having been commissioned by Acanthus Daesmon. This particular runestone has an animated bas relief depicting a Cingedoz tribesman and an Elf embracing and shaking hands. The relief appears to be on a loop and has Elvish and Spraekjom inscribed along the surface of limestone.




Courtesy to @AgentofDeath13for the Roleplay and allowing me to place a Runestone in Elvenesse!


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"A new chieftess, a new migration"

"A new runestone circle for assemblies met with ovation"


These runestones stands on an elevated plain overlooking the new village of Danuglas, the new home of the Cingedoz founded by the rix or Chieftess Lurana hal'Cingedoz west of the Arentinian Alps and east of Celia'nor and the Iron'Uzg. These runestones demarcate an assembly-place for the tribe to gather to debate current affairs and matters pertaining to tribe as well as a gathering point for trade caravans and military sortees.




Decking out the new Cingedoz lair with @TN_TURKEY & @Hopeful


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"Aedek abo bardoz slaugiz seldlicoz!"

"Sihafekozyrdi stow binat magjodrenxoz"

"My zeal for the bards works wonders!

We shall have a place for great songs!"


The runestone circle within the confines of the village Danuglas on the western side of the Arentanian Alps are currently being warded by the Bardnemetoi (Revered Bard) Brennus hal'Cingedoz and, with enough time, bardic feats and magicks will be easier to perform within range of the runestone circle. A gathering of Cingedoz witnessed the first of many invocations by Brennus and listened to both his song to ward off stress and of the tales of Bodbmall the Warlock and Boiorix the Bard.

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"Cingedoz ok Reinmarenoz ogbijozoz karantsoz

Sin klukarunjo gīsl twǣm ciallos"

"The Cingedoz and Reinmarens are friends,

This runestone is an agreement between the two"


A wagon groaned beneath the weight and girth of a mined chunk of limestone. The wheels that creaked and croaked with each turn shuttered under the mass. Man and horse worked in unison to coax the wagon along and to its final destination in a small glen just outside of Minitz. Brandt Barclay, Brigodrenx hal'Cingedoz, Lawrence Lane, Markward Orinos, and Odoacer hal'Cingedoz accompanied the laborers with their wagon and helped in the strenuous exercise of tilting the slab of limestone upright and towering nearly level with the town's walls nearby. A carved notch towards the top of the runestone allowed a beam of light to lance across the faces of those gathered as they marveled at the results of their physical efforts.


The labor that came after for Odoacer was one of patience and precision rather than stoutness and strength. He used chisel and mallet to beat away at lettering from the Common language, the Reinmaren and the Cingedoz tongue known as Spraekjom. The chief inscription adorning the runestone read as follows:


"Gather, my people, and heed the words of your wise and pious Chieftain, Brandt of Reinmar. Listen well, my brothers, sons, nation, and relatives - you, Lords of Reinmar in the north, Freimarkic and Savoyard lords in the south, Hirdmen warriors, and all my people. Hearken my words and be still, for they are of great importance. I speak to you all, from the rising of the sun in the east, to the noon of the south, to the setting of the west, and to the midnight of the north. I say to you all, I have made the poor, rich. I have multiplied the few into many. Is there falsehood in my words? The force and strength of my people shall not waver, for they stand firm. As the leader of my province, I pray for their protection, and ask the mighty mountains for mercy and safekeeping. I have made you into more. I have brought prosperity to your land. If the Reinmaric Chieftain rules from the Minitz plains, there shall be no trouble in the country. I have gone on campaigns to the south, to the Atrus desert, almost reaching the sea. I have gone on pilgrimage to the north, to Reinmar, almost reaching the land of glaciers. I have gone to the Iron Gate and beyond, to see all the places from which the Reinmaric can be controlled. And it is from the Rivian plain that I have spoken to the outlanders of the south, who bring us gold, silver, alcohol, and treasures in abundance.


Their words may be sweet and their silks soft, but they are deceivers. They lure people from far-off lands with their honeyed words and silken temptations, and then make them addicted to their ways. They do not allow wise men or brave men to come near, and they corrupt one man, his family, and his clan. The outlanders have deceived the Reinmaren people, leading them to their deaths. They lied about giving bad silk from afar, and good silk if they came close. The unwise followed their words, went close, and perished. Hear this, O Reinmaren people - if you go to these places, you too will die! But if you stay in the land of Rivia, and send your caravans from there, you will be safe. If you remain in the Rivian plains, your line will live forever. O Reinmaric people, heed my words. In order to bring all of the Reinmaric folk together and guide our land, I have written these words on a eternal stone for all to see. The stonemasons of the Cingedoz were commissioned to carve my words, and they have written all that I have said. Read these inscriptions and learn from them, all of you from my Barclay descendants to the farmers. This memorial stone is a testament to my words. This plain is where you must live, O Reinmaren people. Be not deceived, for if you are, you will surely die. Heed these words, for they are the truth, written for all eternity."

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