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Strike the Earth!


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Angr sat atop the peak of a mountain, one of many such in the Urguani mountain range. He had nestled in a cragg slowly working it's way through the cold ice capped summit, snow clinging to his black and unkempt beard which grew ever more mighty as he lived out his years. Behind him, his iconic pig's feet stew bubbled and frothed as it shook the thin tin lid of a cooking pot sat uneven over a campfire. He reads the declaration again and again with much frustration.


"'Ow could yeh du t'es, Norleh? Yeh nae onleh committed dah act of treason, followin' en da footsteps ov da late Torsun, bu' yeh condemned meself ahnd da entireteh ov me clan fer de actions ov ah despicable few."


He'd clutch the paper in his grasp, a rage of betrayal brewing within him.


"Yeh knew our clan es bound tu dah throne by oath, ahn yet en an act ov impatience ahnd lust fer powah, yeh used me entoire famileh as scapegoats and fled reprocussions enstead ov simpleh waiten fer dah next election. 'Ow could yeh condemn meh tu dah loikes ov ah goon?.."


Many hours would pass, and Angr would have departed the peak, his camp dismantled and the fire stamped out. The only thing remaining was a soggy parchment in the snow aside the blackened ashes of a used campfire.

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